High Quality Corsair Screens!!

So the powers that be over at Square-Enix decided to send me some awesome high-quality screenshots of the new job class, the Corsair. View them below.


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# Feb 13 2006 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,286 posts
Maybe instead of standard ammo their "bullets" are MP-based "spellblasts" that drain the MP bar. That would be really interesting. It would also make more sense to then let them "shoot" party members for positive status effects with curing or buffing "spellblasts". Corsair could additionally have the luck based JT's or JA's that were mentioned and you would end up with a very interesting Job. Ah well, I suppose we will see soon enough. ^^
# Feb 11 2006 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
[/quote] Yo get off the damn time mage bull what could they do get haste and slow wooo white mages and red mages can do that is dumb [quote]
thats like saying RDM and PLD shouldnt exist because whm already knows cure, if there is a time mage it will have other things that whm blm and rdm dont know >.>

back on subject though, the people talking about Corsaire hitting things with the gun sounds cool :P. like a gunblade, someone also said they could have a gun in main and in ranged, i could see having 2 guns in that way, then beating mob's over the head with 'em :P.

instead of weapon bash or shield bash the new JA for corsaire would be:

Pistol Whip

that would be sweet...

Edited, Sat Feb 11 15:13:03 2006
This new job better be good!
# Feb 09 2006 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not too enthusiastic on the Blu, and I like Cor a little better (unless i know what he can do). So this new one better be good!

I'm putting my money on these!

Dancer (though i doubt it)
Geomancer (good tank if they use Stoneskin)
Necromancer (another pet job)
Mime (more of a party based job)

See that wasn't too hard to think of...
Time mages
# Feb 09 2006 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
Yo get off the damn time mage bull what could they do get haste and slow wooo white mages and red mages can do that is dumb
# Feb 06 2006 at 6:25 AM Rating: Decent
I reckon the 3rd job will be a new Tank. I mean with just Paladins and Ninjas theres got to be something new. We've got enough buffers and DD this new job must be a new tank.
RE: hmmm
# Feb 06 2006 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
Well, i never played thru FFT but i did play FFV and the only thing that remains that fits into a tank job would be a Mystic Knight. Only problem there is it would be almost too similar to pld to be useful.

In FFV, mystic knights didnt get the ability to cast white magic, but instead use en- like spells, And when close to death, puts up a barrier. I really cant see this being a good tank job, but maybe im wrong.

The only other jobs missing from the FFV list are: Time Mage, which i cant see happening because whm and blm already use time mage abilities (please remember, i never played FFT, so i dont know about the changes Time mages may have undergone in that title), that is all but comet, Chemist, which i can see happening, but due to the economy, would not gain too much interest except those who are high lvl alchemists, Dancer (i'd like to see this one, even tho others compare it to brd),Geomancer (this one too), and Berserker.

But yes, i agree, it would be nice to see another tank job. It would definately give parties MUCH more flexibility, that is... if SE makes it right >.>

(sorry, started rambling there ><)

RE: hmmm
# Feb 06 2006 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
I highly dobt somthing with a 'gun' will be a tank <_< for instance rng has a gun and is a DD so that must mean... anything with a gun that can blow a rabbits head off must be a DD!
RE: hmmm
# Feb 17 2006 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
What are you talking about? No-one said that Corsair will tank. What he was saying is that the third job should be a tank (Blue Mage is the first released job, then Corsair is the second). And in any case, Corsair appears to be an enfeebler, not a DD.
weapons for this job
# Feb 02 2006 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
204 posts
"corsairs rely on the “Hexagun,” a multi-barreled revolver" this is a quote from the official website. i figure that the corsair will benefit from a new range type weapon and its skills as well as the already established dagger skills. hopefully it will use some ammo cheaper than bullets >omfg< "elaborate luck-based abilities to alter the stakes of battle" is another thing the site says and im guessing that it will have to do with the weapon skills and tp, higher tp higher dice roll for more damage or longer effects. An example would be some type of "Blind Shot" that deals damage as well as blinds for longer with a higher dice roll with higher tp. Kinda like wakka's skills in ffx. hopefully corsair will not be another gunmage, gambler, or wakka but a combo of the three wouldnt b that bad IMO
RE: weapons for this job
# Feb 04 2006 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Yeah, it's going to be a pretty fun job I suspect, I just hope they aren't going down the RNG-clone road at all. But I can picture the job including some Silence Buster attacks, etc., perhaps even a Delay Buster. ^^ But to be fair, Wakka is pretty much a ranger. I also think that if Corsair is just going to be a gambler, I wouldn't mind that at all. ^^
# Feb 02 2006 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
i was just wondering what the armour for this would be like. i mean it cant be just the piece shown in the pictures can it?
RE: armour
# Feb 04 2006 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Much like any screenshot shown of any new job, it's just going to be the generic AF. They'll add Corsair onto the armour already included, and may include a few more, but definitely some job specific Corsair clothing.
What's their purpose?
# Feb 02 2006 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
I agree that there has been a lot of time without a new job in FFXI but i think this pirate is lame. Really, could't SE had a better idea? I just see corsair as a RNG with THF, each of them are excellent jobs, but why join them into something strange? Unless they get that thingy of luck they will be kinda useful, otherwise... GL trying it out lol!

