Horrifying Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.

This is not game news, but is more important. I am putting this up here because many people are trying to figure out what is going on and this way we can share what we know. Here's what I know so far: - At about 8:45 a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. 14 minutes later, andther plane crashed into the second tower. - Another plane crashed into the Pentagon soon after that. - A bomb went off at the State Department. - Both World Trade Center Towers have now completely collapsed, presumably killing everyone who was unable to evacuate in time, and also the firemen and police who were at the towers trying to help people evacuate. - Another plane has gone down somewhere in Western Pennsylvania. Possibly just a coincidence or possibly an attempt to hyjack it to another target. Words cannot express the horror.
Tags: General, News


Post Comment
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:41 AM Rating: Default
This post was strangely given an "awful" rating, I'm curious as to why so want to repost it and explain in more depth that Pakastan had done NOTHING to warrent this attack yesterday. That they had in fact offered to assist the US in bringing the responsible parties to justice.

"Last night, in my home town in North Dakota, I strangely found a channel that was doing the morning BBC news in England.

There was an interview with the Isreali Prime Minister questioning his movement into Palastinian lands with military forces yesterday. They moved 3 tanks and numerous troops into a couple Palastinian towns, in the processess killing 3 people. One of those was a 9 year old little girl.

When asked why now? Was it becuase nobody was looking at them, the response was so vague that I KNEW the Prime Minister was lieing. He claimed that they were only doing what Bush recommended, going after the terrorists where they form (by this I got the impression he meant breed).

After continued pressured questions by the british media person the Prime Minister backtracked and said that what they were doing had nothing to do with the rest of the world and when asked why he claimed they were only doing what Bush said must be done, he claimed that was not what he meant.

And so it begins, yet another young life gone, yet another reason to blame the US for another countries actions, yet more unnecessary violence. I would almost call the actions of Isreal yesterday a terrorist action. It was designed to create terror and anger in the innocent. They had no target, they had nobody they were going after, they were claiming only that they were going after terrorisism where it starts."

Fenra of Misty

P.S.-Anon, I am saddened by your loss, nothing anybody can say can make it better, we WILL find and punish those responsible, have no doubt of that.
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
RE: Chumps
# Sep 13 2001 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
I'm sorry for your loss. That's terrible, and I can't say I can even imagine what it's like to lose your mother, father and grandmother.

Your anger is justifiable. It is wrong. Very wrong.

And I know you don't really want to hear this, but we have to be careful what they do. I find myself nodding when I hear people say "nuke them all"...but then I realize it's just the anger talking.

If we nuke them all, other people, just like you, will lose their families.

And then, 20 years from now, they'll learn to pilot planes. Or how to cultivate smallpox. Or something even worse.

I'd rather see the people responsible for this all gathered up, every last one. Anyone who was an any way responsible for this.

Then we put them on trial. We sentence them to death. We televise it, and hang them for all the world to see. Nuking's too good for them. Too quick.

And no one can say we did it wrong.
RE: Chumps
# Sep 13 2001 at 12:17 PM Rating: Default
1) Those people we all saw on TV had been taught that the USA were their enemy. Basically because the USA supports Israel's policy.
2) If you want to kill them then you're not much better than they are.
3) You don't know what war is like. Ask a veteran.
4) You DO have a lot to lose. Your life, to begin with.
5) Learn about Arabic civilization and you'll soon find they're as good as anybody.
RE: Chumps
# Sep 18 2001 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
1) Bullcrap - the simplistic reasoning oft spewed by Arab and Palestinian apologists that the U.S. gets a bad rap because of our support of Israel is a load of guano. The truth is that most arabs cultures suffer from Heresyphobia - an irrational fear of radical change - and guess what the United States represents? Radical change. Hell, if it wasn't for the fact that we need oil out of that region most Arab states would still be blissfully existing at a 15th century level of technology.

2) Another load of offal. They were cold blooded murderers and terrorist who killed innocents for no other reason than to make a point. We will be extracting revenge. Even their defficient culture understands that.

3) Speaking, it is - as it is so often said - hell. Forget the GI Joe cartoons, forget the Rambo movies, war is tiring, bloody and thankless work. It brings out the best and the worst in people. It is the crucible in which good and evil contest for the very souls of those who fight. I do not look forward to going to war - but again I hunger for it. That is war.

4) They have more to lose - they're homes, families and culture. we will sacrifice to destroy our enemies. Osama bin Laden made a grave error - he assumed he could bully us, we are now more resolute than ever. When we are done he and his supporters will look back on 09/11/01 as the beginning of the end of their world.

5) As someone who has studied near eastern and middle eastern culture I beg to disagree. I cannot tolerate the moral equivalency rhetoric so many PC ***** spew these days. The fact is that most arab states are retarded (as in slow growth not mentally deficient) societies that are fairly archaic by western standards (see Heresyphobia).

Nice try at being an apologist for the Terrorists, better luck next time.
Foreign policy
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:08 AM Rating: Default
Other countries don't like our international policies? I say we become the very monster they wish us to be. Stop all foreign aid. Tell OPEC to go to hell. Stop buying their oil. Focus on domestic supplies, open the Artic Wildlife Refuge to drilling. Use our federal reserves and domestic supply to hold us over until we can get hybrid technologies on the road that will strip away our dependence on foreign oil, and stop our money from flowing into countries that only use it to fund violence. I'd like to see the smug looks return to the faces of those celebrating children when they are trying to drink sand.

The terrorists apparently realizes the eagle has flown from her nest, her clear eyes searching for the truth. And she doesn't fly alone, with her flies the nations of the world in an effort to find and punish this great attack on the world as a whole and the American people in particular.

