Compatible Graphics Card Drivers

Driver software for the graphics cards below has been verified as compatible with FINAL FANTASY XI for Windows as of September 10, 2004. Please visit your manufacturer's web site for all driver software downloads. NVIDIA GeForce series (excluding GeForce 6800/6600 series) Driver software: NVIDIA FORCEWARE(TM) ver. 56.64 URL: Note: NVIDIA FORCEWARE(TM) ver. 61.77 has been approved for use with the GeForce 6800 and 6800GT in Windows 2000 and Windows XP only. ATI Technologies RADEON 9000 series and later (excluding RADEON X800 series) Windows 2000/XP Driver software: CATALYST Windows 4.8 Windows 98/98SE/ME Driver software: CATALYST Windows 4.7 URL: Note: CATALYST Windows 4.8 has been approved for use with the RADEON X800 XT and X800 Pro in Windows 2000 and Windows XP only. Only AGP interface cards have been verified. Testing of PCI-E interface cards is currently under way. We will issue an announcement once testing is complete. Depending on your system's configuration, the above drivers may not function correctly. Acquiring and installing driver software is your responsibility.


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# Oct 19 2004 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
Yea _ simply: can someone recommend a driver for the nVidia 6800 GT that works with FFXI - all my other games (including Doom 3) look super sweet and FFXI looks horrible.

I don't need to know why or driver history or anything like that; if you could suggest a driver and what settings to plug into FF config, that would be awesome = )

# Sep 18 2004 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
Will the GeForce MX series (420, 440) be compatible?
SYNC. Not in Range???
# Sep 18 2004 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
Driver conflict?
# Sep 18 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Everytime I install a new ATI driver, POL runs very slow and has messed up graphics. I don't know exactly the reason for this, but I'm probably forgetting an install/uninstall step somewhere. I know I must uninstall the previous driver first before trying to install the new one thru control panel, but everytime I restart, windows will reinstall the old driver automatically. Any suggestions on how to get around this?
RE: Driver conflict?
# Sep 18 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
I'm having the same problems as you are. i've posted a few messages on a couple other forms so if i find out whats the solution i'll be sure to tell you.
RE: Driver conflict?
# Sep 18 2004 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
Under the settings tab in display properties click on the advanced button. Under the Direct3D tab go to compatability settings and enable "Support 32-bit Z-buffer depth". I think this will fix what you are referring to.
RE: Driver conflict?
# Sep 18 2004 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
97 posts
I tried your suggestion and enabled "Support 32-bit Z-buffer depth", but I saw little, if any difference at all. I've decided to rollback the driver and keep using the previous one until there's a solution to it.
Strange problems... Card related?
# Sep 17 2004 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
I've got the ATI Radeon 9800xt card.

Recently I've been having some problems with PoL and the game:

PoL takes FOREVER to do PoL (and once, an FFXI update). Today's patch took 10 minutes on cable, the one a couple of days ago, three hours. (I doubt this is video card related...)

Recently when I kill monsters their graphics stay standing for about a minute. Then the graphic fades away (they don't fall on the ground) and the name pops out of appearance and I heard the death scream.

Are any of these video card related?
RE: Strange problems... Card related?
# Sep 17 2004 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
Hey feoen, Lelan here. That's not your graphics card. That's just the info from the server taking longer to load into your computer, so once it finally catches up to itself, it goes in steps like that (aka LAG). I've got a 9800pro and everything runs beautifully. When that happens, check your sending and recieving speeds. Try your connection. Also, if POL isn't the active window on my puter, sometimes it goes VERY slow (?) but as soon as I activate it again (or if there's a big program running in the background, like if windows is loading or a windows update) it will bog it down. Try and run POL and FFXI with everything not nessecary (sp?) shut down (messenger, FRAPS, etc...) and see if that helps.
# Sep 17 2004 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
Then why was the problem triggered by the patch and unchanged by the new driver?
RE: ...
# Sep 17 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
EDIT: Hmm...just realized I don't have DirectX 9.0c; I think I have 9.0b. I'll try installing the newer version.

If anyone else comes up with a solution, including installing the 56.64 drivers, PLEASE post...
RE: ...
# Sep 17 2004 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
I use the non-official drivers -> Omega

Works great with all games !
FX chipsets
# Sep 17 2004 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Anyone with a FX chipset card should be using 56.64 or 56.72, NOT 61.XX+, nVidia have incorporated several methods for the most recent drivers intended for the 6800/6600 chipset series that will cause parts of Final Fantasy XI to display incorrectly (most notably the way other character models and the clipping frame fade in).
Win XP Warning for GeForce FX 5200 driver
# Sep 17 2004 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
I have a GeForce FX 5200 on Windows XP Professional and am getting the following warning halfway through downloading the newest driver:

The software you are installing for this hardware:

NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200

has not passed Windows Logo testing to verify it's compatability with Windows XP.

