1.52 E

Most of these are Pendragon only: ====================================== Dark Age of Camelot Version 1.52E Test Release Notes Thursday, July 25, 2002 ====================================== NEW THINGS AND BUG FIXES - The /respec command has been fixed (a Pendragon-only problem). Previously, you sometimes "lost" abilities when you respecced, and some spellcasters did not have their spell lines properly remved. All of these problems have been fixed and the /respec command has been re-enabled. - The improper macro icon was being displayed on the quickbar, which resulted in unreadable text being printed on the icon. This has been fixed - it was a Pendragon-only bug. - All emblemized cloaks and shields were displaying as white, with no emblem. This has been fixed - it was a Pendragon-only bug. - Some of the Cleric's spells were being overwritten by a Minstrel spell. This has been fixed. It was a Pendragon-only bug. - The new Blademaster ability Flurry was overwriting Triple Wield. This has been fixed. It was a Pendragon-only bug. - Monster casted mesmerization spells will now correctly trigger the mesmerization immunity timers on players. This means that those monsters in all those encounter areas that you've been avoiding will no longer chain-mez you.


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