The Taliban are changing their tune radically… first a vague sympathy statement. The a request for information that bin Laden was responsible. And now on CNN.com

“The Taliban appealed to the U.S. not to attack Afghanistan, saying the Afghan people were already in a great deal of misery. “

Mayhap the lady doth protest too much?
Mourning the loss of brothers and sisters.
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:03 AM Rating: Default
I am a paramedic in Florida. I look at the video seeing FDNY's firefighters and paramedics doing everything they can to aid people and rescue those trapped and I feel an enormous sense of pride to know I serve my fellow man and wish I could be there in their hour of need. More videos showing crushed fire engines, ladder trucks, ambulances and police cars just makes my blood run cold. To have lost so many brothers and sisters in the fire service just makes me wonder what purpose there is behind these cowardly acts of terrorism. I pray that we have the power to put the end to these and all terrorists very soon. I typically frown on the idea of invading foreign countries but if they are harboring these cowards I hope we do everything in our power to end the possiblity of more innocent lives being affected.
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 13 2001 at 9:44 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Last night, in my home town in North Dakota, I strangely found a channel that was doing the morning BBC news in England.
# Sep 13 2001 at 9:08 AM Rating: Excellent
Anyone harassing/attacking muslims in America is completely retarded and should be shot (unless of course they were of the few who were cheering about our loss). Thanks for your time.
The World Today
# Sep 13 2001 at 9:05 AM Rating: Default
In the world today most countries politics (specifically the Middle East) have the US as well as most NATO/UN countries involved. This is due to identified threats coming from these countries. Palestine/Isreal are in the middle of a war that although it has lessened in the past year still results in deaths everyday. The terrorist organizations in these areas openly blame the US for their interference in, well quite blatantly, the annihilation of their enemies. These people WANT war and to kill the people their fighting, and when they see the UN attempting to create peace in their country they look for the biggest figure to blame, in this case the most prominent figure in the peace talks was the US President.

Even though the media may describe this as a terrorist attack this is FAR from it. Terrorist attacks are someone strapped with explosives, walking into a movie theater and detonating. These attacks are designed to bring fear because there's no way to stop them alone from having metal detectors and security checks at every public place. As a free country we don't have this, because we believe in having liberities. The events that happened on September 11th were a delibrate and catastrophic attack on the US, and as NATO has invoked the Charter 5 clause an attack on one member of NATO is an attack on the whole alliance.

At this time the US government is 90% sure who did it, but rather than just stop the investigation and start sending military forces across the ocean we continue to investigate until we are at least 99% sure, because that's the way we are. We don't like to see harm to innocent people and civilians, unlike terrorist groups. Once the target has been identified, it's just a matter of when and where. Bin Laden as of right now is "untouchable" by any special ops or tactical forces however the majority of his organization and facilities can be easily discovered.

Once we have a target, the buttons will be pushed, and the missiles will be launched. The question is, do you simply go after only the head group that was responsible, his affliates as well, or ALL terrorists in general?
My thoughts after reading several posts - long
# Sep 13 2001 at 8:56 AM Rating: Excellent
243 posts
They always say that you attract more flies with honey than vinegar. I myself wonder why you would want to attract flies in the first place. We can sit here in our bubbles of self-righteousness and righteous indignation, but it will do nothing. Bubbles do nothing to bring men together, only to divide us.
So, you tell me that America is to blame for what happened on Tuesday? Let me put this before you, then. I have a very close friend who was raped when she was a teenage. I myself suffered sexual abuse as a young child. Tell me, who is to blame for that? Was she to blame? Was she too pretty? Did she smile too much at the boy? Did she talk to him too long? Tell me, was I too trusting? Did I, as a mere child, send out the wrong signals? I will paraphrase the words of another victim of rape, whom I am sure many of you know of: Tori Amos. Just because she wore a tiny red dress, did that give that man the right to rape her?
Do not talk to me about how the victim of an atrocity, be it abuse, rape, or terrorism, is to blame for it. You do nothing but perpetuate the hatred that caused this act. You do nothing but justify the act to the rest of the world. Someone told Andnay that his country might be next, and he thought this was proposterous. But it might. Because when we blame victims in ANY attrocity, we open the door for that attrocity to be performed again on others. And so it might strike is country, or yours, and as we continue to blame the victims, eventually we will not care about it because they had it coming to them.
And THAT is truly monsterous. Am I wrong in saying that? Pah! Tell you what. Go around to college campuses. Talk to the boys there. I mean sit down, talk one on one. Get them to trust you enough to talk straight. You will find alot of them who would never force or trick a woman into having sex. But you will find others who will say that giving a girl 'rufies' so that she can't say or is knocked out is no big deal. They just don't see it as wrong. How do I know? Because it happens. And because these boys are amazed that they should get in trouble for it. But they think it because it is ingrained from them. Ladies and gentlemen, it has not been but a few generations since women, when raped, were forced by thier families to MARRY the rapist, especially if a child came of it. My own great-grand mother was a victim of THAT particular one. These thoughts follow generations down. It has only been a few decades that we have REALLY paid attention to how we treat victims of such crimes, and we are STILL having to fight that very attitude.
If you sit here and start blaming the victims of atrocities, then you do nothing but perpetuate the attitude that some people just "ask for it", so it's "ok". And it will keep happening and that attitude will grow, and eventually it will happen to you, and no one will care.
Don't you get it? Atrocities happen all the time. And maybe we have already stopped caring about them. Maybe we don't weep enough for innocent victims on BOTH sides of conflicts. I mean, is it possible for us to war with an aggressor and still show compassion when thier innocents suffer?
My friends, that is what differences are for. That is why we are a people, all of us, of extremes. Some of us have talked about just Nuking the people responsible. Others have said no, that war does not solve anything and only innocents will suffer. Others have taken a mid-road, saying that what we should do is seek out and assassinate specific individuals.
We can argue all day the best way to handle this situation. I tell you that there is no single best way.
Think a moment about when we are playing evercrack (momentary humor, now back to serious). What groups work best? Is it a group of all tanks? All casters? All healers? What are you going to do if everyone in a group are druids or chanters? Aren't the best groups made up of different classes? A healer, maybe one back up, a caster, a dotter/rooter of some kind, A tank or two, a mezzer, etc?
It was said, and they are right. We can't easily deal with terrorists. It is a way of life to them. I can still remember the pictures of children in, was it Dublin. It was long ago, and I don't remember it clearly, but I remember the impact of it. These terrorists are like that (and this is the only comparison I will make to the IRA) in that many of them have been taught and train since childhood. who knows, some involved might be children. And it is not just our actions globally they are against. It is much more. It has to be, otherwise, why attack non-military targets? To these people, simply dying will only solidify thier movement.
So, perhaps, we should let it soldify ours. Already we have come together as a nation. Let it continue. Why argue about what course to take. Let's see how we can use all of those views together. Those who say peace is the way, look to all innocents with compassion. Those who demand justice, demand it. And those who seek a median to obtain justice and still not bring the death of other innocents, let those two views guide you along. There is a saying that all things are good in moderation, including moderation. What that means is we need the extreme views as much as we need moderates. It is the extreme that keeps us alive and vital and alert and seeking change. It keeps us from stagnating.
Whatever this nation's solution is to these attacks, we, as American people should stand together and stand behind our leaders. We don't have to like them. But right now, they need us as much as we need them. They need to hear us. Talk to your congressmen. Make your voice heard. And encourage them to work together, to integrate the varied ideas into a solution that will be a result of a unified nation.
To the rest of the world. I implore you to stand beside us. To blame us will only divide us. We need to present a unified front. Not just because of the thousands who have died. But because if we do not, thousands more will die. Who will it be next? If the terrorists of the world understand that we, as a world, will not tolerate or excuse thier actions, then maybe, MAYBE we can keep this from happening. MAYBE we can come up with a way to handle it that will really strike at it and dissuade future acts of terrorism. yes, they do have a weakness. our solidarity is one of them. Think of horror movies, how the fear always divides the hapless co-stars. That is what terrorism tries to do, among other things. If we don't let it divide us, then it doesn't win. We need to be unified on our view of terrorism, that it is not the target that is to blame, but the terrorists. Not just for the thousands who died tuesday, or in the past years, but for the sake of thousands in the future.
Again, to all of you who lost a loved one, or fear still for the life of a loved one, my heart goes out to you. I pray that you will somehow find some comfort in this time for your pain and that you will find peace to deal with that pain, be it in God/Diety/or justice.

