New Live Event Plotlines Coming to EVE Online

In his latest dev blog entry, CCP Headfirst hints that there are some new live event plot lines coming to EVE Online. Here are the details:

"Beyond that, there are entirely new live event plot lines in the works, with at least one of them already in its initial stages of deployment. As both CCP Dropbear and I have advanced onset ADD, permanent insomnia, chronic workaholism, we're going to roll them all out simultaneously. There are going to be several stories unfolding, hopefully enough to appeal to a wide array of play styles. We’re aiming to please you lore hounds with some in-depth historical revelations, but everything we learned from the Sansha events let us know that players love to fight as well, so be ready for more of that, too."

As CCP Headfirst puts it, "It’s going to be one hell of a summer."


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