Chains of Promathia Battlefield Adjustments


In response to many player requests, we are planning to adjust the difficulty of the Chains of Promathia missions in the upcoming version update, as well as introduce a new experience point reward upon the completion of a mission battlefield.

In response to many player requests, we are planning to adjust the difficulty of the Chains of Promathia missions in the upcoming version update, as well as introduce a new experience point reward upon the completion of a mission battlefield.

Adjustments to Difficulty

Particularly challenging Chains of Promathia battlefields, such as those that appear in the Promyvion areas (Holla, Dem, Mea, Vahzl), and the missions "Flames for the Dead" and "The Warrior's Path", will have their difficulty level toned down. These adjustments will include changes to monster level and placement.
We also hope that the following changes to items used specifically against Chains of Promathia enemies will encourage players to brave the dangers found in the mission battlefields.

-Rare/Ex Properties
The special items introduced for use against enemies found within the Chains of Promathia battlefields will have their "Ex" properties removed, allowing these items, such as psychoanima and mistmelt, to be put up for auction. Certain items will also have the "Rare" property removed, allowing players to carry multiples of the same item.

Experience Point Rewards

After changes made in the March 8 version update, players no longer lose experience when being KO'd within a Chains of Promathia mission battlefield. In the upcoming version update, players will also be rewarded with experience points (or limit points) upon the successful completion of a battlefield. The experience point reward will be slightly less than the amount received for ENM quests, but it will be possible for players to obtain this new reward once every Earth day.
These changes will provide a tangible benefit for those who have completed a Chains of Promathia battlefield and wish to aid other players with their first attempts.


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# May 18 2007 at 4:25 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Might sound odd, but as someone who is on 5-3, I DONT want this to happen.

Part of me doing CoP was to get together with my friends and beat some of the biggest challenges the game has mission wise.

Its been very easy up until now... Ill be very dissapointed if Airship battle loses the intensity people describe it as having and ends up another ZM style cake walk.

The EXP Bonus is a great idea though.

See SE? Bonuses work, nerfs do not.
# May 18 2007 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
206 posts
Ill be very dissapointed if Airship battle loses the intensity people describe it as having and ends up another ZM style cake walk.

A skilled NIN+Bard+pumps already makes the airship fight basically into a ZM style cake walk.
Glad I have sea already
# May 18 2007 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
268 posts
I got sea last week, I’m glad I got to do the "hard" bcnms before this upcoming nurf.

Guess this will make me try harder to finish 8-3 and 8-4 before they nerf them too.

I do think the xp idea is good, but i think they should leave the difficulty as it is. It helps keeps the IQ deficient out of sea when they have some level of difficulty, and that’s always a good thing.
Chains of Promathia has deleveled to 74...
# May 18 2007 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Those "...Particularly challenging Chains of Promathia battlefields..." are what seperates Final Fantasy XI from WoW and other games out there.

There is nothing better (and I can say this without a shadow of a doubt) than beating one of the 'crazy' bosses because you did you job, your tactic was sound, your party knew their roles, you farmed/quested/researched beforehand, and everyone else was on the ball. It seperate the real players from the sub-players, those who are prepared to put the effort in against those who aren't commited to it.

While I think that the rest of the update is good; experience gains - good, allowing items to be traded/sold - good, I think that changing the difficulty will lead to a new style, a new type of CoP that isn't what it should be, and in the end, will not be as prestigious, or give one that same amount of self-achievement as before.

/ Palm0r
Tenzen Nerf?
# May 18 2007 at 4:09 AM Rating: Default
63 posts
Wtf... They're nerfing the Tenzen fight? That's probably one of the easiest fights in COP XD
Sounds good
# May 18 2007 at 4:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
I don't normally say this, but to all of you griping about the update: get over yourselves.

You're acting no better than the idiots bellyaching about the Thief's Knife.
# May 18 2007 at 4:01 AM Rating: Good
39 posts
I hate to say it, because I'll probably get flamed, but I think this is a good thing. I feel like most people have already done CoP, and trying to get people to do them now is about impossible. So many people say not to do these with a pick up group, but when most of my LS has already done them, and have no desire to "go through that hell again," what are people like me who haven't done them to do? If this will change just a few peoples attitude about doing CoP, then maybe I can complete this story line too.

For those that did them on the "hard difficulty setting," I'm sorry that this is what it has come to. I know this is a "nerf" of CoP. I guess I'm just glad that casual players like myself will get a chance to see this story line.