# Sep 13 2001 at 8:56 AM Rating: Default
It's irrelevant who organised this.

It was terrorists declaring war against the free world.

It will unfortunately happen again. We can only reduce the likelihood of it happening by acting pro-actively.

That means seeking out and identifying all terrorists, whether chezchen, basque, irish, american right-wing. All groups who use violence to compensate for not having the numbers required to win a decision in representative democracies.

We can identify the individuals responsible for past acts and execute them. It will make us feel better, but it will unfortunately make the next important stage harder.

The next stage is to win their supporters over or reduce their effectiveness.

Ways of doing this include involving them in the political process (like the PLO and IRA), cutting their funding, reducing their support at a local level.

We are angry at the moment, mad as hell and naturally want to kill whoever did this, to punish them. I can almost guarantee that there are many relatives and friends of victims who thirst for a direct opportunity to avenge their deaths. Who want to hunt down and shoot whoever was responsible. Who would be willing to lay their own lives down if it meant being able to kill just some of the people who organised this atrocity.

Unfortunately, it is that hatred, that need for revenge, that leeds to the sort of fanaticism that drove the terrorists. I believe most terrorists have experienced the loss of loved ones. I would guess it is this experience that reduces their regard for human life, but I cannot know.

If it is, we must not make the same mistake. If anything, this should teach us to treasure human life.

Our reaction should be measured if we are not to become state terrorists.



To the 'appeasers' in the world.
# Sep 13 2001 at 8:55 AM Rating: Excellent
I live in New York City, and am old enough to remember the building of the twin towers of the World Trade Center. I recall the towers going up slowly - and marking their progress every time my parents drove us on one of the many highways that offer a view. I drove home Tuesday from a job I have part-time on Long Island, watching with horror the column of smoke that could be seen from 40 miles away and that was drifting across the sky. I am fortunate in that no one I know directly was killed or is missing, but I am now learning of friends of friends and relatives of friends that are still unaccounted for in this unspeakable act. I am filled with a combination of profound loss and incredible rage, and also great pride in the way my city and country has stepped up and pulled together. I spent hours trying to get through to a blood donation, because I have a highly desirable blood type - by the time I got through, they told me that they already had so many people donating that they didn't need me yet - I gave them my number to call. I fear that their statement indicates the number of wounded is low - that too many were beyond help.

This is not an act of war. Acts of war are waged in the open, by people who will stand up and state their goals, and who act against military 'targets.' This is a purely criminal act of monstrous proportions. As such, anyone harboring or aiding the criminals in any way is as guilty of the crime as the perpetrators themselves are.

Comparing this action to actions taken by the United States in the throes of World War II, with open and obvious declarations of war in place, and with both sides having clear, publicly avowed military objectives demonstrates pure unadorned hatred for the United States and a desire for us to 'get what's coming to us.'

Equating this action with starvation of children around the world also demonstrates ignorance, or a willful blindness, or something equally ungenuine. Every famine in the history of the world can be traced to the actions and policy of those in charge. An Indian economist won a Nobel Prize in 1999 (if memory serves) for demonstrating this point. Has there ever been a famine in the United States? The world's agricultural technology is capable of feeding 10 times the world's current population, yet we still have starvation. Wonder why? Because starving people are easily controlled.

