The Planes of Power

Can a new expansion be on the horizon? Will we find out the details on Friday? A reliable source has told me that an artist friend of his has been working on the new expansion for some time now, and that this expansion will be aimed mostly at the high end game. Now threads on the Safehouse forums as well as some other forums has revealed that something big is about to be announced on Ffriday. Plus, SOE has a new domain registered at which has a nice teaser pic up. It certainly looks to me like another new expansion is coming sooner than you may have thought.


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More advancement?
# Mar 30 2002 at 9:14 PM Rating: Default
Has anyone else read that one part on there about further advancement? Perhaps they are gonna let us people who either don't have the money for Legends to finally get to 70 perhaps? That large group would be great too, but it might make a need for an even further con list or something, because exp would be wnted and it would be split like mad in huge groups. Just my 2cp too. :P
Planes of Power
# Mar 21 2002 at 11:32 PM Rating: Good
40 posts
I don't claim to know any behind-the-scenes information about this expected announcement. But one thing that I have noticed in most of the posts here is that most posters are ignoring one very inportant thing.
The web site is called Planes of Power. The operative word is Planes. Note: Planes is a plural word. As in more then one.
Just my 2cp.
# Mar 21 2002 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe the major new feature will be the capacity to for large groups.(really large groups :) )
# Mar 21 2002 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe the major new feature will be the capacity to form large groups.(really large groups :) )
# Mar 20 2002 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
I just wish this team would fix the bazaar so i could sell items unattended as they promised in Luclin.

I wonder how long SOE has to complete the promised features in SOL before they could be targeted by a lawsuit for false advertising?
RE: Luclin
# Mar 21 2002 at 9:57 AM Rating: Default
Well considering they more than likely had a legal blurb on the website stating that the design of the game could change at any time without notice, and since it's not stated on the box (nor do I believe is it in the manual) that the Bazaar included the ability to have unattended selling I don't think they could be sued at all. Unless you have that promise in writing on the final product it is not legally binding. And even then they certainly have some way around it.. Just think back to the original manual and it's promise of guild halls..
# Mar 20 2002 at 6:00 PM Rating: Default
while i may be alone in saying this, i personally (even as a stinkin' n00b) think that Verant has done something way cool in introducing this new expansion (perhaps). From what i've heard, this will introduce all-new planes where the gods (other than those already introduced) live. I, for one, have always wonder what it would be like or what they'd be called. Perhaps the locked door at the end of The Hole will lead to Brell Serilis' plane of the underfoot, or Nagafen will hold the key to the plane of fire or inferno or something for Solusek Ro (supposedly the dude in that really cool picture).
Called me naive, but i think i speak for a lot of people when i say "Duuuuuuuuuude, sweet!"
# Mar 20 2002 at 4:53 PM Rating: Default
we all are going to die!
Rallos Zek
# Mar 20 2002 at 3:48 PM Rating: Default
Plane of Power is Rallos Zek's plane. The War of the Gods prophecy says that Rallos Zek will come after Innoruuk, Cazic Thule, and Bortoxxulous have ridden once, and Bertox 3 times. Probably means the coming of Rallos Zek, and high lvl players will get to participate in the war.
RE: Rallos Zek
# Mar 21 2002 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
I think you need to do a little bit more research there.. On the official EQ site in the deities section it plainly says that Rallos Zek rules the Plane of War with Tallon Zek and Vallon Zek (this is found in Vallon's description)... The lore that everyone keeps using to say that Rallos Zek is in the Planes of Power refers to when he was locked away because he tried to invade the Plane of Earth. All of his creations were cursed.. The Ogres became dumb as dirt and their empire crumbled, the Giants were either outright slain or scattered to the corners of the globe (the Kromzik fleeing all the way to Velious) and I believe there was some other race that got turned into the Goblins, and they were scattered into their different types (frost, inferno, etc.)..

I don't think it means he was placed in another plane, I think it means that he was locked away in the Plane of War and not allowed to create any other races. Also as to where the entrance to the Plane of War would be, it would most likely be found somewhere near Kael Drakkal as that is where the Avatar of War is. (Just like the plane of fear is found near the Temple of Cazic-Thule where the Avatar of Fear spawned) In any case why would they show a picture of Solusek Ro if they were just going to release a plane for Rallos Zek?
Rallos Zek
# Mar 20 2002 at 3:48 PM Rating: Default
Plane of Power is Rallos Zek's plane. The War of the Gods prophecy says that Rallos Zek will come after Innoruuk, Cazic Thule, and Bortoxxulous have ridden once, and Bertox 3 times. Probably means the coming of Rallos Zek, and high lvl players will get to participate in the war.
Planes of Power???
# Mar 20 2002 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
Wouldn't it be funny if planes of power were a exact mirror copy of Norrath and luclin except...NO NERFS??? that would be the Planes of POWER...FREE FROM THE EVER TRIGGER HAPPY VI STAFF NERF

Imagine this...

