Category:Jason Engle (LoN Artist)  

Jason Engle
Professional Website
The Work of Jason Engle
I have been making art professionally, in one medium or another, for about 7 years. Although, I have been making art as a hobby for most of my life. I knew at a very young age that I wanted to be an artist, and pursued that goal with every free moment. Born in southern California in 1979, I was raised by my very encouraging and supportive parents, on a ranch in Arizona until the age of 18. I never attended a major university or art academy of any kind, and I've always found the best teacher in art to be experience itself, so with that in mind, I found a job in commercial art and design, and moved to Florida to begin my career. Now, this is not an indication that Florida is a good place to start an art career, quite the opposite, but it did have one major thing in its favor. There was a company there willing to hire me. Also, it has lots of beaches.

This page last modified 2008-03-24 07:21:35.

Articles in category "Jason Engle (LoN Artist)"

There are 13 articles in this category.
