Enfeebling Magic Resistance of Monsters

 The enfeebling magic system for Final Fantasy XI will be seeing major revamps in the near future! The once powerful line of magic has, as of late, been considered a very lackluster series of spells for the newer content being implemented, with new monsters either being completely immune to most spells or having attack patterns that ignore such effects. This may soon change, as a series of adjustments have been announced to return this all but neglected magic line back to power. The resistance levels of most all monsters to enfeebles will be lowered, and a new system, tenatively called the "Resist Hack" will allow for players to "hack" through the enfeebling resistances of Notorious Monsters, provided the monster isn't immune to that effect.

Let us know your opinion of the new, developing changes to the enfeebling magic system over on the ZAM forums!

From the official Final Fantasy XI forums:

[dev1093] Enfeebling Magic Resistance of Monsters

  • Monsters' resistance to enfeebling magic will be lowered.
    While there will remain a select group of exceptional monsters with complete resistance to certain effects, the vast majority of monsters will become susceptible to enfeebling effects.
    *This does not guarantee that enfeebling magic will always be successful. Furthermore, effect duration may be reduced for monsters with high resistance.

*As these adjustments will have wide-ranging repercussions on combat balance, an extensive testing and feedback period will be conducted before their implementation.
As of July 13, this adjustment has only been applied to Legion and Voidwatch notorious monsters as well as field enemies that are not "Impossible to gauge."

From the official Final Fantasy XI forums:

We have been mentioning here and there about a significant enfeeble system revamp and I’d like to explain a bit more in detail about the changes that will be taking place with the upcoming test server, as I am sure everyone is quite curious what will be adjusted!

  • Immunity
    In the case where a monster has immunity to a certain enfeebling spell, it will be possible to recognize this via the chat log when it is resisted.

    As long as the monster does not have immunity, it will be possible to enfeeble them, and there will be a very large amount of monsters that can be enfeebled as compared to the past.

    ※The log display for immunity will not be reflected on the test server at this time.

  • “Resist hack” (tentative name)
    We will be adding a new system where resistance will decrease by the continuous use of an enfeebling spell.
    • When an enfeebling spell is resisted, a “resist hack” can occur which will reduce the resistance towards that enfeebling spell.
    • Resist hacks can build up making it possible to lower the resistance further.
    • The more an enfeebling spell is resisted, the higher the rate of a resist hack occurring.
    • Once the enfeebling effect is successfully applied to the monster, the lowered resistance will reset.
    • If an enfeebling effect is put on a monster continuously, resistance will gradually build and the resist hacks will not occur. Monsters that have immunity will also exist and resist hacks will not occur when fighting them.
    • Resist hacks will only be applied towards enfeebling magic (spells that fall into the enfeebling magic skill category)
  • Adjustment objective
    The main objective for implementing this system is to boost the contribution of enfeebling magic for strategies when fighting NMs with high resistances and other specific content.

    There will be an extremely large amount of monsters where this system will be applicable, so we will be spending some time adjusting each of them. For the next version update we will be adjusting regular field monsters and the NMs in Legion and Voidwatch. After this we will be adjusting NMs for other content as well as field NMs.

We feel that with this system enfeebling spells will be much more applicable and we are really looking forward to have everyone test it out and give feedback!


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