It has been demonstrated time and again that the actions against Hiroshima and Nagasaki served to not only dramatically shorten the Pacific War, but to reduce the overall death toll by a huge number. These actions, horrid though they were, were undertaken in the context of an on-going WAR between two clearly identifiable enemies.

To the Austrian gentleman whose posts indicate a desire for the US to 'not be involved' - can you honestly look at yourself in the mirror and say that you would have the freedom to express these opinions had the US remained uninvolved in world affairs over the last century? If you are so interested in isolationism, then you shouldn't give a rat's *** what we do - just enjoy your comfy little lifestyle and ignore the fact that we're the ones who made it possible. Yes, us, the United States. All your posts do is indicate that you are a mean-spirited, jealous, and ignorant person. Your willingness to revel in the notion that americans 'got theirs' indicates that you are heartless and soulless. Come to this country and recognize the pain and horror we feel when we see innocents dying - anywhere in the world. You will not see me exulting in a bomb killing civilians - no matter where or by whom.

How much do you relish saying that we 'got our balls kicked?' Does that make you happy? Do you wish more harm upon us? Despite your inflammatory words, I wish no harm upon you. I do wish you'd get your head out of your ***, though.

I could easily continue to refute the claptrap I've read on this board - nonsense obviously fed to those who posted it by the sheltered intellectual elitists who sit idly by with too much free time and too much resentment for those who have worked for all they have. My parents came to the US from Greece in the 1960s with $200 in their pockets, worked hard, and raised two sons in a happy and comfortable life.

What happened in New York and Washington DC on Tuesday involved no stated or implied military objective. Its goal was to murder United States citizens, demoralize the United States and the western world (I ask you where Western peace and prosperity would be without the direct military actions of the United States in the last century, and dare you to tell me that we haven't saved the western world's bacon several times over), and to motivate and embolden the fanatics of the terrorist communities.

The old nonsense about killing them doing no good is appearing again. The terrorist organization needs no more heroes. We are so used to thinking in Western ways here that we believe others require the same stimuli that we do. We have had a horror rammed down our throats - this horror has pushed us over the 'line' past proportional responses and restraint, and down the slope to war. Believe you me, the people who did this require no such motivation. Their leaders tell them that they will enter the bliss of heaven for doing these things, and they believe this more deeply than a 'civilized Westerner' could ever believe anything. No martyr figures are needed.

Negotiations and measured responses have been attempted for decades. Through all this, terrorist organizations have been getting smarter, stronger, more organized, and wealthier. In my humble opinion, this action demands no less than a ten-fold or hundred-fold response. Just as the fear of a massive, annihilating response held peace during the Cold War, a demonstration of massive, annihilating proportions will reestablish peace and security. Peace through fear, unfortunately, but peace. Utterly destroy the machine, and it will not be available to be used against you in the future.

People who post here as 'disinterested' third parties - if your beliefs are that we shouldn't be involved in world affairs, those beliefs should apply doubly to yourselves. Keep your heads in the sand, and let us do what we feel we should do.

We have gone too far down the road of appeasement. It is time we demonstrate again, as we did in World War II, the resolve, resourcefulness, and might of the United States and all it stands for. Making peace with those who do not want peace is impossible. Peace is only possible when both sides want peace, and are willing to discuss peace. When one side wants peace, but the other side doesn't, there are two options, war or surrender. Guess which one I vote for.

I hope they all suffer eternal damnation - that their souls burn forever in hell.

Live from New York City.
RE: To the 'appeasers' in the world.
# Sep 13 2001 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
If i ever see your mother, i'm gonna give her a BIG bunch of flowers.

I agree with you 110%

The ones who did this will pay the ultimate price.

-An Anti-Terrorist
RE: To the 'appeasers' in the world.
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:44 AM Rating: Default
That's about the most measured and well written posting I've seen here today even though it was basically a unilateral call for war, I'm glad to have read it, after some of the other ill considered rantings that came before.

I was born and live in the UK. Some of the things I have seen that have been written by my fellow Britons and Europeans sadden me greatly, and I'd ask you don't take notice of the more disagreeable ones. All but an annoying minority of us "stand shoulder to shoulder" with you, as Tony Blair put it. It's all too easy to dislike a people because of cultural differences and the opinions of an unrepresentative but noisy minority. Events like this should remind us that despite those differences we are all human beings and life lost is life lost, whatever it's national or cultural background.

Myself, I have been emotionally and mentally numb for days now, and no matter how hard I tried I don't think I could get the events of last Tuesday out of my mind, even though it was on the other side of the world and involved no friends or family. I have made my donation to the International Red Cross, a small gesture, but one I hope can help a little.

I'd like to take issue with your comments that the USA has "made possible the lifestyle" of Europeans and "saved the western world's bacon". Though there is no doubt that your involvement in world wars and other conflicts has been significant and often decisive, comments like this belittle the efforts of other nations, and are partially the cause of the inflammatory words you speak of. Every time a citizen of the USA tells me that his nation won WWII, he is effectively scorning the actions of my Grandparents who fought in that war, and my other relatives who died in it. I'm sure that you can understand how that hurts. Do this repeatedly, perhaps even reinforcing it with a few films that change history slightly and you can understand, though not condone, some of the posters you're berating.

I'm in agreement that some definite and decisive action needs to be taken to curb the actions of terrorists worldwide. Many nations, my own included, live with the continuing actions of terrorist groups. The US has had a horrifying wake-up call with this attack, but I don't believe that you should adopt the US-centric unilateral attitude that your posting suggests. Surely the best solution here is to work together via the UN, NATO, whoever, to eliminate terrorist groups wherever they are and make sure that every nation in the world knows that they cannot harbour terrorists without global action. If you strike out on your own, you only serve to gain more enemies and the disappointment of those people who would work with you now.

