Next Expansion may include a New Graphics Engine

According to Computer Games Magazine, the next expansion of Everquest will include a new graphics engine named Tunare which will update all of the graphics in the game. The article included a before and after look at the tree city of Kelethin which showed a significant difference in detail. Other than this article, there has been no official word from SOE about the upgrade.


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oh great....
# Oct 07 2003 at 12:15 PM Rating: Default
A new graphics engine. Lets see....I have a P4, 2.4ghz machine with 512mb ram, and 64mb video gforce 4.......Win xp, (stripped to bare OS) and EQ loaded on the machine only, on a 2mb cable connection.

All new models are off, shownames is set to 1, particle effects for everything are off, and clip plane is set to 20%. All the emotes and trash is turned off, the showgrass or whatever it is called to show ground detail, etc is turned off.

So I pay for the game just like everyone else, but I can NOT hunt in Hollowshade Moor, Grimling Forest, Tenebrous Mountains, Twilight sea, crimson desert....fungus grove is "iffy" sometimes.
God forbid I dream about going to jaggedpine forest. The lag in there is so bad, I turn, and anywhere from 6 to 15 seconds later, my character turns. And that is with just me, in the zone. When it first came out, my character was stuck there for almost a week, till I could get in and do *anything* at all, to get out.
POP zones aren't too bad for the two or three I have been in (not counting PoK or PoT).
Oldworld zones are a breeze. Never get lagged there, -ever-, unless there is some kind of event. (like the GM's in EC as sarnaks....350-400 peeps inzone trying to kill the gm's)

So now some crack-pipe smoking official decides we need a new graphic engine. **AND** it will update all the old zones too.


I'll just run right out, and buy a Cray to run the newly updated game on, and get a dedicated OC3 so maybe I can log in and get lagged off every 2 or 3 minutes.

RE: oh great....
# Oct 20 2003 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Go into your Device manager and disable your sound card. Restart your computer and see if that fixes your problem.

With the patch in September I had to turn my "non-supported" sound card off. This improved my lag in ALL zones. I still have trouble in the Bazaar, but not as much.

I am running a Celeron 1.3GHz, 512 MB SDRAM, and TNT Riva2 32MB graphics card. I live two miles outside of town and use dial-up that never connects above 28.8. I have all the new models on, have 3D-sky turned off, partical density on low, and leave the rest of the settings as their defaults. In raid events and such I have to turn off/down some of the other settings. This is not very often though.

Good luck.
RE: oh great....
# Oct 18 2003 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Here is a VERY basic suggestion for ANYONE on any system who is having lag problems (especially if you have an up to date system, but it still seems to drag in certain zones, other than the Bazaar, of course).


Even if Windows tells you the drive doesn't need defragging.

I had some serious lag problems with a P4-1.6GHz, 512MB, GeForce 4, etc. I ran a defrag, and VOILA!... Lag problems went away.

There are over 500MB of "global" texture files in EQ now. Even with 512 MB on your PC, EQ still regularly hits the hard drive looking for textures it doesn't find in RAM. These textures are grouped together in large files that DO get fragmented, which slows down everything happening in EQ (not just zoning).

Also, its not just your video drivers that need to be up-to-date. I've had several friends correct persistent lag issues by updating their sound card drivers. Find the latest drivers for all of your hardware on the Web, and get them loaded.

Just my 2 cents!

-Emleoi, High elf Cleric 56 (Bristlebane)

Edited, Sat Oct 18 14:52:42 2003
RE: oh great....
# Oct 17 2003 at 10:25 AM Rating: Default
ok, sounds to me like you are in need of a new machine. I am running an Athlon XP 2500 with 512 MB ram and a Radeon 9000 64mb card on DIALUP, with all the graphics on and I don't lag like you are saying YOU do... Seriously sounds like some personal PC problems to me... The only zone I can understand problems in is Hallowshade its f*ed up anyway. The only zone I lag in is the bazaar and I think everyone does in that one.

Yaeiger Meister
40 Monk

RE: oh great....
# Oct 13 2003 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
That isn't right. Do you have an mx Geforce? if you do upgrade that and you will be fine.
RE: oh great....
# Oct 11 2003 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
Just to add my 2 cp
I have 2 comps, both HP pavillions with
512Mb ddr ram
Nvidia Gforce4 with 128 Mb video ram
Some crappy on board soundcard
Running on Time Warner Cable - Roadrunner
One is a p4 1.5 Ghz and the other p4 2.4 Ghz

EQ, at 1248 x 9xx (whatever that is i never remember, excuse my ignorance), everything on (models, details, animations) runs very smoothly. Occasionally, if I have particles on high, I get some visual lag (raid with 30+ people casting). For the rest I am fine, zone times are always under 30 sec. The only difference is that on the smaller processor i use midium quality textures, on the bigger one I use high quality (if I turn high quality on in the 1.5 ghz machine my zoning times go from 20-25 sec to over a min).

