Mythic Announces Expansion for DAoC

Get ready for The Shrouded Isles, a new expansion of DAoC that will add new zones and improved graphics. Here's the press release: FAIRFAX, VA – MAY 15, 2002 – Mythic Entertainment (, creator of the multiple award winning massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) Dark Age of CamelotÔ, today announced that the game's highly anticipated first expansion pack is currently in development. Dark Age of Camelot: Shrouded Islesä is set for a late 2002 release and will continue setting new standards for online game-play. The game will be developed by Mythic Entertainment and co-published with Abandon Entertainment ( Dark Age of Camelot: Shrouded Isles enriches and expands the mythological fantasy world of the original game by adding stunning new graphics and whole new areas to explore for each Realm. Players of Dark Age of Camelot: Shrouded Isles will also discover that the Realms will be populated with three new races and new character classes. As previously announced, the expansion will include a significant graphical upgrade to the game by utilizing DirectX 8.1 and the new NetImmerse 3D engine version 4.0 from Numerical Design Limited. This new technology will greatly improve overall graphical performance as well as provide support for advanced graphical features such as shadowing, more spectacular spell effects/animations, reflective surfaces, and much more. “With the tremendous success of the original game, it made sense for us to start development on Shrouded Isles immediately,” explained Mark Jacobs, President of Mythic Entertainment. “Shrouded Isles will add to the experience that has excited and intrigued players to date while updating the visual experience to draw them further into the worlds of Hibernia, Albion and Midgard.” Having recently passed the 200,000 mark for active subscribers worldwide after only seven months on the market, the original Dark Age of Camelot continues to excite the MMORPG world. With the games continued growth, including upcoming releases in the fertile Japanese and Korean markets, it won’t be long before Dark Age of Camelot is competing for the number one MMORPG worldwide. Dark Age of Camelot: The Game Dark Age of Camelot is a next generation MMORPG and features 3D-accelerated graphics with multiple class and race combinations, Player vs. Player and Player vs. Environment action, a robust trade skill system, and the most comprehensive player Guild system in any MMORPG. Dark Age of Camelot takes place after the death of King Arthur, and breaks new ground for online play with three realms in conflict – realms that used to be peaceful and united under Arthur’s rule. The players assume a character from one of the three realms: Midgard, Hibernia, or Albion. Each realm is based on the mythologies of Viking-era Scandinavia, ancient Ireland, and Arthurian Britain, respectively. Since its release it has been acclaimed by reviewers including: Gamespot 9.1 out of 10, naming it Multiplayer Role Playing Game of the Year and one of the top ten PC games of 2001; Computer Games 93 out of 100; USA Today named the game PC Top Game of the Year; MSNBC named it PC Game of the Year; PC Gamer awarded the game their Editors’ Choice award and 90% rating; Computer Gaming World awarded it their Editors’ Choice award and a four and half stars out of five”. About Mythic Entertainment Mythic Entertainment is one of the most successful online gaming developers in the industry today. With twelve online games to its credit, Mythic has been a major part of all of its distribution and publishing partners pay-for-play games including AOL, the Centropolis Gaming Center, Gamestorm, and ENGAGE. Their titles include some of the most popular online-only games of all time including Spellbinder: The Nexus Conflict, Aliens Online, Starship Troopers: Battlespace, Silent Death Online, Rolemaster: Magestorm, Darkness Falls, Darkness Falls: The Crusade, Splatterball, Godzilla Online, and Dragon’s Gate. About Abandon Entertainment Abandon Entertainment is a New York City-based diversified entertainment company, dedicated to creating unique entertainment products across all distribution platforms utilizing both traditional and emerging media. Underneath the Abandon umbrella of companies exists Abandon Pictures, Abandon Television, Abandon Internet Group, Abandon Ventures and Collision Entertainment. Abandon Entertainment can be found online at


