The Secret World clarifies Open Beta timing

Due to some comments made by *cough* certain Funcom CEOs, the internet has been exploding with speculation as to when The Secret World will begin Open Beta testing, as well as what sort of business models and price points they'll be pursuing overall. In response to the furor, The Secret World team has publsihed a direct response to the rumours, pointing out a few important things:

  • TSW has been in closed beta testing for several months with Funcom QA personnel and some external testers.
  • Open beta will not begin before Christmas, but is planned for some time in 2012.
  • No business model or price points have been declared for The Secret World, and evaluations are still being discussed.
So that's all there is to it! Remember folks, the game isn't going to be out for another five months, and given the fluidity of the market, it would be silly of Funcom to lock down their plans so early in the process. You can read the full clarification on The Secret World's homepage.


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