Test 1.51 Hello

Here's the latest version of 1.51, which has more spell system additions and tweaks, as well as a major revision of combat style interface icons, and much more. -- Matt ---------------------------------------- Dark Age of Camelot Test Version 1.51H Release Notes. ---------------------------------------- NEW THINGS AND BUG FIXES - Berserkers can now equip and actually use throwing axes. Really. We mean it this time. This fixes a Pendragon-only issue. - DOT bonus damage has been normalized - it was initially set too high (in yesterday's version). Please note that DOTs still do much more damage than they currently do on the live version of the game. This fixes a Pendragon-only issue. - When you click on a player on Mordred, it will tell you if that player will give you Alliance Points if you kill him. - The time that a player does not give Alliance Points after a death on Mordred has been reduced from 20 minutes to 15 minutes. - Weapon Procs that do DOT damage no longer have the same bonus as was given to spell DOTs. This fixes a Pendragon-only issue. - On Mordred only, now when a Relic is "away" from an outpost or a Relic Keep, it will always return to its Relic Keep. Previously it would occasionly return to its last outpost. - On Mordred only, controlled pets can now be commanded to kill monsters that would normally be friendly to it because of faction. COMBAT STYLE ICON CHANGES Combat style icons are all-new and improved. First, each combat style now has its own unique icon (previously styles shared icons). Each weapon specialization has a separate icon color to help players tell their styles from different weapon types apart. Additionaly, the new icons' borders are red to help you know it’s a combat style (as opposed to a spell or macro). Each icon also now has a series of widgets to help you quickly remember the prerequisites for each style. From conversations with players, it became clear that what would become most helpful is knowing if the style requires an opening position and/or is a chaining style. The upper left hand corner indicates whether the style chains off of another or is the opener for a chain. A yellow square indicates it is the first style in a chain. A single triangle indicates the second. Two triangle stacked indicates a third, and so on. Blue triangles on the sides of the icon tell you if the style requires a positional opening. Two triangles on the side stands for a side-opener. A triangle above means you must be in front of the target. A triangle below means you must be behind the target. The following widgets are a bit more experimental. They may be useful or they may just clutter up the icon. Test them out and see if they're helpful: The upper right hand corner indicates whether the style requires you target has just been blocked, parried, or evaded. A purple arrow widget indicates a block is required. A green arrow widget indicates a parry is required. A blue arrow widget indicates an evade is required. The lower right hand corner indicates an effect the style may have on your target. A blue arrow widget indicates it may “turn away” your target. A red arrow widget indicates it may taunt your target. A red box widget indicates it may de-taunt your target. Also, combat style weapon trail colors have changed. Previously, combat style weaopon trail colors were keyed to the weapon used - all 1H crush styles, for example, used the same color. We've changed this system to be level based. Now, all low level styles are green, higher ones are blue, and so on to the highest level styles, which are purple. This way you'll know approximately what level style your opponents are using on you. Please test these out and let us know what you think. SPELL SYSTEM NOTES - Increased recast timer on Warden's Nature's Guard, Nature's Barrier, and Nature's Wall chants to 16 seconds. - Changed the timers on instant debuffs to help mitigate the interruption issues that the first implementation of these spells brought to light yesterday. Now base debuffs (Strength and Dexterity debuffs) are on their own 15 second timer, and all advanced debuffs (combo stat debuffs, AE debuffs, and resist debuffs) share a second 15 second timer. This requires some thought on the part of the caster into exactly which debuffs to use against particular opponents, and add benefit to having multiple debuffers. All debuffs of the appropriate type are set to be instant now, including the Theurgist Minor Friction line and the Healer Hinder Spirit line. The two lines have also had their effectivness enhanced over a shorter duration. - Re-tuned Sorcerer/Cabalist/Wizard/Mentalist DoT damages to have lower per-tick values, but to do their damage over a shorter period of time. They have been re-balanced to have 12 second durations and hit for 5 ticks (including the initial hit). The Sorcerer, Cabalist, and Wizard spec DoTs all stack now, as well. The net result with stacking DoTs for the Sorcerer and Cabalist should be a substantial improvement, and DoTs should now be well worth their power cost. - Fixed Healer Celerity line; before it was not having any effect on the buff's target, it should now provide increased attack speed as intended. The Asgard's Strength and Defense lines should no longer take concentration points and should use power as intended. - Added a new single target castable mesmerize spell to the Minstrel. This new line of spells are half duration mez, and so is their single target spell. Since the Cleric was often being used for AE Mez crowd control with their PB AE Mez, and since that has been put on a 5 minute reuse timer, the secondary crowd controller in the realm (the Minstrel) is now being given a little extra versatility in this realm to bring them up to par with other secondary crowd controllers. 10 Comforting Lullaby 15 Enchanting Lullaby 21 Pacifying Lullaby 28 Entrancing Lullaby 36 Sedating Lullaby 45 Enrapturing Lullaby - Changed the Minstrel Compelling Cadence line to be area-effect. - Moved Enchanter Lesser Effervescence line from Empowering list to the Enchantment base list; this is consistent with the way the other realms are set up. The levels the spells are awarded changed slightly: 5 Lesser Effervescence 14 Effervescence 25 Greater Effervescence 34 Superior Effervescence 45 Maximum Effervescence - Changed the levels of the Eldritch ground targetted area effect direct damage spells to correct the missing spell problems. The new spell levels are: 16 Sphere of Negation 23 Sphere of Oblivion 34 Sphere of Annihilation 43 Sphere of Unmaking SPELL GRAPHIC NOTES - adjusted the clashing sword/axe buff effect for Midgard so it no longer hits tall trolls in the head. - switched the Berserk effect to a more appropriate red swirl. - added a magical rune effect for some Midgard shield spells. - Fixed Spiritmaster Point Blank mesmerize spell graphics to have the appropriate mesmerize "zzzzz" effet. WORLD NOTES Monsters: Albion: Stonehenge Barrows: The advisors in the Wizard Lichas' room are no longer required to stand still when casting their spells.


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