Edited, Thu Feb 2 14:37:36 2006
What kind of guns?
# Feb 01 2006 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
190 posts
Just judging by the screens, it doesn't look to me like corsair is intended to be another job that can use guns, like nin, thf, and naturally rng, at least not exactly. The pics make it look to me like the corsairs are using pistols, or handguns, as opposed to the usual rifles/shotguns already present in the game. In fact I'd almost be willing to lay odds the weapon skill will be called pistols, with entirely different (one hopes) ws's from bow/gun.

If corsair gets stuck with pistol ws's that match bow and gun (ie sidewinder/slug shot), it'll just be plain boring, especially with that hella long gap from 70-175 with no new ws's.

Anyways, just a thought.

Edited, Wed Feb 1 13:34:36 2006
Garuda Server;
Mithra; 75war,thf,bst,rdm(retired), 70drg, 66rng,nin, 62mnk, 51pld, 42drk, 40cor, 37smn,sam,blm,whm,dnc,brd,sch,blu,pup
Taru; 32dnc, 30war, 26nin, 19mnk, 16thf, 16drk, 10whm, 10rng, 8bst, 8blm

If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
RE: What kind of guns?
# Feb 02 2006 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Are you looking at different screenshots than I am? I'm sorry to say, but these particular screenshots do NOT suggest handguns to me one bit. Both the guns there are the same gun, and are both clearly large guns. And even the top screen is stating that the gun is a ranged weapon (from the stance of the Elvaan using it, which is a typical marksmanship Elvaan stance). Other than these guns, the only other weapon visible is the knife that the Mithra is weilding against the Kraken, and that the Elvaan and Mithran on the bottom screen both have equipped.
RE: What kind of guns?
# Feb 03 2006 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
190 posts
Actually, you're right, the guns they are holding do like more like shotguns than anything, at least the elvaan and hume, but they both shoot one-handed anyways, don't they? (I know elvaans do at least) so that's where I made my mistake.
Though, the mithra fighting the kraken, is that a dagger in her hand, or a pistol? I think that's the main thing I was looking at and it looked like a pistol on quick inspection, though i'm probably wrong there too.
Garuda Server;
Mithra; 75war,thf,bst,rdm(retired), 70drg, 66rng,nin, 62mnk, 51pld, 42drk, 40cor, 37smn,sam,blm,whm,dnc,brd,sch,blu,pup
Taru; 32dnc, 30war, 26nin, 19mnk, 16thf, 16drk, 10whm, 10rng, 8bst, 8blm

If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
RE: What kind of guns?
# Feb 04 2006 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Yeah, Elvaan's hold their marksmenship weapons one-handed, but Hume's hold it at their waist but 2-handed. But that particular WS casts like that. And that's definitely a dagger. ^^
disappointed. With users, not corsair. :P
# Feb 01 2006 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
1: i can't really see main weapon gunning.. maybe main+sub with ammo still in place for bullets, but i still don't see how 'gunner' would make much sense. i suppose we'll see when corsair comes out. :<

2: as for class-up, relic equipment kind of covers that. and merits will add to that.

3: bare job wouldn't work out from a business standpoint, on SE's side.

4: Corsair is like gambler, not like rng. it's not -supposed- to be a damage job. personally, i'm -glad- its going to have things like Slots, Roulette, Gil Toss, Darts, Dice, Cards, and the such like. gambler jobs have been common in ff's for awhile now, and i'm excited. so for everyone whining about ninja and ranger out there... stop bashing new content before its even out. >:( As for the whole "unrealistic" thing, at least they explain how magic and cursed blobs and stuff works. corsair is NOT pirate. pirate would be a pointless job with nothing to offer.

