Update #2: July the 12th

New and Updated Schematics: Tantel Armor Left Bracer Appearance ; Composite Armor Leggings Appearance ; (Ubese Armor Segment) ; Bone Armor Chest Plate Appearance ; Bone Armor Boots Appearance ; Shock Trooper Armor Utility Belt Appearance ; Chitin Armor Left Bicep Appearance ; (Stun Protection Armor Layer) ; Padded Armor Left Bracer Appearance ; Scout Trooper Armor Right Bicep Appearance ; (Armorweave Segment) ; Shock Trooper Armor Left Bracer Appearance ; Stormtrooper Armor Gloves Appearance ; Scout Trooper Armor Helmet Appearance ; Chitin Armor Left Bracer Appearance ; Ithorian Guardian Armor Helmet Appearance ; Ubese Armor Gloves Appearance ; Tantel Armor Chest Plate Appearance ; (Chitin Armor Segment) ; Shock Trooper Armor Chest Plate Appearance ; Tantel Armor Left Bicep Appearance ; (Advanced Bone Armor Segment) ; Chitin Armor Gloves Appearance ; R.I.S. Armor Leggings Appearance ; (Kashyyykian Hunting Armor Segment) ; Mabari Armorweave Leggings Appearance ; Chitin Armor Chest Plate Appearance ; Mabari Armorweave Boots Appearance ; Mabari Armorweave Helmet Appearance ; Mabari Armorweave Belt Appearance ; Ubese Armor Chestplate Appearance ; R.I.S. Armor Left Bracer Appearance ; Ubese Armor Helmet Appearance ; Ubese Armor Bandolier Appearance ; Scout Trooper Armor Gloves Appearance ; Chitin Armor Leggings Appearance ; (Composite Armor Segment) ; Composite Armor Boots Appearance ; Scout Trooper Armor Right Bracer Appearance ; Padded Armor Chest Plate Appearance ; Stormtrooper Armor Boots Appearance ; Tantel Armor Right Bicep Appearance ; Scout Trooper Armor Chest Plate Appearance ; Bone Armor Left Bicep Appearance ; Padded Armor Leggings Appearance ; Stormtrooper Armor Helmet Appearance ; Bone Armor Helmet Appearance ; Shock Trooper Armor Right Bracer Appearance ; R.I.S. Armor Layer Appearance ; Composite Armor Gloves Appearance ; Scout Trooper Armor Left Bicep Appearance ; (Advanced Kashhyyykaian Black Mountain Armor Segment) ; Padded Armor Boots Appearance ; Stormtrooper Armor Utility Belt Appearance ; Chitin Armor Boots Appearance ; Tantel Armor Right Bracer Appearance ; (Kashyyykian Black Mountain Armor Segment) ; Composite Armor Helmet Appearance ; Scout Trooper Armor Left Bracer Appearance ; Padded Armor Right Bicep Appearance ; Shock Trooper Armor Leggings Appearance ; Composite Armor Right Bracer Appearance ; (Advanced Padded Armor Segment) ; Scout Trooper Armor Utility Belt Appearance ; Chitin Armor Helmet Appearance ; Composite Armor Chest Plate Appearance ; Ubese Armor Left Bracer Appearance ; Chitin Armor Right Bracer Appearance ; Tantel Armor Helmet Appearance ; Shock Trooper Armor Gloves Appearance ; Ubese Armor Shirt Appearance ; Stormtrooper Armor Left Bicep Appearance ; Shock Trooper Armor Right Bicep Appearance ; Tantel Armor Boots Appearance ; Bone Armor Gloves Appearance ; Shock Trooper Armor Helmet Appearance ; Composite Armor Left Bicep Appearance ; Stormtrooper Armor Left Bracer Appearance ; Ubese Armor Leggings Appearance ; Shock Trooper Armor Left Bicep Appearance ; R.I.S. Armor Right Bicep Appearance ; Bone Armor Leggings Appearance ; Stormtrooper Armor Right Bicep Appearance ; Mabari Armorweave Gloves Appearance ; Padded Armor Belt Appearance ; Stormtrooper Armor Chest Plate Appearance ; (Bone Armor Segment) ; R.I.S. Armor Left Bicep Appearance ; Padded Armor Left Bicep Appearance ; Composite Armor Right Bicep Appearance ; Scout Trooper Armor Boots Appearance ; Composite Armor Left Bracer Appearance ; (Tantel Armor Segment) ; R.I.S. Armor Right Bracer Appearance ; Padded Armor Right Bracer Appearance ; Stormtrooper Armor Leggings Appearance ; Ubese Armor Boots Appearance ; R.I.S. Armor Segment ; (Advanced Armorweave Segment) ; Kashyyykian Hunting Chest Plate Appearance ; Chitin Armor Right Bicep Appearance ; Stormtrooper Armor Right Bracer Appearance ; (Advanced Chitin Armor Segment) ; Kashyyykian Black Mountain Chest Plate Appearance ; R.I.S. Armor Chest Plate Appearance ; Bone Armor Right Bicep Appearance ; Mabari Armorweave Chestplate Appearance ; (Advanced Composite Armor Segment) ; Bone Armor Right Bracer Appearance ; Padded Armor Gloves Appearance ; Padded Armor Helmet Appearance ; Scout Trooper Armor Leggings Appearance ; (Armor Upgrade Kit) ; Tantel Armor Leggings Appearance ; (Padded Armor Segment) ; (Advanced Kashyyykaian Hunting Armor Segment) ; R.I.S. Armor Boots Appearance ; Ubese Armor Right Bracer Appearance ; R.I.S. Armor Gloves Appearance ; (Advanced Ubese Armor Segment) ; Shock Trooper Armor Boots Appearance ; R.I.S. Armor Helmet Appearance ; Bone Armor Left Bracer Appearance

