Crisp Thinking Will Tackle TERA's Spam

Are you curious how En Masse Entertainment will be dealing with gold sellers and spammers in TERA? According to a new press release, those issues will be managed by Crisp Thinking's automated community management platform:

"The Crisp Platform tackles threats including gold farming, spam bots, griefing, power leveling and phishing attacks by detecting irregular in-game behavior; patterns within online chat and social graph activity in real time. It detects bad behavior and monitors trading activity in real time; automatically deals with low-level behavior in accordance with rules set by moderators; and prioritizes and escalates more severe problems to moderation teams."

Sounds helpful, but does it work? En Masse COO Patrick Wyatt says it's actually the best system available. "In testing we’ve been extremely impressed with its performance," he said. "The Crisp Platform automates many of the functions of human moderators, which allows our live team to spend their time moderating serious issues and helping players."

Tags: News, TERA


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