I'm glad that my country's govenment is thinking this way. I hope that your's does too.

My thoughts are with you all, and will be for some time to come.

RE: To the 'appeasers' in the world.
# Sep 13 2001 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
Amen, brother!
# Sep 13 2001 at 8:43 AM Rating: Default
I understand where the hate of the USA in the arabic countries come from, USA has persistantly aided one of two evils in the arabic countries (Israel) for none other reason than that they have more to gain from Israel (Also maybe the worst of the countries, Saudi Arabia, has little to nothing to fear from USA also because USA has interests in that country).

The USA has also the selfappointed role (and mostly unwanted) of some moral police worldwide that I can't agree with...

The USA's politics in these countries however has nothing to do with the maybe tens of thousands that lost their lives and the lots greater number of americans that lost a friend, relative or family member 2 days ago..

While I understand where the hate comes from I will never understand why some cowardly ******* would use American citizens (citizens are NOT the regim) as a weapon to destroy other citizens. I cried too when I saw these news and I am not even american. For the first time I WANT the USA to strike and strike HARD on those forces behind his cowardly and utterly unhuman attack on the worlds most successful nation throughout time and history of this world and I hope they use this fact to seek out these a-holes and anyone protecting them.

I suffer with you.
a point
# Sep 13 2001 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
I have a point to make..
1) the US sends exports more food a year than itself consumes.
2)I dont wish war on anyone...i have been in a combat zone it is NOT pretty...but at the same time I WILL do what is nessicary to ensure the freedom of this country just as my ancestors have done since before the American Revolution.
3)Terrorism preys on the fears that we have...if we do not crush these people they will feel that they can keep doing these horrifying and tragic deeds.
and lastly 4) no one in his right mind should be able to harbour such terrorist without being apart of them, or controled by them
18th Century
# Sep 13 2001 at 8:30 AM Rating: Default
One other thing I'd like to mention is this. 200+ years ago there were colonies fighting for their very lives. They fought against those that would oppress them and they fought against the rules. They threw honor to the wind and used tactics that would allow them to win, at whatever cost against a nation that fought to control them.

The role's have been reversed. This time america is the "oppressing nation" and we are being fought with any tactics can be used to win.

So do we use superior numbers and tactics to overwhelm our adversaries? It certainly didn't work to well for the brit's back then, and I don't believe it will help us now.

It's time for us to get our heads out of our asses and realize that we have someone with some possible intelligence here. We are not dealing with a sadam hussein or fidel castro. We are dealing now with Zealots who are on a mission from 'god'. People who will stop at nothing for what they believe in, just as the colonies did oh so long ago.

This is not a battle that will be won with brute force. This is a time that our military leaders have to stop thinking about who we're bombing and what country has oil 'so lets not **** them off' and start thinking about how we are going to find this man, and make an example of him.

Shaklor Soulraizer
53rd vicar
Innoruuk Server
RE: 18th Century
# Sep 13 2001 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
We are not oppressing anyone. Let's face it, comparing the revolutionary war with this is simply wrong. We never commited acts of terrorism on the English during the revolution, but simply fought to become our own country. The tactics we used were learned to be very effective when the indians used them against us, so we used what we learned from them in our war against the English. Comparing a country's fight for freedom with a madman's blood lust is ludicrous.
RE: 18th Century
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:14 AM Rating: Default

Tea party sound familiar?
Jesus man all of our tactics were terroristic in nature. We barely had money to buy weapons let alone uniforms. Take a history refresher pal the revolutionary war was the first war that terroristic tactics were used.
RE: 18th Century
# Sep 13 2001 at 12:44 PM Rating: Default
i'd suggest that YOU go take another history lesson, genius. terrorist tactics and geurilla tactics are two very different things. the colonists never attacked british civilians, to my knowledge. not in an organized fashion anyhow. and CERTAINLY not in the name of the united states.

people like you have posted all over this board. you're obviously an un-educated moron and have apparently deluded yourself into thinking you're intelligent.

until you have a frickin clue, keep your idiot mouth shut.
RE: 18th Century
# Sep 13 2001 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
RE: 18th Century
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
The Boston Tea Party was an act of defiance, not an act of terrorism.

Terrorism-the act of terrorizing.

Don't think dumping OUR tea into Boston Harbor because the English taxed said tea in order to further impose their authority over us was terrorizing anyone.

Would you care for another lesson, PAL?

RE: 18th Century
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, no.

As far back as the written history of the world goes, there have been acts of babraismn during conflict, terroism for want of another word.

In the preexilic times of isreal/judah, if was common for to inflict viscious physical abuse on townships that were taken. Sometimes the amputationj of hands, the gouging of eye... sometimes the whiolesale slaughter of all the men left alive.

It was a common tactic when a walled city was besiged in medieval times, to use catapults to toss dead bodies over the wall, hoping that one would land in the water supply, thus shortening the seige.

Terrorism.... lets talk about the spanish inquisition.

teroism, what we define it as today, has a history that dates back to our very begining. Mankind is naturally an abohrent species. We take what we want through force.