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# Jan 02 2003 at 5:45 PM Rating: Default
well thing makes me upset is i bout the expansion and nothing i do or change on my comp; helps graffics suck; char have no faces etc old game ooks great but new one ugh.
# May 17 2002 at 10:22 AM Rating: Default
Mythic is doing a good job at content updates, yes. But here's what they're doing wrong:

My first character was an archer, everything was going well, I saw good fights going on etc etc. THEN the nerf bat hit the archers, making me miss 3 out of 4 shots on avarage on yellows, not to mention the ultimate 9 out of 10 misses on reds and 19 out of 20 misses on purps... It was rediculous, I decided to put my lvl 48 archer aside and try another class.
My second character was a warden, I chose this because it was the hardest for my archer class to kill. At lvl 45 he was hitting mobs for 20(!!!) damage WOW what a formidable tank that was! To add to that, he hit yellow cons in RvR for an avarage of 10 damage, this with over 30 in my melee spec. My 6 second bubble was making me invincible in the rare 1on1 encounters, although I wasnt able to kill the enemy either, most just turned away after not damaging me for 30 seconds. The longest fight I had with this character lasted for 10 minutes, no-one died, we just stop fighting.
After mucking about with the warden class I tried a caster class, the Enchanter. Lvls 1-30 had never gone faster, I was lvl 50 within 2 weeks, it was increadible. RvR? Well... Lets just say I almost switched back to my archer after being 1 shotted 1000 times. As well as archers, classes like the skald, healer, minstrel etc with insta-cc just walked right over me.
So I decided to try the Bard class, Hibernia's CCer. I knew that when I started this character I would have no insta ******* except the one ****** DD, but hey it was worth a try. Lvls 1 to 20 I tasked in 2 days, lvls 20-40 I spent half the time AFK with my end song up (gawd, yawn), lvls 40-45 I actually had to do some cc (!!!) on a few mobs. In RvR I felt like a caster class, I got 1 hitted so fast, dead 10 seconds before my party realised it, always chosen first, always dead first, always dead in 1 second. Horrible class, NO defensive AT ALL, and after the last few patches no offensive either, go figure.
All in all, every class has its disadvantage, but it SUX to build up a character only to have it nerfed a month later. They should balance the classes out and think about customer satisfaction first, rather than bring out a new expansion to glorify their name. Gah.
# May 17 2002 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
It's not only the money factor that makes people upset. It's the fact that they haven't added and fixed a lot of things in the game now they're going to put all their time and effort into this new expansion expecting everyone to upgrade. We'll I don't see a point staying with the company if they just lead you with false hopes of a greater upgraded game. I love this game but there are a lot of little things that are annoying about it that they have said will be fixed but nothing happens. So all you people ragging on the ones who mightn't be able to afford it, or who don't see a point. Take deep consideration on their reasons why they don't upgrade, and get rid of your one track I'm always right mind.
This is not for the meek
# May 17 2002 at 9:36 AM Rating: Default
Wow, lots of gripers here. If you dislike the game so much, quit playing, and quit flaming on the boards. If you don't like what mythic is doing, then you haven't been in another game.

They tell you daily what's going on ( and they fix what needs to be fixed. Yes, the annoying trade bug every now and then. What other bugs are there? Calm down, and if you can't deal with the occasional bug, go play PS2, and quit complaining. You can't tell what 200,000 people are going to do to a set of servers, until they are there.

You can post for days about the equality of classes, and nerfs. Each class has it's strong points, and other classes have advantages over your class. It's called BALANCE. Tell me if you are a tank, who is your greatest enemy? Casters, you say? Ok, Casters, who is your greatest enemy? Archers? Ok, Archers, who is your greatest enemy? Tanks? Wow, what a circle.

The only time a tank should attack another tank is when they duel, or when one is on your caster. So, deal with it.