I'd like to see geomancer. chemist would be interesting. Most people are saying that there will be -up to- 5 new jobs in the new expansion, but as little as these 2. so, it's interesting...
other jobs i'd like to see: calculator, dancer, mime. also, more enfeeb spells that resemble oracle (petrify, foxbird for instance), more -ga spells (illusionist), the full set of en- and bar- spells (light, dark), an Eyes Of the Beast trait for BST, and some JSE for WAR that would resemble Berserker ("viking" gear maybe? :D) also, some new skills for bard + dancer for festivals and for the ffx-2 "psychic" job, as well as mediator. some Heaven and Hell knight types would be kinda nifty too. XD their abilities would be based off of the time of day, or something equally completely random... >.>

Time mage would be pointless; there's already 2 warp spells, 6 teleport spells, haste, slow, stun, and a plethora of other spells. most jobs are covered by other jobs in this game (i.e. Sorcerer is covered by RDM)

I'd like to see new monster families (namely weres, snakes, harpies, centaurs, dullahans, hedgehogs, vampires, toads, moths, venus weeds, crocodiles, boars, bears, and fossils.

new summons? everyone's been crazed about bahamut, odin, siren, the magus sisters, phoenix, unicorn, and maduin. Personally, i'd like to see some new AF families, since there's no GreatAxe AF, and things like that. :< some new weapon categories would be good too, like whips, books, dolls...

Anyway... that's just my take on the whole thing. sorry to stir up trouble with -all- the popular rumors, but ::shrug:: hope i didn't offend anyone ^^
RE: disappointed. With users, not corsair. :P
# Feb 01 2006 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
corsair: (n) A pirate, especially along the Barbary Coast. Coming from the French "corsaire", from Old Provential "corsari", from Old Italian "corsaro", from Medieval Latin "cursarius", from "cursus", plunder. from new Latin, "run, course."
RE: disappointed. With users, not corsair. :P
# Feb 01 2006 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
Barbary: A region of northern Africa on the Mediterranean coast between Egypt and the Atlantic Ocean. Settled by Berbers in the 2nd millennium B.C., it was conquered by Arabs in the 7th century A.D. From the 16th to the 19th century it was used as a base by pirates who raided ships in the Mediterranean Sea and extracted tribute from the European powers trading in the area.

hence the term "Barbarian" :D
RE: disappointed. With users, not corsair. :P
# Feb 02 2006 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
It's a "fantasy" game, why couldn't the fantasy world include a gun that didn't require ammo? Yuna/Vincent/Barret/Laguna/Irvine all weild guns, yet don't require ammo (sure moves like Irvines limit break may require ammo, but general attacking does not). It's not unlike Final Fantasy to have ammoless guns. And they don't explain everything (NPC's still fear being killed by monsters, yet PC's get killed by monsters all the time and only lose, at most, 25% of their exp). But I'm not rallying for the game to make more sense, I'm simply suggesting that a 'Gunner' job would be a fun job to be, and think that SE should consider it.

Edited, Sat Feb 4 09:28:18 2006
RE: disappointed. With users, not corsair. :P
# Feb 09 2006 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
I think if there was to be an ammoless gun it would have to be a high level rare/exclusive, a sort of photon gun if you will. Could be the AF+2 weapon, that would be amusing in my opinion. Maybe I am still in love in Phantasy Star Online, but a photon gun of some sort would be great. Knowing video games, a Dynamis gun like that would be something that would come about eventually...
# Jan 30 2006 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
It would be nice if for this job the main ability would be to equip a gun type weapon as your main, and still have the ability to equpip a gun as ranged. 2 guns at once. Ammo would still be kept in the ammo slot, and ranged attack would fire a shot from each gun. obviously no main weapon would be available unless you macro one in after each ranged shot, but then TP would be crap.

as for the third job possibly in the slot... can you say MIMIC?!?!?
simple equpiment... and can mimic most abilities and magic skills... weapon skills obviously would only be able to mime if the right weapon was equipped. Simply select a member of your party who you wanna mimic and their last action/magicskill/ability will be mimed on your turn.

maybe im just thinkin too much into this too lol
my 2 cents enjoi :D
RE: Corsair
# Feb 03 2006 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
I believe that somewhere in time SE did mention the 3rd possible job:Dancer>>>much like BRD;doesn't require any Mana Points just Outfits
and Fan Type Weapons for enchantments...nothing like watching a pt member Dancing away in front of Byakko,by doing a Stungaze Dance...did u say we needed DRKs for him now!?Why...if we got half naked PCs Dancing away to enchant/enfeeble Mobs
to bloody pups,while the whole pt is gazing at the Dancer missing every shot at Byakko....lmao
now that's some funny sh*t!!!Dancer would be a really cool job...i just cant see a Galka doin the John travolta SNF dance at all though...hehe
he'd look really funny in tights too,but still cool to watch for kicks,lmao...Sometimes we need a good laugh and this Job may just do that!

Edited, Fri Feb 3 21:40:23 2006
Next big job related things...
# Jan 30 2006 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
The next expansion on the gameplay I want from SE is a class change. No, not new jobs, but like an upgrade on current classes, like in FF1 after that Bahamut (or something) ordeal. Then we get new separate special abilities and weapons apart from the original job, since SE doesn't want the level cap to rise (yeah I know, flawd idea) >.> The Monk becomes a Master, then gets to wield swordchucks!