Terrorism is nothing new to humans, certainly not a product that's only been around since the revolutionary war.
RE: 18th Century
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
Guerilla tactics should not be confused with Terrorist tactics. The acts of the cowards who destroyed those lives were nowhere near what was done so long ago. This nation did not intend to invoke terror, it intended to free itself however possible. It chills my heart to hear AMERICANS saying things such as this. Wake up. These attacks weren't about freedom, they weren't about oppression or foreign policy. They were about instilling fear and terror in the hearts of innocents. They were the deliberate acts of terrorist madmen. To compare these people to patriots who would be free is an insult to all Americans, and it disgusts me that anyone would even venture to compare the two. I mourn your loss of pride, even more I mourn your loss as one I would call friend.
Condolences but a note of caution too
# Sep 13 2001 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
I grieve for the thousands of lives snuffed out in a moment of pure evil, yet I would caution America to remain true to its principals and not give in to hatred. Justice must be done, and the men behind the attack must be found. This WILL take time, but it is better to strike the RIGHT targets later, than to strike at the first target that presents itself, only to find later that it was wrong.

If, as seems likely now, Osama bin Laden is the perpetrator of this, pressure will be brought to bear on his Taleban "hosts" to give him up. Oh, and bombing Afghanistan will achieve very little - that country is mostly rubble already thanks to two decades of battles against the USSR, and a bloody civil war.

As for the scenes of Palestinians in Jerusalem celebrating, however photogenic such scenes are, that was not the view of the majority of Palestinians - all news agencies report the West Bank region remained in a quiet and somber mood throughout the period. Do not be swayed into anger just because some very bitter, angry people find joy in the death of innocents.
Day of Infamy
# Sep 13 2001 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
I dont believe that anyone would condone the despicable acts of the 11th. Our different political viewpoints are expected and encouraged by the great country that we live in. I think however, that the definition of Good v Evil is appropriate here; you have people who hijack innocent passenger jets to use as flying bombs against other innocent CIVILIAN targets. In response you have a country made up of people who rush to their own deaths attempting to help those hurt and killed in such an EVIL attack. If that cannot define the participants of this conflict then nothing will.
As for the US response, if we were just going to blindly swing at unknown enemies, the mushroom clouds would be forming over some of the Middle East.
The United States is still a country of law. The investigative arms of this country are preforming their actions of finding EXACTLY who perpetrated this act. And our military will probably be the arm of our govt that delivers our response.
By international law, any country that harbors a terrorist or person that commits acts like this shares in the responsablility of their action. If these other countries choose to protect those who would commit such "evil" acts, then you have decided to accept responsability for their actions and the no doubt imminent response. Have fear, the greatest military in the world is going to deliver our response to this Evil.
To the Americans who are raging and frustrated about this, remember who we are, and what we stand for. There are citizens of all backgrounds in pain from these events. Dont act like the perpetrators of this act by striking out in ignorance and blind hatred. Islam is a religion of peace and hospitality, as a Christian, I know that the rational followers of that religion are as horrified as I am.
My prayers are with the victims of the attacks and their families.
May my God and Yours, Bless us all and keep us all safe

Dexlen Razzortip
Ranger 43rd Arrow
Lucid Chimerian
# Sep 13 2001 at 8:20 AM Rating: Default
I'm no history expert, but it seems the last time a single location/region was responsible for so much worldwide anguish was Germany and the two world wars (don't misunderstand me, I like Germany, I'm merely pointing out that certain events did occur).

In that case the end result was that the major powers at that time decided enough was enough and split the country in two and took stewardship to protect world peace. Later, when the world was confident that peace would hold, the walls came down.

The same paradigm could concievably be seen in the mid-east in the no so distant future. The location is a hotbed of conflict and a source of pain for the whole world for thousands of years.

There will come a time, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, when the stable, powerful countries of the world will decide that endless killing will no longer be allowed.

Some countries are forward looking. They strive to find advances and improve life and discover.

Some countries are caught up in the past, old hatreds, endless wars.

Please note the difference between these two types of countries when it comes to freedom, personal rights, quality of life, economic power, and national power.

The forward looking countries have the power to put an end to the constant war and suffering that the backwards looking countries maintain. The countries that look forward will only be the victims of those that look backwards for as long as it is easier to get by than to put an end to it.

I think that line has been crossed.
# Sep 13 2001 at 8:19 AM Rating: Default
Everyone please stop to think abou this.

What are we thinking? We're going to go in and level a country because 1 person MAY be there? Are we all INSANE? 100, 500, 15,000 people in the us were killed, the exact number I do not know. This was a high profile attack, obviously meant to be in the middle of broadcast as things happened for the 2nd plane. The first thing that pops to mind is "BOMB THEM."

What is this going to accomplish??? Remember that "OOPS! Sorry we bombed your embassy China" back in Kosovo? Why are we going to level a city, a nation because ONE person is there. Should brittain eradicate us because we have the una-bomber? (Yes i know he didn't do anything outside the US, doesn't matter) We are condemning the people of the country far more than we are the government or this terrorist leader. The people of a poor nation who can barely afford to feed themselves. The people who go about their lives many of whom are oblivious that anything has happened because they don't have television or possibly electricity.

What the US wants to do is answer a high profile attack, with an even higher profile attack. When a person commits murder in the US, we search them out and we arrest them. Another person has commited murder, on a far grander scale, and we doom not only him to death but the hundreds of thousands maybe millions of people that happen to be within a thousand miles of him.

The events 2 days ago sicken me, and I believe we need retaliation. I do not believe that blowing them out of the sky however i sour prime objective. How many governments do we have supporting us in this? It's time to apprehend the ******* and teach him some humility. Time for us to show him that Allah's will is for him to be strung out, perhaps crushed or burned at superheated temperatures or thrown from a building..to show him what it must have been like.

One person does not a nation make. As benevolent as we have been in the past, restructuring buildings and paving roads does not restore the life lost from war.

Please keep these thoughts in mind as you think about the destruction of any country, or any city. And remember that someones cousin, mother, father, uncle, aunt, husband, wife, friend or lover may be where you think we should destroy. What gives us that right to take that away from them?

