Growing Up Galactic: TOR's low level content!

The ZAM staff talk about their experiences in TOR!


As for the play styles, I let my Marauder quickly level through story missions by skipping most side quests, all Heroic (2+ people) quests, and limiting my exploration. On the plus side, I hit 25 on Tatooine with enough credits to easily buy a speeder bike. However, my companions’ affection was lower, I never tried any PvP, and I found out I had missed several good storylines on planets like Balmorra. With my Sniper I vowed to take my time, and in turn made many useful discoveries:

·       Warzones (PvP instanced matches) are brutal, easy to try, and rewarding. As soon as players hit level 10 they can queue up for warzones; all stats are adjusted to level 50, so the only difference is the number of skills players have and how much damage reduction they have. Yes, you will die a lot… however, the commendations at the end are heavily based on the medals accumulated during PvP rather than winning or losing (though winning still gives a nice boost). Also, the tiered rewards are fantastic. Check out ZAM’s guide on it!

Datacrons; free permanent stat boosts for some exploring

·        Exploring is its own benefit, but Datacrons are found in every world in out-of-the-way places. All of them give some experience and either a permanent stat boost of +2 to a particular stat, or a matrix shard that can be combined to make a powerful crystal for orange-quality items. Speaking of which…

·        Finishing a planet’s storyline seems to reward orange-quality items; others are bought from vendors, usually for commendations. These items are unique in that their components are removable and replaceable. So if I had a blaster that I enjoyed the look of, instead of replacing it with a new item I could just change out the parts. Since parts are often cheaper than new items, this can be a great way to customize your character’s look while keeping their stats high.

         It pays to quest as a team thanks to social points; every quest with a conversation option can increase your social point score when partying with another player, and higher social rank allows a player to buy unique items (including orange outfits). Even solo, the companion system will eventually offer 5 unique companions to fill any niche that’s needed. If your character is straight DPS like my Sniper? Kaliyo can function as a tank character and lets me sit back and shoot bad guys all day long. As a Marauder, Malavai plays as a healer to keep me alive while up close and in the action.

         Space missions: I hate them. Ok, I don’t hate them, but I don’t care for them much. However, they can become MUCH easier with a few simple ship upgrades, which only run several hundred credits each. I highly recommend upgrading your ship early on if you plan on running these missions.

·         Compared to my Marauder, my Sniper went heavy on the crew skills. This included many diplomacy runs which flooded my inventory with medical supplies for Biochem. Luckily, crafting components can be kept in the VERY large storage containers on your ship and still accessed by your companions to craft! These rare and epic quality items are needed for recipes discovered through reverse engineering. A regular medpac, for example, can be destroyed to gain back some components and a chance at learning a Prototype (blue-quality) Med-pack. Making this requires rare components from diplomacy missions, but also heals extra health over time. Reverse engineering the Prototype medpac can teach a reusable medpac item; this can be used indefinitely.

The only flashpoint I ran was Hammer Station. Tank and spank the whole way!

Now, at level 25 I’ve barely scratched the surface of the game and I haven’t even finished Act I yet on either character (which brings in the Legacy system). I also have only run a single Flashpoint (Hammer Station), so my grouping experience is rather limited. But never fear, ZAMmers, because Chris “Pwyff” Tom should be able to cover those experiences and more in his high-level reflection piece. Until then, for the Emperor, and May the Force be With You!

Paul "LockeColeMA" Cleveland, Staff Writer.

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