Blog Post: Cat Scratch Fever

Kitty Cosplay!

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Cat Scratch Fever
April 24, 2013

Fernehalwes back again, and this time I've spelled my name correctly.
(Why “Fernehalwes” isn't included in all spell-checkers, I will never know.)

This weekend, FINAL FANTASY XIV and Yoshi-P will be making an appearance at Niconico Chokaigi 2 being held at the Makuhari Messe convention hall near Tokyo.

To kick things off, Tuesday, FFXIV participated in the “Business Booth Presentation Battle” where we went head-to-head with several other big companies in a competition to win approximately 10,000,000 yen of free ad space on Niconico Douga.

Bet you can’t guess who in that sea of suits was representing ARR.

Unfortunately, the power of the paw was not enough to get us beyond the semi-finals, but it was a valiant effort nonetheless. least we got some great pics like this one:


Now on a completely different note, ‘M’ and I finally received our prize for hitting the Square Enix Members Ultimate tier this year, and it is the pinnacle of awesome-sauce (if such sauce could have a pinnacle).

People told us we were crazy, but I knew buying twenty copies of XIII-2 would pay off!
Kuplu Kopo approves.

See you all this weekend!


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