Item and Quest Updates for Nov. 19th

I hope you all are playing Frontiers, and don't forget, while you playing, write down any and all item and quest information that you can to submit it to the site. THe reason we ask this is this is the only way the site grows, and you are helping your fellow players whenever you submit info. As always, my email address is Oh, and if you looking at items, and you see one that needs to have either Ogre or Alchemist put into the Race/Class field, drop me an email about it and ill get it fixed. New Items: Rathestone SpearSwamp Rusted PikeDarkfern TunicRathebark TunicRathestone AxeSword of LordsBoneduke's CrownTwig of LifeBonesawRing of the AgesBook of RoEnoob's EyeTranscendent OrbRing of AbsorptionDeathfist Magi's WandBloodmire Weave SashPlainswalker's HatExecutioner's AxePolished Field TunicShield of IronBrutal HandaxeLichen Encrusted GlovesFangrimmed FlachionJeweled BracersNite Jaguar-Hide GlovesGloves of SilenceGreat Boots of IllarsinChampions HelmetMighty Greaves

New Quests: Troll Warrior Lvl 49Dwarf Warrior Lvl 15Human Qeynos Warrior Lvl 13Human Shadowknight Lvl 30Ogre Warrior Lvl 01Ogre Warrior Lvl 02Ogre Warrior Lvl 03Ogre Warrior Lvl 04Ogre Warrior Lvl 05Ogre Warrior Lvl 07Ogre Shadowknight Lvl 01Ogre Shadowknight Lvl 02Ogre Shadowknight Lvl 03Ogre Shadowknight Lvl 05Ogre Shadowknight Lvl 07Ogre Shadowknight Lvl 10Ogre Shadowknight Lvl 04


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