One Week with LOCO: Evolution

Staff Writer Patrick Do talks about his experiences in the Land of Chaos Online


The game itself is still as much fun as ever. LOCO’s game mechanics remain largely intact: you still run around claiming towers and it’s still sad when those cute little creatures that follow you around are sent to their deaths. Players familiar with games like Defense of the Ancients or Heroes of Newerth will pick up the game quickly.  There are multiple maps to play, all of which are well balanced and many characters to master. Each match takes about thirty minutes to an hour to complete and upon its completion you are showered with loot and experience for your account, to be put toward unlocking new heroes.  Alaplaya plans to put out new content every month, so there should be enough content to keep player sated for a very long time.  

Also new to this update is a new game type called "Touchdown." Touchdown plays a lot like a traditional game of touch Football… now replace "Football" with LOCO’s frantic game mechanics, replace "touching" with "brutally killing each other," and you really start to get a sense of how the game mode plays. Touchdown is a light, fun distraction, and yet another testament to where Alaplaya wants to take the game.  


If there were one complaint to be had about the update, it would be that Arhonnas still feels slightly like a work in progress—there are a couple of areas in the city that don’t lead anywhere as of yet. We spoke to Peter Rehrmann, from Alaplaya, about some of these locales and he assured us that the team had some very exciting concepts in development involving PvE.  Another problem we ran into was that the party system has yet to be properly implemented—you can join a party but you won’t be able to enter a match together. This looks like an easy fix and hopefully one that the team gets around to soon.

LOCO: Evolution is a game with a lot of promise. In a year’s time, this game could completely reinvent its genre. Today, it remains an addictive and solid entry in the free-to-play arena with an abundance of content. LOCO blurs boundaries between MMO and MOBA games and does so with a unique flair. There are still a couple of hiccups here or there, but the foundation is solid and the forward thinking vision that they are applying to this game is not to be understated. I can’t wait to see what Alaplaya has in store for the next evolution of Land of Chaos Online.

Patrick "BakersMan" Do, Staff Writer.

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