ZAM Previews SW:TOR's Republic Faction

Find out what Fewyn, Cyliena, Argo and Micajah think about some of the Republic classes in Star Wars: The Old Republic!

Argo on the Trooper and Jedi Consular (Director of Development)

Like Fewyn and Cyliena, I played both the Jedi Consular and the Trooper. Here are my impressions on both classes.

Jedi Consular

  • Up until you get your advanced class and companion, melee abilities seem to be most effective. I found myself using Double Strike and Project quite a bit.
  • Once you get your Qyzen Fess companion, it becomes much easier to sit back and cast Project and Telekinetic Throw. I chose Sage at level 10 for my advanced class. That provided me with Disturbance, which I also worked into my rotation.
  • Even though I am specing into healing, I don’t feel this has hindered my ability to level in solo content.
  • The Jedi leveling zone was my favorite of all the zones. It was the most visually pleasing. The content was enjoyable as well.
  • Artifice, Archeology and Treasure Hunting seem to be complementary companion skills. They allow you to make nice upgrades for your armor and weapons, as well as off-hand, wrists and boots.


  • I died more leveling my Trooper to level 8 than any other class. Fewyn had the same experience. They need to buff the Trooper's damage or armor and health.
  • Leveling was much easier after I learned Pulse Cannon at level 8. It's a frontal cone AoE ability that melts the faces of mobs.
  • The leveling area was interesting, and I found myself enjoying the storyline for Trooper quite a bit.
  • When leveling from 1-8 I used Hammer Shot, Explosive Shot and Full Auto. Once I received Pulse Cannon, I ran into a group of mobs and attacked them with that, and finished them off with Explosive Shot.
  • Complementary companion skills are Armormech, Scaveging and Underworld Trading
  • With the Vanguard specialization, Ion Pulse starts to play into your rotation instead of Hammer Shot.

Micajah on the Smuggler (Director of Content)

I played the Smuggler, which is pretty fun. Taking cover is a great mechanic that is a nice risk (time it takes to cover) vs. reward (extra damage and added damage reduction). The class seems pretty decent in terms of damage, but a bit squishier than the other classes if played poorly.

However, with a group they faceroll. Two smugglers can just toss grenades to as much as they want because their cooldowns are separate. They can keep the rotation going with Flashbang, Fire, Flashbang, etc.

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