But seriously, it'd be a neat idea, then we could all go back to the dunes and spend another 10 levels playing in a new manner =/ Will never happen, though... >.<
RE: Next big job related things...
# Jan 30 2006 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
They are adding the ability to learn new ablities/magics from merits in the new expansion.

Edited, Mon Jan 30 22:37:46 2006
Jobs and fantasy
# Jan 30 2006 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
This is a nice example of SE trying to make the world of Vanadiel more enjoyable by adding more "fantasy". The next job to bring into FFXI that would (IMHO) be the most powerful and fun is bare/no job from FFV. For those who do not know, you gain a collection of stats from all jobs that you have leveled, along with the usage of what was earned skills from other jobs. Only problem would probably be Maat or balista. Probably won't happen though >.<
# Jan 30 2006 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
hummmmmmm /cry no Galka pic /cry
# Jan 30 2006 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
it be freakin cool if the corsair could help with the r/e drops
# Jan 29 2006 at 11:46 PM Rating: Good
189 posts
i can finally be a pirate kitty like ive always wanted!!! im so excited my head could explode! hoorays!! :D :D :D

Kuaru does the Frisky Cat Dance!!!
Gun = Melee attack?
# Jan 29 2006 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
115 posts
Is it just me or does that one image with the WS effect (red and blue bursts) Look like he clubed the monster with his gun?
RE: Gun = Melee attack?
# Feb 04 2006 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
It's just you. XD
i'm sorry there will never be a job as cool RNG
# Jan 29 2006 at 9:00 PM Rating: Good
54 posts
Yeah...no job will ever be as cool or more powerful than ranger...especially with ranged weapons :P
Solving the would-be RNG dilemna
# Jan 29 2006 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
139 posts
Corsair looks pretty cool, but I have a feeling it will just be looked at like a RNG. SE should add something like this to maybe solve it somewhat:

Give RNG job traits like:

Bow Mastery - Gives like +10 accuracy or RA or something I don't know, just makes RNG better with bows.

Xbow Matery - Same as Bow Mastery except with xbow

Give COR job traits like:

Gun Mastery - Same as bow and xbow except with guns.

That's just one suggestion though, I think that would help a little bit. But it is still a bit like a RNG even with those, so there would have to be more than just that I think.
RE: Solving the would-be RNG dilemna
# Jan 29 2006 at 8:57 PM Rating: Good
495 posts
They're not anything like rangers.

They don't do much damage.
They are support class such like a red mage, bard, or summoner.
# Jan 29 2006 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone have a feeling Corsair is gonna have an effect on mob drop rate. Think about it, their abilities are based on Luck first of all, and second.....Pirates are the masters of loot and booty on the high seas XD.
RE: Corsair
# Jan 29 2006 at 9:00 PM Rating: Good
495 posts
They're going to have a Luck Boost type of buff (many different types I would imagine). They could increase or even decrease drop rates depending on their luck (skill).
I concur.
# Jan 29 2006 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Gunblade Specialist is the best thing they could have introduced. A Gunner would be cool in it's own right (which is what Corsair is TRYING to be) yet, it is just another RNG, but this one can only use guns. Why couldn't this job just be a gunner? Equipping their guns in the main and sub slot. SE are probably thinking "where's the ammo going to go?". Hmmm, with blobs of snot running around killing people, the whole concept of spell casting, returning home unscathed when you die, and much more unrealistic things in the game already, they'll be damned if they include a gun that doesn't require ammo.
New Ballista area?
# Jan 29 2006 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
Can you imagine if they made an area like the Diorama, but on a ship? Then we could truly find out which is greater, Pirate or Ninja? ^^
# Jan 30 2006 at 4:08 AM Rating: Decent
278 posts
Ninjas beat Pirates...
..no contest

But Ninjas don't drink with whores and keelhaul... so I'm only leaning marginally towards Ninjas (and it's an inside/ongoing joke between my tattoo artist and me. I told her to tattoo me a tattered pirate hat with a shuriken in it and she glared-she loves pirates).
new job
# Jan 29 2006 at 1:51 AM Rating: Default
160 posts
About a very old post. If you look at how the job mini site thingy is laid out it looks like theres a perfect space for a 3rd job. I believe it will be Geomancer, the elemental warrior. But thats just me. lol
new job
# Jan 29 2006 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
160 posts
About a very old post. If you look at how the job mini site thingy is laid out it looks like theres a perfect space for a 3rd job. I believe it will be Geomancer, the elemental warrior. But thats just me. lol
Time mage please...
# Jan 29 2006 at 12:53 AM Rating: Excellent
48 posts
Time. Mage. God. Dammit.
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