To the point finally. I think the expansion is great for the game, the gaming community, and overall enjoyment. Why complain about something improving? I guess you have nothing better to do, find a hobby....
Little Peeps ya
# May 17 2002 at 2:07 AM Rating: Default
Ya more futbols woud be great there fun as hell to snipe with
Great J O B
# May 16 2002 at 10:21 PM Rating: Default
I love it. Finally a company that does right to it's cliants in the RPG buisness. Keep them expansions coming out and I will be first in line to get mine. All you gripers forget so soon the Horror of EQ ? Rally up and support our new found friends :) Unlike others we know they are actually working on all issues and giving us real live up to the minute progress reports. Thanks Mythic.
# May 16 2002 at 4:47 PM Rating: Default
Lot of negativity I see. I can't blame you, I am a little negative about the thought of an expansion when I feel midgard, albion, and hibernia need to be re-worked from the ground up in terms of classes, class abilities, and the differences in melee to-hit & dmg tables between the 3 realms. As well as a number of other things.. I always love being 2-3 hit killed after insta-mezzed by a red skald with a blunt, even though they're supposedly to be little more than a support class in Midgard..

765hps, 489af, level 42 out the window vs a level 50 skald. Rediculous I tell you. But that's been said many, many times..

I think if Mythic releases more information like what realms get what races, classes, what abilities, base stats, if they're going to increase maximum level, etc, so on & so fourth.. then we might have something to actually ponder in a more positive light.. Maybe.
RE: hmm
# May 17 2002 at 2:19 PM Rating: Default
Skalds arnt just a support class they are Midguards second light tank, I cant imagin anyone complaining if they got killed by a Blademaster, Beserker, or Merc that was 8 levels higher than they are, but for some reason people cant stand seeing a skald killing them, makes no sence...
RE: hmm
# May 18 2002 at 7:56 PM Rating: Default
Umm I dont think that the Skald should be compared to those three classes. Those three classes are like the high damage classes.
Skalds are sort of a thing that only Mid gets, but hey hes 8 friggin levels higher LOL. I mean I wouldnt expect to kill someone 8 levels higher unless it was a caster and I was a tank -.-
New Realm
# May 16 2002 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
Three new races and three new classes. Why would the existing realms get those. Whay not the New Isle as in a new Realm.
RE: New Realm
# May 19 2002 at 11:55 AM Rating: Default
The tripod structure is integral to the balance of the game. This way, if you are on a raid into another realm, you have to worry about defense of the home realm keeps as well. The only way I think they could add realms if if you were limited on the ones you could attack; maybe you would have to take a teleportation keep within the borders of an adjacent realm in order to get to one that is more remote. I can see this being done with 5 realms, but they would have to make this a new server I think. It is a very interesting idea though.
Shrouded Isles
# May 16 2002 at 3:00 PM Rating: Default
Not buying it. No need to waste money on an expansion when all they are doing is trying to out in new content with more bugs to distract the players instead of fixing the bugs already in game and actually trying to please the customer base. They have treated their gamers badly with lies, silent nerfs, and hiding all the information that actually goes into the game and this is just a way of trying to appease for it. Besides, God willing, Shadowbane will be out in a year.
stop complaining
# May 16 2002 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
for all those complaining about spending more 5 successful games in the last 2 years that didnt have an expansion of some sort
# May 16 2002 at 11:55 AM Rating: Default
so what is this going to cost another 50 bucks and what 30 bucks a month (Canadian)
where was I
# May 16 2002 at 11:38 AM Rating: Default
Previous Characters?
# May 16 2002 at 10:31 AM Rating: Default
THis will not effect the character we already have i hope..
# May 16 2002 at 3:40 AM Rating: Default
Sigh....Thats more money to spend
New races.
# May 15 2002 at 10:32 PM Rating: Default
Yes i agree albion needs to have some catapult ammo too
Can't wait
# May 15 2002 at 9:01 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm...three new races and three new classes? Sounds like each realm gets one new race and one new class each...I can't wait...
WOO new races!
# May 15 2002 at 6:51 PM Rating: Default
i hope they let us be lepruchauns or ogres or maybe a different kind of LEAST give albion a midget race, i mean kobolds are in mid and luris are in hib, its just no fair albs have no footballs to kick around!!!
yay Characters
# May 15 2002 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
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