__DEL__1593363405150's Avatar


Posts: 5
Born on Tatooine, my parents were moisture farmers who lived on a small farm outside the capital city of Bestine. At the age of 9, my parents were killed by Tuscan Raiders. Subsequently, I was sent to live with my playboy uncle in Coronet, Corellia. Vastly neglected by my uncle, I learned the tough lessons taught on the street by smugglers and gang brawlers. By 14, I was arrested for illegal posession of spice and convicted to serve time in the juvenile detention center. After being released from the detention center at the age of 16, I was placed in a post convict trade school and trained as a craftsman. During the last year of trade school, I met the love of my life, Celesta. We were planning on taking a 2 week long space cruise to celebrate my graduation from the crafting acadamy. Just 2 days before embarking on our trip, I was devestated by the news that Celesta was killed when the Pleasure Cruiser on which she worked as a waitress was destroyed by an Imperial star destroyer due to suspected harboring of Rebel spies. From that day forth, I avowed revenge on the system that would so brutally destroy a whole ship full of innocent victims just to be rid of a few suspected criminals. Covertly, discretely, raising money for the Rebel cause while loaning my fists when the opportunities provide themselves.