ZAM and Trion Work to Optimize Leaderboard Data

All available server data is now live in our Leaderboards!

Many players have noticed that our Leaderboards have not been updated recently, despite Trion having released new data.  Here's what's going on:

The last few data pushes released by Trion have been missing the data for several servers, which affects everyone using Trion's data.  When some servers are missing it throws an error and the info can't be plugged in correctly.

We're working with Trion to get the missing servers added to the data.  In the meantime we are working on an internal solution for this so that the information that we do receive can be plugged into the leaderboards, but even then some folks may not receive their updates accurately because of the missing information. 

UPDATE!  Our internal changes are live, and every shard that we have data for is now available in our Leaderboards!  Check 'em out by guild firsts, character firsts, or shard firsts

Tags: News, RIFT


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