Server Names Will Remain As Is

This information in from the Developer's Corner: ============================= The Results are in! As you know, after many suggestions and much feedback from the EQ community, we ran polls this past week so that the community could decide on the name of the merged servers. Every active account was given the opportunity to vote only one time on the server of their choice. Each server had the choice between the two merged server names, a dragon name and no opinion. After the polls closed, the gnomes started counting the votes and just moments ago passed the results to us. After letting the community decide on which server name were desired the survey says.... {{{ Drum roll }}} {{{ Drum roll }}} {{{ Drum roll }}} {{{ Drum roll }}} The names will stay as they currently appear for each server! Here are the percentages each name received. Antonius Bayle No Preference 14% Antonius Bayle 62% Kane Bayle 9% Wuoshi 15% Bertoxxulous No Preference 11% Bertoxxulous 50% Tholuxe Paells 19% Vox 21% Bristlebane No Preference 13% Bristlebane 51% Solusek Ro 26% Yelinak 10% Cazic No Preference 13% Cazic-Thule 45% Brell Serilis 29% Trakanon 14% Drinal No Preference 10% Drinal 41% Tarew Marr 40% Faydedar 9% Druzzil Ro No Preference 10% Druzzil Ro 45% Xev 27% Jaled Dar 18% Erollisi Marr No Preference 11% Erollisi Marr 48% Morrel Thule 22% Talendor 19% Fennin Ro No Preference 10% Fennin Ro 49% Torvonnilous 22% Kerafyrm 20% Luclin No Preference 10% Luclin 41% Veeshan 40% Phara Dar 9% Maelin Starpyre No Preference 12% Maelin Starpyre 34% Vazaelle 28% Ragefire 26% Povar No Preference 16% Povar 53% Morden Rasp 17% Vyemm 13% Prexus No Preference 11% Prexus 52% Terris Thule 24% Severilous 13% Quellious No Preference 13% Quellious 44% Rodcet Nife 29% Dozekar 14% Saryrn No Preference 10% Saryrn 42% Mithaniel Marr 37% Gorenaire 12% Seventh Hammer No Preference 12% Seventh Hammer 49% Lanys T'Vyl 25% Nagafen 14% The Nameless No Preference 10% The Nameless 45% Innoruuk 32% Zlandicar 13% The Rathe No Preference 10% The Rathe 46% Karana 31% Sontalak 13% The Tribunal No Preference 12% The Tribunal 49% Ayonae Ro 26% Aaryonar 13% Tunare No Preference 11% Tunare 48% E'Ci 27% Klandicar 14% Xegony No Preference 11% Xegony 47% Zebuxoruk 25% Vulak 17%


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i hate to say but...
# Jul 01 2005 at 7:24 PM Rating: Default
i think we shuld have 5 servers only so more people have fun & you can have up to 11 characters

PS: just a suggestion
Why's it matter?
# Jun 27 2005 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
The point of the merges were to stabalize server populations and attempt to rounding them all off to around the same numbers of players. That said, it makes perfect sense that higher population servers would be merged with less populated servers, so that their combined populations would not be higher or lower (by too much) than SOE desired.

Yes, the vote was bound to be biased -- as far as I could tell, every server kept it's original name. But then again, what is a server name? Just a title u pick before 'Play Everquest' gets clicked. When else does it ever come in to play? Nothing comes to mind. In my opinion, the server merges have not been a bad thing, and the names are trivial. Play the game guys, that's what you are subscribed for, WHERE you play doesn't matter that much...every server's the same!! We still have Dreadlands, Felwithe, Arena, etc etc on the server, identical with new PCs. Just play!!
funny math
# Jun 27 2005 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
lol ok i am an old TP'r and moved over to bertoxx.. usually dont complain about anything after all what good is it gonna do with soe.. but explain to me how the math works on our poll... or are we just overpopulated....

