Seekers of Adoulin Site Updated!

  The official site for Final Fantasy XI's Seekers of Adoulin expansion has been updated once again, bringing about new information about the second job being implemented, the Rune Fencer! A melee-driven tank, the Rune Fencer's abilities stem from its ability to enhance the magical defensive capabilities of itself and party members, as well as weaken monsters through elemental attacks!

 In addition to these new details on Rune Fencer, a brand new music track, "Steel Sings, Blades Dance", has been added, letting you get a taste of some of the new music that will be reaching your ears in Adoulin!

Let us know what you think of these new expansion details over on the ZAM forums!


Keep your blades high, adventurers, and get your inscribing styluses ready, as the Seekers of Adoulin website has been updated with a plethora of information regarding the second and final new class to be added in the upcoming expansion—the rune fencer—as well as with a new song to tickle your ears.

In the days ahead we will have even more information for you to take in, so break out that quill and parchment and get ready to jot down a few lines!

Sail to the site and prepare to be buffeted by a wave of enlightenment!


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