Spirit Guard Udyr: Return of the Ultimate skin

The 'just take my money!' skin for Udyr, Spirit Guard Udyr is finally here!

As if our wallets weren't hurting enough from the Steam sale, the much anticipated Ultimate Spirit Guard Udyr skin has landed all over the face of your League of Legends. There is a limited edition webpage for it, with ceremonial drums included, then there’s the interactive logon screen and finally the interactive comic... just take my money! 

Following the release of the only previous Ultimate skin, Pulsefire Ezreal, the skin was so popular and so well made that the champion has been the most consistently played since. With the legend of Pulsefire Ezreal in the back of everybody's mind, the hype has been immense leading up to the release of the latest (second) Ultimate skin, Spirit Guard Udyr. 

Boy oh boy was it worth the wait, not only has Riot once again outdone itself in creating one very sexy skin, it has also created some of the coolest complimentary media to boot. 

The skin is 1,950 RP points to buy for the first four days of release, after which it will go up to 3,250 RP points, this is how it handelled Pulsefire Ezreal too. As for how it fits, the skin is as high detail as the other Legendary and Ultimate skins, with all-new spell effects and animations, a model evolution for every stance, and minion, champion and neutral monster kill effects. 

The clever marketing department at Riot is very smart, and the only place you will be able to experience the comic in all its glory is in the game client itself (and probably on YouTube, but that’s cheating), but trust me, it is totally worth signing up for. 

If it’s the only thing you do today, head over to the site and sign up for a free account to try it yourself. 


Chris Rainey, Columnist


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