New and Updated Items: Composite Armor Left Bicep ; Tantel Armor Gloves ; R.I.S. Armor Leggings ; Tantel Armor Left Bracer ; Ubese Armor Bandolier ; Bone Armor Chest Plate ; Bone Armor Leggings ; Tantel Armor Left Bicep ; Chitin Armor Leggings ; R.I.S. Armor Helmet ; Ubese Armor Gloves ; R.I.S. Armor Chest Plate ; Composite Armor Gloves ; Chitin Armor Boots ; Chitin Armor Left Bicep ; Ubese Armor Boots ; R.I.S. Armor Left Bicep ; Bone Armor Left Bicep ; R.I.S. Armor Boots ; Composite Armor Leggings ; Composite Armor Right Bracer ; R.I.S. Armor Gloves ; R.I.S. Armor Left Bracer ; Composite Armor Chest Plate ; Chitin Armor Left Bracer ; R.I.S. Armor Right Bicep ; R.I.S. Armor Right Bracer ; Chitin Armor Right Bicep ; Tantel Armor Leggings ; Ubese Armor Jacket ; Ubese Armor Left Bracer ; Chitin Armor Gloves ; Tantel Armor Helmet ; Bone Armor Gloves ; Bone Armor Right Bicep ; Ubese Armor Pants ; Composite Armor Helmet ; Tantel Armor Boots ; Bone Armor Boots ; Ubese Armor Helmet ; Tantel Armor Right Bracer ; Tantel Armor Chest Plate ; Bone Armor Left Bracer ; Chitin Armor Right Bracer ; Bone Armor Right Bracer ; Composite Armor Boots ; Chitin Armor Helmet ; Composite Armor Right Bicep ; Composite Armor Left Bracer ; Bone Armor Helmet ; Chitin Armor Chest Plate ; Ubese Armor Right Bracer ; Tantel Armor Right Bicep

New and Updated Locations: Valley of the Jedi

New and Updated Mobs: Varactyl


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