Interesting Information

  • Next publish for SWG, we get colors for vehicles and get to have up to three in our datapads. Read more here.
  • TheHolobase allows SWG players to sign up with their current mastered professions including Holo-professions. This database stores and sorts this data and also includes statistics regarding mastered professions. You can see me at #1300 :)
  • If you played EQ, you may remember Tahnlu Entertainment and their nice little slide shows, well they have a new one out for SWG. (load times may vary -- Macromedia Flash)
  • SWG Macro Bible is a new site that is out, however temporarily located on Angelfire but has several different macros for you to choose from.
  • If you are a Spanish player and want to talk to other Spanish players you can connect via an irc. The channel is
  • Web visitors from Germany have been experiencing some login issues over at the official forum, using the "sign in / change user" link. Since the site update that link was basically producing a page not found error. Sony Senior Web Developer Nicholas has been able to track down and fix the problem! Please accept a great thank you from the whole German community! "What I think happened was that the login code was adapted when we moved to the current global navigation bar. It still had language detection in, even though the new version is English only. As a result, identifiably German users were getting sent to a the German login page (which no longer exists). Everyone should now go to the English version." Nice and great seeing it working again. Also thanks a lot Joshua (CSR), Ronda (Lucasart Fanpages coordination) and Raph for assisting in that special case. Now go and login already, will you? :-) Calimerion - Dragon Clan
  • Comments

    Post Comment
    oh yeah
    # Jan 17 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
    238 posts
    i'm glad i kept master artisan! now i'm going to help keep your speeders all spiffy-like.
    # Jan 17 2004 at 2:19 AM Rating: Decent
    Yay, now what colors do we get? Almost any color that's in the game'ld be cool.
    # Jan 17 2004 at 1:15 AM Rating: Default
    woooot colored vehicles thats awesome!
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