Continuing your installation of this software may impair or destabalize the correct operation of your system either immediately or in the future. Microsoft strongly recommends that you stop this installation now and contact your hardware vendor for software that has passed Windows Logo testing.

Here's a link to a picture of the warning
RE: Win XP Warning for GeForce FX 5200 driver
# Sep 17 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent

You see, there is a special verification process that a driver has to go through in order to pass the Windows Certification tests. I'll try to educate without being piarrhetic.

Unfortunately, that driver failed to meet the specifications put forth by Microsoft, and has failed to meet up to it's criteria, or they simply did not attempt to get it verified in time to meet certain deadlines.. a number of different issues could have caused this.

"Microsoft is the self-made god of its own standards, and there is one thing no one will complain about with MS, and that is its brutal enforcement of its standards. People may complain about how the standards are made, or how MS uses them, but the standards themselves have brought us a relatively sane computer industry with hardware and software that works together. MS is understandably ****** about these standards, and defends them vigorously. If you see the sticker with the logo on it, you know what it brings.

Microsoft has a raft of tests, and the ones that concern graphics all revolve around DirectX. With the release of Direct 9.0c a little less than a month ago, the Vole also released a new round of tests to certify compliance levels. The new DCT level is 5.2, and it basically makes you adhere to SM3.0, and adhere closely. No games are permitted, you play by Microsoft rules or take your ball and go home. Consumers really do win here.

The compliance sticker is not all that pretty to begin with, and anyone with a bit of pride will rip it off the computer as her or his first act of case modding. The problem is that the little sticker brings a lot of money in the door, and out the door if you don't have it.

But I understand you, us people don't like that box, and if you don't know much about computers, this fearsome warning may very well prompt a panic call to tech support. I have had a few from friends myself, so I know it is a real problem. Support calls like that cost money, and negatively impact consumer sentiment. Both are very bad for a manufacturer.

The thing that is much worse is that large OEMs know this, and for reasons of self preservation, and for the bags of MS money that comes with it, they insist on the Microsoft certified logo. So, no logo, little mom and pop vendors like Dell and HP won't ship it. This is considered bad in the industry, and pretty much fatal for a supplier of parts.

Now don't get me wrong, having a Driver certified by MS is a GREAT thing, but having a driver that is not certified, isn't nessacerily a BAD thing either. It does take a little bit of effort, time, and money in order to take every driver through this process. Hence, sometimes they skip a few revisions in the efforts to save time and money. In my mind this is a horrible way to develop drivers because you can only be certain that the versions that passed the cert. process are actually what they should be.

I remember reading an article put out by Toms Hardware about a recent ATI driver.

You may want to check them out at You will find some more info there. Look for ATI Driver something or rather. Sorry I can't be more specific.. if I find the link again I will edit this post.

Also, the last few times I have posted something HELPFULL to the main page I was ACTUALLY RATED DOWN. If this post gets rated down, I'll just quit posting to the main page.

Edited, Fri Sep 17 15:15:36 2004
One more time for good measure
# Sep 17 2004 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts

Again, I don't think they're saying you should update them if you're not having any problem. The recent patch did introduce graphics problems to a lot of people, though, and this may be a suggested remedy.

My settings (all settings maxed) ran great until the recent patch.
# Sep 17 2004 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
i run a 9600xt 256 and use the latest catalyst drivers right from ATI's homepage. all settings maxed runs great. I don't see a reason to update them.
RE: Don't worry
# Sep 17 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
Well, I'm under the impression that this was supposed to specifically address the September 13th patch and the problems it introduced to some people. If your card appears to be working fine, don't worry about it. The problems are quite noticeable.
Don't worry
# Sep 17 2004 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
i have a Radeon All in Wonder 32mb, not the 9000 series, not the X800, but the original base Radeon model. It works just fine.

Jeuno isn't really laggy, except at the peak times. Yuhtunga isn't laggy.

Of course, this is with almost all the settings turned down.

the point? Don't stress over the video card
rollback the driver
# Sep 17 2004 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
I have a nvidia GEforce 5200 agp will this work for it still or am i not understanding this?
Rollback the driver?
# Sep 17 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
Looks like the newest version of Forceware, nVidia's driver package, is 61.76, dated July 27th, 2004. I have tried using that driver and it does not fix the problem. But the above recommends 56.64?
RE: Rollback the driver?
# Sep 17 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
320 posts
the beutiful thing about the drivers nvidea uses, older versions are backwords compatable. if you more then once i have solved a graphical problem on my system by installing an older version of their drivers.
RE: Rollback the driver?
# Sep 17 2004 at 1:10 PM Rating: Excellent
3,473 posts
The 56.64 drivers may be the latest ones WQHL certifed, which is why hey are recommending them. I could be wrong on the WQHL certification though.
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