Preview Chapter 8: Witness the Firepower

Space-faring adventurers will have new ships at their disposal in Chapter 8! These gunships, loaded with firepower for supporting the Empire, the Rebel Alliance, or those wishing to remain out of the sight of both, are sure to appeal to all pilots.


Blacksun AEG-77 Vigo

The Black Sun's transports became a common sight in both the underworld and legitimate shipping with the advent of Xizor Transport Systems. This particular transport class became well known as lightly defended. Pirates from a variety of bands began picking off the freighters, particularly those smuggling illegal cargo for Black Sun.

Instead of dedicating fighters to escort transports carrying valuable cargo, Black Sun began modifying some of their transports to carry heavy firepower and act as escorts for the rest of the convoys. Named after Black Sun's lieutenants, the Vigo, this once-merchant class vessel has been elevated to the status of "gunship."

This gunship comes equipped with two forward mounted guns, four top mounted turrets, and two bottom mounted turrets. The gunship, originally a transport ship, is still large enough to hold a number of items and passengers inside.

Imperial Assault Gunship

Although this ship might look similar the Lambda-class shuttle at first glance, don't let appearances deceive you. The Galactic Empire uses the Imperial gunship in situations that call for aggressive firepower.

Two forward mounted guns, three forward mounted turrets, in addition to the two turrets on the top and one at the rear of the gunship, pack quite the punch. This combat-ready vessel can seek out and destroy any unsuspecting Rebels in its path.

Rebel Assault Gunship

The gunships employed by the Rebellion are armed to the teeth for occasions when Imperial entanglements cannot be avoided.

The Incom X4 gunship boasts two forward mounted guns, three mounted turrets on the top, and three mounted turrets on the bottom.

Like the gunships employed by neutral factions and Imperials, the Rebel gunship has a spacious interior with more than enough room to stretch your legs. Each gunship consists of multiple levels that can hold a number of items and cargo. Capable of lightspeed, storage, and combat, these gunships can fulfill a variety of needs for pilots and passengers venturing into space.

If you're new to space or a grizzled veteran pilot, these ships have something for everyone. If it's the pure firepower of a gunship you're looking for, or a fully stocked transport taking a journey across the stars, take a spin in the new ships in Chapter 8.


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# Jan 03 2008 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
The IMP ship has no turrets on the bottom. Looks like another rebel GM design to me, just like the default rebel forward base location when you buy a ticket from the IMP Outpost on Talus. Too many things in this game are geared towards helping the rebels, but who are we kidding? They need all the help they can get. The Rebel Alliance........................for those who just can't quite get it together.
capital ships
# Nov 13 2007 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
sweet, when are we going to have capital ships? i want to see a squadran of xwings leaving a capital ship to attack a corvette or something
# Nov 13 2007 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
OMFG i may just have to renew my subscription and start playing my lvl 60 jedi again, only reason i kept playing after NGE nerfed eveything and introduced cookie cutter classes was the space aspect of the game maybe one day the will smarten up and bring back the old system with out the imbalance
# Nov 12 2007 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
I was wondering when they'd do something in space. Seems like nearly every chapter is ground-based. There haven't been any new space missions in ages, not since the Battle of Restuss as I recall.
# Nov 12 2007 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
now I'm looking forward to space again!
# Nov 14 2007 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
284 posts
Are these ships going to require multiple people to fly and use guns like other POB ships? The biggest drawback on the POB ships is the reduction in server population and guilds disappearing.
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