I just want to make it clear, I didn't ask for this. However, I'm not going to get upset about it. It is just fine with me if they change the names of the rings. I'm a casual player, I'm a lot more interested in new stories, cut-scenes, and areas to explore, than uber loot that comes from it.

Edited, May 18th 2007 8:11am by Tazadan
...slap in the face
# May 18 2007 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I <3'd CoP for its difficulty . All you people who demanded it be made easier, quit and go play WoW or something >_<


emo kids offically ruined this game...just stfu and learn how to play before you start moaning that "Oh my gawddd its toooo can u do this for me?" ....this update fails
# May 18 2007 at 3:41 AM Rating: Default
435 posts
Proud to say that my static beat Snoll Tzar pre-adjustment (1/4), but I'm not really too offended by this. I really liked the idea of no exp loss in the BCNMs- it removed a lot of the worry.

If it makes people more willing to help others, then it's a good thing.
And who do I get to kill for this?
# May 18 2007 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
GDI ><!
# May 18 2007 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
>_< This bites. Hopefully my CoP static that's starting up this weekend can get passed the promies before this toning down. I'm sure the other few missions listed will be toned down before we get to them, but oh well.

I <3'd CoP for its difficulty Smiley: frown. All you people who demanded it be made easier, quit and go play WoW or something >_<

Smiley: mad I knew there was going to be something in this update that would irk me Smiley: mad

# May 18 2007 at 2:57 AM Rating: Default
1,921 posts
Fucking weak.

Now because everyone cried about it they're making it easier. If you have smart people you can do it easily, no need to adjust the difficulty.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who beats CoP post-update hasn't really accomplished anything.
A Joke
# May 18 2007 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
Ask me and this is a joke, when people say they have completed CoP it means something. They change it and every one is gonna have it and it'll mean nothing. Also need to change name of the rings once they make it easier so those that had it hard still feel some sense of reward. There are 2 tough battles in CoP (Snoll and U/O), the rest are pretty easy. And whats with this gain exp from battles. You dont even loose exp at the moment. Bring back the days of challenging stuff.
# May 18 2007 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
I am only on CoP 2-5 because we have been slacking on doing the missions
I like the EX and Rare removal

I also like the exp points

Am I the only person who thinks the idea of making the mobs easier is bad; the best part about CoP for me is that it is freaking hard. I like that not just anyone can make it to sea.
# May 18 2007 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent i the only one who thinks the current difficulty is okay as it is?
i know the game itself can get too difficult and frustrating at times..but CoP isnt "supposed" to be easy imo..when i won a BC back then, i was so very proud of myself and i felt that i really "progressed".such BC's really need more than one try to succeed. however, i like the new exp bonus thingy though, and i do help ppl from time to time with CoP missions(cause they're really a lot of fun) :)

my two cents
# May 18 2007 at 2:03 AM Rating: Good
5,339 posts
Getting Sea was hard, I'll give them that much. Some of the missions really favor specific jobs and specific job setups, and many people doing the missions, even for the first time, refuse to do these missions without these setups.

Really though, the difficulty of the actual missions were overshadowed by the difficulty in simply getting a group for them. I mean yeah Diabolos was a rough fight, but it took two tries to beat him. On the other hand it took about three months to get a pickup group for the fight. Snoll Tzar was definitely one of the hardest missions, if not only because of the crazy time limit. However, I can say I went 3/4 on this mission, and the one loss was due to yes, a very bad party setup.

I'm not sure what inspired them to finally give in and make Sea easier to get all of a sudden. I always figured I was the poster child for someone who could NEVER get Sea: Relying on pickup parties for many missions, and having "undesired" jobs available for them. But even I got Sea eventually. I hate to use that tired cliche, but "if I can do it, anyone can." And I did the *original* difficulty Promyvions.. hoooo boy those were the days. If there was ever the "I walked to school five miles in snow uphill both ways" story to tell, those old Promyvions would be that story.

I don't think the EXP bonus will make most people drop what they are doing and gear up whatever cap gear to help people with a mission, but it's a nice perk. I would like to see CoP get more pickup-friendly.
# May 18 2007 at 2:02 AM Rating: Default
Sounds like a great update. Our static just recently beat Snoll after taking 2 months off. Good job SE!
# May 18 2007 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
246 posts
Update = Win ^^
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