Thunder of karana stun+silence...i mean why should Tunare alone carry such a AOE...unnerf

Rangers ac suck??? Unnerf some of that great gear we didn't allow to go live.

Necros can't solo??? Hmmmm...bang bing bop...there ya go lil necros' go forth and slay like you used

just a few odd funny bits...heheheeh

<( '.')>/ engarde VI

Edited, Wed Mar 20 15:38:03 2002
bump up lv cap?
# Mar 20 2002 at 2:08 PM Rating: Default
maybe they are gunna bump up the lv cap...
would be nice if you had to do something, like a quest or something, to get your cap bumped tho...
i think they should make a fire class deticated to solesek ro and everything that has to do with fire...
RE: bump up lv cap?
# Mar 21 2002 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
If they increased the level cap, then it would be like telling all the lvl 60 people that have the best gear in the game that when the expansion is released, they can now take dragons with 1 group instead of 5.
RE: bump up lv cap?
# Mar 21 2002 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
Perhaps if they did raise the level cap they would limit the levels allowed to raid against current dragons, similar to what they did for Naggy/Vox where you get ported out if you are too high.
# Mar 20 2002 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
Anyone have any idea on where this place will be? my guess is that area at the end of a tunnel in shadeweavers thicket

to my knowledge no one has been able to figure it out.
New Expansion?
# Mar 20 2002 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
If they are working on a new expansion then they would want to have it announced prior to the various trade shows that happen every year. This helps generate interest in new games and is often an indication that the game could possibly be released for the christmas season. Since that is the biggest selling season of the year most companies follow this marketing scheme.

The god shown in the picture on is indeed Solusek Ro.. If you read his description in the deities section it matches. Since he is ruler of the Plane of Sun which derives it's power from the Plane of Fire, ruled by his father Fennin Ro, then it is possible they may be introducing a multi-tiered plane. Whether it would be considered a free zone or an entire expansion will probably be determined by the number of zones being implemented. Obviously if it was alot of zones there's just no way to have it available as a free download.

Planes of Power certainly conjures images of multiple zones. I'm thinking maybe along the lines of the elemental powers. We have mentioned the Planes of Fire, then there's the Plane of Water (ruled over by the Triumvirate of Water) , Plane of Air, and the Plane of Earth (ruled over by the Rathe council). Considering the other planes also mentioned on the official site it would have to be an expansion if they are going to release them all. Or they could release one at a time .. In either case I think it's a cool idea.

And with all the unfinished zone lines that are in the game doesn't it make sense that they had already planned on another expansion? As has been stated with Luclin there were new unfinished zone lines introduced (the one in Shadeweaver's being the most noticeable) Plus the globe in Skyshrine giving clues to additional continents (though it's possible those extra islands are supposed to Timorous Deep). Then you have the maps of the original continents where there are alot more names than zones in the game. Any of these are possibilites for expansions!

Considering how long UO has held out along with EQ I think they can keep EQ going for several more years to come. In that case we can probably expect at least one or two more expansions, and hopefully some more free zones (Veksar or whatever it's called supposedly being the next one)

Anyway, I'm crossing my fingers and waiting til Friday.. (trying to anyway)
RE: New Expansion?
# Mar 20 2002 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default
this sound not good for my lvl 53 troll warrior with only 6 sv fire =( guess i gotta start savin up for resist gear...

-warrior gear is expensive grrrrrrrr!!
makes sence
# Mar 20 2002 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
Now that they are trying to make it easier to level to 50, it only makes sence that they make areas that are for 50+ only and make more raid areas too...this expansion looks like its going to be sweet...just think of all the new quests and toys to play with...drool
# Mar 20 2002 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
sounds good hope it comes out soon maby velks and sebilis will open up a lil
as for the player lvl base take a look at the poll on this site the majority (pecentage wise)
is ..if i member correctly...50 to 54 or something like that

Edited, Wed Mar 20 10:34:12 2002
RE: cool
# Mar 20 2002 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
No one level range in the poll held a majority. The highest was 24%.. a majority would be 51%. Also the poll was only regarding a main character. If it took into account every character it would probably show more characters in the mid level range.

Maybe you could say that characters 50+ held a majority.
New max lvl
# Mar 20 2002 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
Yo, im hearing this new expansion is going to be high lvl. That's cool and all, but what about lvl60. Are they going to raise the max lvl for this? that would make is the expansion of expansions :) .
# Mar 20 2002 at 8:50 AM Rating: Default
That is one gorgeous picture at the website. I'm sure someone has already said seomthing about this by now, but could that be the Burning Prince himself, Solusek Ro?

