1.44B On Pendragon

Some sweet changes in here, take a look (edit 1:15 EST; added the words "while zoning" to the relic note): ==================================== Dark Age of Camelot Version 1.44 Test Release Notes ==================================== NEW THINGS AND BUG FIXES - Ground targeting mode no longer causes your figure to "run in place". - When using /STUCK or falling through a city, you'll now return to a safe spot in the city instead of your bindpoint. - Pet buffs are now shown in the Pet control window. - Fixed a crash bug dealing with nocking arrows. This bug would cause players in view of the archer to crash. - Fixed a rare client crash bug that happened when players were interacting with interface dialog boxes. - Fixed a bug where if a player went linkdead when carrying the relic while zoning, the relic would respawn at the shrine. It now respawns in the portal keep (last known position before the player zoned). SPELL SYSTEM NOTES - Robe caster shield spells have been increased in effectiveness to bring them on par with the target armor factor for their level. - Some new damage absorption spells have been added to bolster robed mage defense, giving them some absorption from non-magical damage. Each Robed caster now gets a new spell at 30th and 41st level, which gives 5% and 10% damage absorption, respectively. Wizard/Theurgist, Path of Earth 30 Buffer of Earth 41 Buffer of Stone Sorcerer/Cabalist, Matter 30 Dampening Ward 41 Nullifying Ward Spiritmaster/Runemaster, Suppression 30 Magical Buffer 41 Suppressive Buffer Eldritch/Mentalist/Enchanter, Way of the Moon 30 Ward of Power 41 Barrier of Power TRADESKILL SYSTEM NOTES - Fixed a bug when using /salvage on Reinforced armor. It will now give you the correct type of strips, not leather squares. - Stiletto hilt and blade recipe icons now show the correct dagger icon. - Trinket recipes no longer should have ?'s as their icons. - Changed the icon for the trinket recipes to be a bit more uniform across the board. The trinkets for the lower half of the skill range will be a white gem icon, with the trinkets for the upper half will be the black gem icon. - Fixed Midgard cloak recipe so that there should be a separate hooded cloak recipe.


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