Peepmouse's Advice is going to Squeak Your Way This Friday!

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Hello all Hobbits...and non-Hobbits!  This is Peepmouse, your new resident Advice Expert at Allakhazam!  Starting this Friday, I will be available to answer all of your burning questions about food, gossip, love, hate, items, quests, and just about anything else you little Shirelings can think of about the Land of Middle Earth! 

Pertinent Info:
-I will answer three questions per week (on Friday)
-Questions can be submitted at any time to
-My crew of Little Ones will ferret through your submissions and choose the three submissions to rule them all...*ahem*...moving on...
-Be sure to include your pseudonym and server and change any real-life names to protect the innocent Shirelings whom you are referring to
-Make sure to check back every Friday for new insight into the world of Middle Earth!

Sample Question:

  There is a special Hobbit in my life and I am ready to spend the rest of my time on Middle Earth with him!  The problem is, he is afraid of commitment.  Any suggestions?
-Confused on Meneldor

Sample Answer:

Dear Confused,
       If he doesnt want to commit - it might not mean that he doesnt want to. He may have actually gotten a ring that was Bind on Acquire and can't give it to you.  My suggestion is to let him finish whatever quest he is on.  If he really loves you, he will come back to you in the end.     
Squeakily Yours,

Till Friday my fellow Middle Earthlings!


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