No Preference 11%
Bertoxxulous 50%
Tholuxe Paells 19%
Vox 21%

11+19=30+50=80+21=101% ???? ok whats that all about....
RE: funny math
# Jun 27 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
385 posts
It's rounding. Those percents are obviously not exact; there will be fractional parts. Due to the way the numbers get rounded, it's always possible that the total will end up +/- 1% or so.
Sir KyrosKrane Sylvanblade
Luclin (Veeshan) Server
Lord, Lightbringer, and Redeemer in the service of Erollisi Marr
Master Artisan (300 + GM Trophy in All)
Master Fisherman (200 + 5%) and maybe Master Drunk (2xx + 20%, too drunk to tell!)
Stupid whining care-bear bluebies
# Jun 27 2005 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
Ok i understand that some people may dislike server merges and I respect that. But it's ridiculous to b***h so much about something as trivial as the name of your server that sony actually bothered to do f*****g polls to clear the issue up. Seriously, there are enough annoying bugs/glitches that sony could be fixing right now instead of wasting their time on this b.s. Like the exploit with using unlimited charges of concoctions, for example. Why dont people spend as much effort whining about stuff like that??
Who cares
# Jun 27 2005 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
really who cares. its just a name on the server that you see, for what? the half second it takes to click <Play Everquest>. I mean come on I rather have the Devs spending time fixing problems that actually affect game play.
Prexus Rules
# Jun 26 2005 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
Woot go prexus go
I wonder, also!
# Jun 25 2005 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
I wonder, if we would of only voted on the old and new servers, if the vote would of been a lot closer. Some of the names would of most likely changed. I think Sony knew this and so did it the way they did it on purpose.

Lord Jarrow
57 cleric
# Jun 25 2005 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
These polls were simply a way for SOE to stop the whining they were getting from people who lost their server name. SOE merged the lower pop servers with the higher and of course the higher would win the vote. If they wanted to have a legitimate vote, they would have only asked if the people wanted dragon names. Even if the dragon names would have won it is already far too late ... the current servers have already welcomed the old servers to THEIR server (if that makes any sense).
RE: ...
# Jun 27 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
SOE merged the lower pop servers with the higher and of course the higher would win the vote

Well... You're making an assumption here that I'm not sure is valid... Sure, the higher population server probably had a bit of an advantage going into the vote but there are quite a few variables to take into consideration.

1. The populations of servers change daily... people move to other servers, people quit playing, people delete or create characters, new people start playing the game, etc. The ratios of the populations at the time of the mergers may be quite different than they are now.

2. The vote wasn't a straight A or B choice... ie. the higher server pop or lower server pop wins... You could vote for either of those or the dragon or no preference or you could choose not to vote at all. All of these options make it much harder to determine an advantage for one server over another...

3. A lot of people play on more than one server (particularly if they play on a "regular" server and on a PvP server). I have characters on several servers... but I could only vote once for my choice on one server name ballot. Therefore, even if one server has a large population, it doesn't mean that all of those people will be voting on that server name question.

4. I seem to recall (and feel free to correct me because I'm not certain of this) that when SOE was planning the mergers they said that they would merge the highest pop server with the lowest pop server, the next-to-highest with the next-to-lowest, and so on... therefore some of the middle population servers could have been fairly close in numbers to begin with.

All in all, these factors made the outcome a lot less like a slam dunk and more like an easy lay-up. The higher pop server likely still had an advantage but looking at the close numbers on a couple of the votes tells you that the outcome was not certain.

I do agree that the whole exercise was probably to appease the folks who got moved without any chance to give their input. At least, SOE gave them a little bit of a chance to control their destiny.

66 Shaman
Praelium et Cerevisia Guild
Bertoxxulous Server

Edited, Tue Jun 28 20:43:11 2005
I call for a recount, my chad was hanging
# Jun 25 2005 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
With how close the Veshan/Luclin and Drinal/Terew Marr votes were i think they should re run those two polls. 1% is far to close to make a decision on ... I say rerun those two and remove the dragon name ads an option!
# Jun 25 2005 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
I agree ajmchenry. They need to find some way to do it other than that. A lot of people quit too after the server merges and it really isn't fair for most servers. I'm kinda mad Tarew Marr lost. Yes I am originally from that server but we've been around longer than drinal has and it would be nice to keep the "tradition" so to say alive.
Close results
# Jun 25 2005 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Luclin and Drinal were very close results - winning by 41% to the 40% of Veeshan and Tarew Marr respectively.
I wonder??
# Jun 25 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
When they merged the servers did they take the less active into the more active. If so then in a way by default the names would stay the same b/c of the already current base of the more active server therefore those from the lessers would have already a disadvantage in trying to change the name. Also for those that have already adjusted themselves to the new sever names don't need to have it changed again and makes us do the work twice of updating our info with others. Just my 2c.
RE: I wonder??
# Jun 25 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Default
i was thinking the exact same thing, it appears they merged smaller servers into larger servers. If so, then this "poll" was just a dog and pony show to quite down all the complaining.

Personally I voted for the dragon name and think all the servers should have gone that direction. Sony opened a HUGE can of worms by keeping the old names and then allowing titles that showed you were from a different server. This has caused nothing but problems and division with the players.

/em bonks sony on head!!!

Zowi Purewater
62 paladin
RE: I wonder??
# Jun 25 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
Name one can of worms SONY --Hasn't --opened. WTB -Verant
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