The person in the painting doesn't look as, well, let's say 'buff' as the original EQ deity drawing of him, but perhaps this is a new, updated version? There are similarities inbetween the two -- a -very- similar weapon, the burning crown, the cape, the burning hand..

All in all, no matter who he is, I'm looking quite forward to Friday. /smmile

~K, just a lowly Paladin of Tunare..
"Planes of Power"
# Mar 20 2002 at 8:43 AM Rating: Excellent
285 posts
Many people seem a bit confused as to what the "Planes of Power" actually are. Reading through this (and other) threads, people are confusing the "Planes of Power" with the name of an individual Plane. In the context of the story, the Planes of Power are the residences of the gods. At eqlive, there is a nice description of the Gods and demi-Gods (

Some Planes that they mention are:
Plane of Disease (Bertoxxulous)
Plane of Fire (Fennin Ro)
Plane of Valor (Mithaniel Marr)
The Elemental Plane (Triumvirate of Water)
Plane of Earth (which is, of course, Norrath)
Plane of Sun (Solusek Ro)
Plane of Justice (The Tribunal)
Plane of Air (Xegony)... not to be confused with Plane of Sky (Veeshan)
Demi-Plane of Music (Ayonae Ro)
Demi-Plane of Magic (Druzzil Ro)
Plane of Shadows (Luclin)
Demi-Plane of Pain (Saryrn)
Demi-Plane of Dreams (Morell Thule)
Demi-Plane of Nightmares (Terris Thule)
Demi-Plane of Greed (Torvonnilous)
Plane of War (Rallos Zek, Tallon Zek, Vallon Zek)

Many other planes are hinted at or suspected. I believe someone mentioned 22 zones from the old world that were not in game, and I know there were at least several more from Kunark. Together with the 18 planes mentioned above... that's a nice expansion. Hope the rumors are true. But what do I know, I'm just a dumb Troll.

--Rozzl Grimtouch
51 Troll Shadowknight
The Seventh Hammer
Chew on this
# Mar 20 2002 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
In my many travels to the moon i have found quite a few broken zones? Kind of Ominous, now that the PoP have been announced. Yes, the PoP have been in thoughts for a long time, but i do not see VI limiting there purchases on a new expansion to those 55+...not enough customer base! But back to my point. If you notice, in Shadoweaver's Thicket and Netherbian Lair, there are 2 broken zones...the ST zone is heavily guarded by 50+ mobs(possible zone in to PoP) and aggro to most that dare walk up to them(have not tested but take a rallos follower up there and see what they con....i know that i and most others are KOS to those mobs). The NL zone is unguarded(possible zone out point). this is merely speculation, but it makes total sense though as well. Think of it this way, you fight your way in and all the way through the maze of the cavernous netherworld of fire and lava, in search of the one who will enlighten you only in times of melee and only believes in you during the heat of battle.

Now, on the logistics of my theory, there are 2 cities very close for binds, hence making it easier to report back to zone after defeat(Shar Vahl..and Shadowhaven)...for the zone in zone out....when is it ever easy to break in to a zone holding all the goodies everyone wants to put in their coffers....hence the zone in at ST in tunnels which are guarded by, if my memory serves correct, 5 fire type mobs all 50+ and very close so i would guess hard to single pull...and zone out to easy zone of NL with no mobs to regroup and distribute the bounty of a RAID well planned and executed. Also, mutlizoned, so more than 2 parties can try at the same time, thus not locking zones out while a raid party tries to defeat then loot what they came for.

Now, i know you are thinking surely VI would not make a multizoned Plane, but why not and stretch it....see the problem with most high-end zones is...NO RESTING SPOTS...and yes most people believe it should be a make it this...a multi zoned in, one out(both close in proximity, but far enough away to not be distinguishable by lowbies wondering in the wrong direction. Now, this also alleviates some problems with high end zones not able to rest in between melee....rezes before next battle. What would make Rallos more proud but to see someone, maybe not even a follower of he, come back for more. Ah, but this makes it easier to get to and defeat the "Boss Mob"...on the contrary, we are speaking of a plane that is ruled by the firm hand of Rallos, God of Battle, and with one swip of his mighty sword could slay any who lay in his i see it being a quest loot zone as well. The quest being to see Rallos himself and getting the pat on the back for a job well done...then him handing you loot when you can finaly talk with him after making it through all of his tests of battle skills, before he shows you the exit to his realm.

Merely speculation, or probably more of what i would like to see.

