Meluan (CoS Mob)  

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City of Steam
Type: Quest NPC

Race: Risen
Zones: Transit Beam, The Vault
Related Quests: Ride the Myth Beam
Template:CoS Mob v. 1.0

S P O I L E R   A L E R T ! ! !
Meluan Chord was the most famous Alchemist of her time. She founded the suburb that is now known as Meluan's Gate. Her husband, a Riven, failed to earn the potion that would have extended his life by another Chronicle. Meluan dove into her research to duplicate the serum but he passed before she was successful. It is said that, in despair, she threw herself from her tower into the bay and to her death. What is certain is that she was never seen again.

S P O I L E R   A L E R T ! ! !
After her disappearance her tower and all of her research was plundered by three men; Sorvan, Tharik and Kalinor. They attempted to use her research to become immortal. The incomplete potion did not extend their lives, but rather doomed them to a form of un-life and they all three became Liches.

S P O I L E R   A L E R T ! ! !
Meluan, however, did not jump into the bay. She attempted to use the Myth Hub to travel to The Vault and became trapped inside the Transit Beam for centuries.

This page last modified 2014-03-27 15:58:07.