Shaklor Soulraizer
53rd Vicare
Innoruuk Server
RE: War
# Sep 13 2001 at 12:58 PM Rating: Default
interesting point of view you have there, shaklor. the fact that said nation's government is harboring, possibly funding and sponsoring the person that did this does not come into play for you?

well, to each his own. but in my opinion, and that of most of the rest of us, it does come into play. an act carried out with the help of a nation is no different than that nation ITSELF committing that act.

i heard someone on the news make the following statement, and it gave me chills: "When Pearl Harbor was bombed, did FDR say that we would bring Japan to justice? No; he said that we would bring Japan to its KNEES"

wake up and get with the program, shaklor. this country is now at war, and we must act accordingly.
RE: War
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
Shaklor, what you're suggesting, as regards to arresting the persons responsible, has already been tried. Bin Laden has been a wanted man for eight, count them, EIGHT years. Diplomacy has been tried, Afghanistan, the country harboring him, will not give him up. In delaying his arrest, it allowed him to conjure up this scheme. If diplomacy worked with despots, this would have never happened. But evidently, the only thing that these people, and at the moment I have a hard time calling them people, seem to understand and respect is force and power. The U.S. has been very lax in dealing with these madmen for long enough, going all the way to the hostages in Iran. The U.S. has an international image as a "paper tiger", all talk, no action; a powerful country w/o the testicular fortitude to use it. But, what those monsters seem not to understand is that those paper tigers are based upon real ones, now is the time to unleash those tigers.

Lastly, I've seen reference to there having been larger, more powerful empires throughout history, and that the U.S. cannot be the greatest country in the world because of it. If I remember my history correctly the Great Roman Empire stretched from the tip of Spain in the west, north to England, as far east as India, and had a strip of land in North Africa. That's a pretty large area, isn't it? At the end of WWII, America controlled it's part of North America, most of the Pacific, easily the strip of North Africa that the Romans did, and Europe as far as half of Germany. Not only that, but from a strength standpoint, there were members of the military command that wanted to finish off Russia, as well. The military of Russia was decimated, what saved their bacon was the pressure of the Allies from the west, causing a two-front war. History shows that, with things the way they were, the American military could have kept control everything they took, but they didn't. They voluntarily gave control of those countries, except the Allies half of Germany back to their sovereign governments. Voluntarily. The modern U.S. has never been an expansionistic country. There have been, and probably always will be portions of this country that would like nothing more than to shut it's borders and let the rest of the world rot.
RE: War
# Sep 13 2001 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
221 posts
If you are refering to Afghanistan, and Osama bin Laden, then my friend, you are on the wrong track.
Think of it this way, a country allows a group of men to train, and hide out within its borders, knowing that this group has declared war on a nation and it's people. That nation has evidence that those men have killed hundreds of it's people in the past, and asks for them to be delivered into the light of international justice, the harboring country says, "no, we won't let them be taken, and don't try to take them because we'll send suicide bombers against you".
When this group of men then kills thousands more of that nation's people, in terrorist attacks, and information leading directly back to the groups leader is found, that nation, and every civilized nation issues warnings that anyone harboring these men is committing an act of war upon an alliance of nations. The harboring country says, "no, we won't take this group into custody, and if you do, we'll send more suicide bombers"...do you think that this statement of "***** you, you can't have justice, because you can't attack us" should be allowed to stand?
RE: War
# Sep 13 2001 at 9:02 AM Rating: Default
We're not going to level a country or a city. We're going to find out which government is hosting, funding and training these terrorism and that government will cease to exist. Probably not through nuking, but by making the leaders of that government realize that any chance they have of surviving will be to surrender.

We can't count on their humanitarian side to just give in and turn themselves in. Like Milosevic, they will hang onto power until it is pulled from under them. I feel sorry for their citizens, who probably didn't have much input into the current process. I mourn their loss, but it's not going to make me not push the Tomahawk launch button when the time comes. Sometimes to make an omelette you have to break a few eggs. A crappy analogy (which this board is filled with), but eh. What are you going to do?

# Sep 13 2001 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
I got about half way down the first page of this forum, and gave up reading.

listen to yourselves, instead of focusing on finding and punishing those responsible for Tuesdays Atrocities, you war (all be it with words) on each other.

Remember the saying "United we stand, divided we fall"

For the americans out there who seem to think that the USA is the only country in the world that counts, Think again, Without the trade of countries other than the USA your economy would be in ruins.

For those not of american nationality, who seam to think that America deserved this assault, NO NATION DISERVES SUCH A BARBARIC ATTACK.

For those who seam to feel that america is the only country that has any right to feel or do anything, dont forget that there were nationals of many other countries on those planes, there were members of other nations in those buildings. It wasnt only Americans that died.

Take note of the Finantial affects of Tuesdays tragedy, world markets are still falling, this affects not just america, this afects the world.

And the world needs to work together, to end this kind of barbarism once and for all.
RE: Why?
# Sep 13 2001 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
I don't think there's anything wrong with the disagreement on this board...

Americans are, traditionally, a divided nation. We quibble over the littlest things--how much newspaper space has been devoted to the stunning question: "Which is better, the new or old Star Trek?"

HOWEVER, what these terrorists probably are, much to their horror, beginning to realize is that arguing doesn't mean ineffectualism. It's the moral voices we have urging us to hold back that give us the exactly right mix we need. Sure, we're not really going to nuke anyone "to the Stone Age"--and I think we all realize this. But, the voice of reason is the edge on our sword.
When we do reach the consensus, we will back it, and back it completely.

And it will be right, and it will be just, and it will be terrible. And we won't be sorry at all.
RE: Why?
# Sep 13 2001 at 12:07 PM Rating: Default
I honestly don't think anyone is expecting us American to retalitate, if that's what you'd call it, alone. I would hope that all nations of the world will participate. We should take our time, make damn sure we got the right folks, and make a firm example.
As for the posts above saying we should make war...only 15,000 people may have been killed. I ask "How many have to die before we say enough! This must stop!"