Edited, Wed Mar 20 08:21:32 2002
RE: Chew on this
# Mar 20 2002 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
It sounds good enough for me to buy. I haven't explored luclin at all really, except the kitty city, so I can't go check this out myself. But its sounds very plausible.
# Mar 20 2002 at 8:07 AM Rating: Default
i like that there making a new expansion, as long as they don't make the specs beyond 1 gb of ram(which is my systems current lvl, and max) i don't care how many new races and classes they make, actually the more the merrier
# Mar 20 2002 at 7:38 AM Rating: Default
Yes they may have more than 1 team working on different problems but it's still one game. That means all these different teams have to come together to put there ideas to work. So in actuallity it's 1 big team. Either way you cut it, another expansion this early after Luclin is still to early. Let Luclin set in and get running, then bring in another expansion.
# Mar 20 2002 at 8:09 AM Rating: Default
as long as they keep the optimum specs at 1 gb of ram or lower, i don't care what they do, the more classes and races the merrier
that background pic
# Mar 20 2002 at 5:54 AM Rating: Default
that background pic ownz everquest or not, i have it on my desktop now awsome pic
Aren't there still a whole lot of zones in the Old World?
# Mar 20 2002 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
195 posts
Look at your old EQ maps, at the Old World Continents. Where are these zones in game? Could they be involved with a new expansion?

Loping Plains, Hills of Shade, Elizerain Lake, Dragonscale Hills, Wayunder Lake, and Kanthok's Ridge.

The Northlands, The Hatchland, The Frigid Plain, The Nest, Unkempt Wood, Winter's Deep, Lake Nerrius, The Dead Hills, Rujarkian Hills, Broken Skull Rock, The Buried Sea, and Gulf of Gunthrak.

The Grand Plateau, Abysmal Sea, The Barren Coast, and Gulf of Uzun.

Looks like it would take too long to "add" all these zones like they did with Stonebrunt Mountains and The maybe an expansion?

Also, with all the new Halfling Rangers running around, I see the Plane of Storms with Karana on the throne coming soon...

RE: Aren't there still a whole lot of zones in the Old World
# Mar 23 2002 at 9:48 AM Rating: Default
The Frigid Plain is part of the existing Everfrost and Rujarkian Hills is actually the grass part of S Ro. The Nest is the big lake in front of Halas that the ferry sails across and part of Unkempt Wood is the top level of Blackburrow.

But yeah it would be pretty cool to see the rest of the zones added eventually.

- Gil
Rodcet Nife server
RE: Aren't there still a whole lot of zones in the Old World
# Mar 20 2002 at 8:08 PM Rating: Default
Can't remember where it was, but I remember reading an interview in some gaming magazine about EQ. I seem to remember it saying that EQ was based on a DnD campaign world that some of the people at the top of verant created, chances are those zones were in campaigns in the DnD world, but didnt make it into the game. May have been CGW
RE: Aren't there still a whole lot of zones in the Old World
# Mar 20 2002 at 5:48 AM Rating: Default
i've noticed in some zones around the world now it looks like there is connections to zones that are not made yet, such as in oasis near "orc highway" on the back wall there looks like an opening that should lead to a new zone but doesn't, also in stonebrunt mountains on odus there is a small cave with an entrence with a big boulder blocking the way to what looks like the next zone
New Expansion??
# Mar 20 2002 at 2:05 AM Rating: Default
I hope this expansion will have better ranger base armor then SoL. Ranger only armor stinks in SoL. But everyday you see a new war/sk/pall weapon and or armor listed. Come on think up better armor then that crap Woodmans junk, which is lower then ivy, and harder to get. Seems like Sky shrine is the best place to get armor for rangers, and thats how many expansions ago??

55 Ranger
56 Cleric
# Mar 20 2002 at 12:56 AM Rating: Default
They might have more than one team working on different things... but just think if they actually put those teams on just one unfinished promised feature, we might actually get something finished for a change.

As to the topic of the Planes Of Power, I'm not sure it could just be an expansion for JUST high levels. Although Velious was popular, and it was mid-high level, it sold no where near the number of copies that an ALL-Lever expansion does.

Would you release something that immediately limited your purchasers to those say 50+. Sure there are lots of customers that fit that bill, but there's also many of us that have played since this game launched and never bothered to even get 50. More than a handful at that...

I'm inclined therefore to think it's a zone addition, like the Warrens and Stonebrunt were, rather than a new expansion.

# Mar 20 2002 at 1:21 AM Rating: Good
2,553 posts
Well you can bet that any expansion will offer content for more than just levels 55+.

They need to sell it to people for it to sell.

Not all (or even most) of their playerbase is level 55+.

It'll contain lower level content too. But probably like velious, where many zones are "Uber" content only.

Fumus, draco magus incoluit mare.
Myrx - 70 Holy Priest, Myr - 70 Resto Shaman, Gryd - 70 Prot Warrior
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