Regiment (WAR)  

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A Regiment, also known as a Guild, occasionally also known as a Clan, is an association of players. Technically, a guild needs not be limited to any particular game, but in the context of WAR a Regiment is an in-game group of players fighting under the same flag.

In most games, guilds are afforded a few advantages over non-guilded players, such as a shared chat channel accessible only to members of the guild and the ability to see when other guild members are online. Other things that have been included in other MMOs have been guild housing, guild traders and assorted other options. Exactly which, if any, of these will be available in WAR remains to be seen. The fact that WAR will have some kind of guilds, however, is pretty much a given. Guilds tend to facilitate development of communities and thereby player loyalty in a significant way.

Generally, guilds are organized in a hierarchical structure, with one person acting as guild leader, a small group of guild officers and a larger number of guild members.

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Guilds tend to facilitate development of communities and thereby improve a players involvement in the game. Guilds will be an integral part of WAR, affording players distinct bonuses and encouraging them to form social relationships with other players. Guilds will have access to several exclusive features that will mostly help them co-ordinate their in-game actions:

  • Profile - shows a descriptive summary of the guild, including website and contact details, statistics, and a message of the day.

  • Roster - provides details of all guild members and allows players to track online members.

  • News - automates guild news such as guild creation, members joining and leaving, and guild promotions.

  • Calendar - allows guilds to view, set up, and manage guild events. The Calendar can be viewed by month, date, and year, and summaries and details can be added to each event. Additionally, there is a sign-up list which allows guild members to sign up for specific events, and provides an option to allow members with the appropriate permissions to Accept and Decline sign ups.

  • Banners - the emblem or insignia of the guild will be displayed at several key points in the game. Guild members can be designated as banner bearers, and carrying a banner into combat will provide special bonuses, although the banner bearer will have to give up some of their own abilities.

  • Alliances - guilds will be able to form official alliances between themselves and up to ten other guilds in their realm, to aid co-ordination and co-operation.

Generally, guilds are organized in a hierarchical structure, with one person acting as guild leader, a small group of guild officers and a larger number of guild members. There will only ever be one leader, but other officers and members can be assigned to one of up to nine hierarchical levels.

Guilds will have access to a communal guild hall, which will be an instanced space in a building in one of the capital cities where all players in all guilds can chat and generally hang out, meet friends and form guild alliances.

Any six players of the same faction can go to a capital city and create a guild, for a nominal fee.


In WAR, regiments can earn ranks, almost the same way as player characters. There will be no less than 100 ranks to be gained for a regiment. And the progression, as controlled by the guild leader, will allow members access to special perks, such as banners, potions, titles, tactics, crafting resources and emblems.

Exactly how a regiment gains experience is yet to be revealed, but it is very likely tied to the advancement and accomplishments of its members.

Shared Vault

Regiments in WAR have access to a shared bank.

Living Guilds

In WAR, a guild will be a living institution that will grow and thrive according to the success of its members. Guilds can gain ranks, almost the same way as player characters. There will be no less than 40 ranks to be gained for a guild, and progression through the ranks will allow guild members access to special perks, such as cloaks, standards and related tactics, potions, titles, merchants and other crafting resources, transportation options, and heraldic emblems.

The players' achievements doesn't only contribute to the character's advancement, but also to the guild's advancement, such as public quests, tome unlocks, exploration, RvR etc. The guild's experience is not drawn in any way from the player character's gained experience, instead the player character has a separate pool for the guild's experience. In order to prevent massive guilds dominating the game, members of larger guilds will individually contribute less to their guild than members of smaller guilds. Also, pure guild quests are not currently planned, but are being discussed.

Guild Levels and Rewards
Guild LevelRewards
  • Guild Vault
  • Taxes and Tithes
  • Guild Calendar
  • Entry to Viper's Pit
  • Can join Alliances
  • Crafting Components
  • Standard Bearer Post
  • Standard Bearer Titles
  • Guild Tactic Point
  • Guild Auctions
  • Objective Claiming
  • Guild Tactic Point
  • Heraldry Reservations
  • Heraldry Base Pattern

Claiming Keeps

Players will also be required to be in a guild to claim keeps in the game, once they are captured. Though any non-guilded player can take part in assaulting a keep and can capture it for their realm to gain the RvR benefits of owning a keep, once the battle has been won, a guilded player carrying a banner can capture the central point of the keep so that its control is switched to the player's respective guild. Claiming a keep will allow the guild to hang their banner from the keep ramparts, along with any banners captured from enemy guilds. Controlling a keep will also give a bonus to the guild's rank.


A standard is more than only decoration on the battlefield. The holder of a standard on the battlefield is called a standard bearer, the standard bearer cannot use his or her personal abilities, tactics or morale abilities as long as he or she is holding the standard. A guild can attach trophies to the standards, trophies that can be gained from the guild's victories and achievements. The standard works as a rallying point for the guild's characters. The standard has a morale bonus given to the players in a PBAoE around the standard.

The standard gives special abilities to the standard bearer, based on the rank of the guild, the first ability the standard bearer gets is the ability to plant the standard on the ground so he can fight alongside his allies. Other abilities include speed bonuses and the ability to swing the standard to knock-back the enemies. The standard also has tactics. The guild can choose different tactic builds for different occasions, there is three tactic-slots for each standard. In RvR, a player can capture the enemy standard by capturing a planted banner. When a standard bearer is killed the standard he was carrying becomes planted at the point of his death. A guild can own up to three standards.

Warhammer Online

This page last modified 2008-08-13 11:00:29.