A message of reflection, thanks, and a warning
# Sep 13 2001 at 8:02 AM Rating: Default
With the recent horrible tragedy that has befallen our country, we have been forced to examine who we are, and where we are as a world power. The world of today is different than any other throughout history. And yet, today, we can now feel for what previous generations have experienced in the fight against evil in this world. We are also in the same boat as countries that suffer from terrorism every day. It forces us to realize that we can, and have been, severly wounded.
However, this is not the final curtain for the United States' influence upon this world. We will continue to encourage freedom in this world, like we have always done faced with the threat of foreign oppression. To those who have attacked us, know that you are cowards. Whatever you may tell yourselves to justify what you have done, you will still be gutless, despicable psychopaths. For years, you have blamedAmerica for the world's problems, and not allowing you to do whatever you fealt like in the name of your beliefs. Your anger towards us stems from your own flaws to function as a peaceful society. I'm not saying we are perfect; we have made many mistakes in the past. But we have always encouraged the kind of freedom that many countries don't even know the meaning of.
So, once again, to those responsible, know that we are coming for you. This is the biggest, and ultimately the most costly, mistake you have ever made. Not only have you attacked America, but you have attacked all of humanity. We WILL bring you to justice, and you WILL pay for what you have done. To those that would harbor these terrorists,I suggest you turn them over immediately once the proper evidence is brought forward. If you do not; if you continue to hide, disguise, and protect the guilty, we will hold you to the same degree as those terrorists. May whatever god you believe in have mercy upon you, for we will not. I do not wish for war, but you have proven that you do. So, consider yourselves warned.
I pray for the families and friends of the slain, and am thankful for the emergency crews and personnel who even now work tirelessly to tend for the injured and clean up the devestation. You make shake us up, but you will NEVER destroy our resolve. Whatever is coming, I just want to say God bless America, and thanks to the world for your condolences and support.
Good vs 'Good'
# Sep 13 2001 at 8:00 AM Rating: Default
People have been quick to label this as a fight between Good and Evil when it is in fact more like Good vs 'Good'.
Let me explain before people start flaming, I am not in anyway supporting what happened, I am a Brit with friends in the states and I have spent the last few days trying to find out if they are ok (all seem to be, thank god).
We (Western world) consider ourselves the good guys and the people that did this as Evil whereas the people that did this believe with all their heart that they are the good guys and that the western world is evil. It is totally a matter of which view point you see it from.
This would explain the scenes of people celebrating the event and shows why, no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to wipe terrorism from the world. It's a question of religion for the perpetrators of this crime. This is not like **** Germany where they were trying to conquer land and countries by invasion, they believe they are doing gods work and they are holy warriors against an evil force. You will never be able to explain anything different to a religious zealot. More and more militant muslim forces are appearing and apologies to those muslims that denounced this action but isn't their philosphy one of trying to achieve a islamic/muslim world by whatever means needed? (correct me if I am wrong but I don't think I am).
It is a situation that could rapidly spiral out of control. If the US attack/declare war on one of the muslim states then you can bet that the others will side with them because they are fellow muslims.
A response is needed but it needs to be a calm, measured response because anything else could be disastrous.
To win this you need to be a surgeon and not a butcher.

Fennin Ro.

(PS That last line of mine was not intended as an insult or slight to anyone, just as an example of method to use. Trouble with message boards is that it's so easy to read the wrong inflection into words)
Patriotism Awakens
# Sep 13 2001 at 7:48 AM Rating: Default
God Bless America....

and may God have mercy on the souls of those who committed these atrocities for the United States of America shall show no mercy nor tolerance. The first blow has been struck but we shall strike the second, third and fourth blows....

God Bless America...
# Sep 13 2001 at 7:40 AM Rating: Default
We will avene those dead and dieng when we find out who did this i hope we make them suffer we should take down the whole country we have the man power the anger now he weapons and most fo all the hydrogen bomb abomb and liquid napalm level that country to avenge those dead or injured to show the AMERICA will not stand for terrorist!
What if?
# Sep 13 2001 at 7:21 AM Rating: Default
What if the tables were turned here?

What if these terrorist's or nation's that harbor these terrorist's had the military power the U.S. have?

What if these terrorist's or nation's that harbor these terrorist's had to make a choice like our government must make as to what force to use and against who?

Anything we do would not compare to the things that these people would do if the roles were reversed.

Personally I think they need to find out who was behind this act and string each of them up by their nuts live on CNN...but that is just me.
America's first war
# Sep 13 2001 at 7:04 AM Rating: Default
Brief history lesson.

Remember the Marine Corps hymn? "From the halls of Monteczuma, to the shores of Tripoli..." Follow along if you know the words.

What shores of Tripoli? Well, that's Tripoli, Libya. A city in Libya. What were US marines doing in Libya? It was America's first war after independence.

The conflict was with the Barbary pirates. The north coast of Africa was refered to as the Barbary coast at that time. Various pirate bands were based along the shores there and were pirating US flag merchant vessels on the high seas. This presented a grave threat to America economicly and also militarily as we dared not appear weak in front of European powers that still wanted to contest control of North America.

These pirates did not represent any one nation-state and the countries from which they operated denied any responsibility. Sound familiar? The United States was very weak militarily and we actually paid a ransom to be left alone as a stalling measure so we could build up some forces. The US Navy finally sent a squadron with Marines on board and in a series of fights and sieges, America defeated this threat. It was our first war.

We didn't ask for anyone's help, or anyone's for permission. We simply went and eliminated the threat. We came, we saw, we kicked some ***. I suggest we do the same thing again.

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