RE: oh great....
# Nov 16 2003 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
one thing i have noticed a big difference in ( i dont get probs with this cuz i have uber comp but..) turn the screen rezolution dow. by alot. i run as high as it can go ( 1600x1200 i think ) but when i play on other comps i have to turn it to around 1024x1024. trust me this works wonders
RE: oh great....
# Oct 10 2003 at 11:20 AM Rating: Default
i can't believe that your having that much difficulty with EQ with your described Setup..check this out:

*P2 466 (yes its ancient)
*283 MB ram (cause the shared integrated Video card ram is not shared any more lol)
*Win XP pro
*GeForce MX/MX400 64MB

my Set up Is clearly inferior to yours and yet it out performs your system? i can hardly believe it.

i also have all the "pretties" turned off exept the Charcter models for the characters that i play and elemental and horses i still have emotes on, and i can run just about any zone Exept PoK during the day when everyone is online (this is on E-Marr too the hang out zone is PoK)

so if i can run it on my comp with really crappy specs you should be having ALOT less problems than me...and i can still run LDoN just fine, even though i don't meet the min req for the game
8) have a nice day, and take your comp tothe docter it must be sick or somthing
RE: oh great....
# Oct 10 2003 at 5:44 AM Rating: Default
Heh, lets see, i'm running on a 950amd, with 396ram, 32bit NV video card,a dial up connection that never gets over 36,000bps AND onboard sound. Yet, I can run around at 70+ clip plane, with particles, and over half of the luclin models on, including mounts and pets, and only suffer from serious graphic lag due to heavy spell casting ( easily fixed ) or when i'm in the bazaar. I've had no problem really with pop, loy or ldon zones so far, you may want to take a better look at your hardware and make sure there arent any conflicts. n' get rid of that damn P4 chip, Intel is the EQ of proccessors. ( i.e. release it and let the users beta test.) AMD has proven time again that their chips are sturdier, and can handle overclocking in ways intel WISHED they could manage...
RE: oh great....
# Oct 09 2003 at 2:56 PM Rating: Default
I don't know. In old world zones, I have no problems at all. In PoD, PoN and PoT, I have had no problems.
Fear, Growth, are both no problem.
GD and all velious zones (excpet sleepers - where I haven't been yet) no problems.

Luclin zones, *some* I have no problem in. Others, as I described....and no, I wasn't joking about it, not embellishing my saga.
I have a 1.7gzh, 512mb, 64mb video, turtle beach sound, that has a lot of other stuff loaded, running win ME and I have the same problems in the same zones.
My wife has a 1.4ghz, 512mb, 64mb video, SB sound, on win98, and has the same issues in the same zones.
My rl best friend has a new gateway 2.xghz machine, 512mb, 64mb video and who knows what sound, on XP home, and his lag is bad, but just marginally less than the rest of my machines.
I also tested a direct cable modem to my machine hookup versus going through my 100mb network, and there was no difference. So it isn't my newly upgraded 3.2mb cable connection, or my internal network.

I am 100% open to suggestions here. Snide comments, I could honestly do without. Sony tech support just says "its on your end, nothing we can do".
But I find it hard to swallow that there are 4 machines, 4 different OS's, 4 different processors, 3 different videos, and 3 different sound cards, and yet somehow it is on my end........

RE: oh great....
# Oct 10 2003 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
Depending on how far down the "trunk" of the cable in your neighborhood you are connected, the problem could very well be on your end. The more ppl hooked up between you and the cable main line in your area, the less bandwidth you get. I went around and around with my ISP over that fact because of how much I was paying for my cable modem, and what my bandwith tests were telling me. It wasn't until they upgraded their network in my section of town that my connection got better and my lag went away. Also, if you have more than one computer running on your cable modem at the same time, it will slow you down because your bandwith will be divided between the machines.
RE: oh great....
# Oct 10 2003 at 9:16 AM Rating: Default
I have the same system with one difference, 128mb Radeon 9700 Pro.

As soon as I put that card, all my lag problems went away :)

Again, like I said before, check and make sure your modem and video card aren't sharing an IRQ.

Altho, everything points to your video cards IMO.

RE: oh great....
# Oct 09 2003 at 8:29 AM Rating: Default
hahaha yeah ok how can you ag that much come on i have a 533 mhz processor 256 ram POS and i lag only sometimes and i even have as many models on as possible psh full of it i say
RE: oh great....
# Oct 09 2003 at 3:20 AM Rating: Default
Ya know this is realy funny because for a year I was running a AMD 650 with 386 ram a a vodoo 3 3000 video card that less than 2 months ago took a dump an the only zones i was really lagging in was the moor dsp GF an TW other than that i was running fine an that was with 10 of the charictor models on clip plane at 80 per low rez with most of the extras of or on low an ooc an shouts emotes an the rest on if your having such a huge problem with a 2.4 gig with 512 ram a 64 bit video card i think you need to send it back because you got some bad parts in your computer partner an it sounds like you would be better off with a comador64

plz do forgive my spelling its late an i hate spelling

Bloodclaws 41 war TM server
RE: oh great....
# Oct 08 2003 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
if thats your sytem and its givin you probs then its a problem with your computer i have almost identical but 1.7 gig cpu and play just fine
RE: oh great....
# Oct 08 2003 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
You're joking, of course! (look at all the attention yo ugot, awwww)
My computer has slightly less specs and I only get lag in bazaar when i forget to turn the clip plane down. Perhaps you forgot to turn the computer on? Or maybe it's a microwave oven you're staring at (is that the bank or is that a frozen burrito?)
RE: oh great....
# Oct 08 2003 at 8:54 PM Rating: Default
LOL ;p
RE: oh great....
# Oct 08 2003 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
that's so weird, I have a duron 950mhz, w/ a Nvidia Geforce 128mb DDR, running 1gig of ram, no lag in ANY zone, except for the bazaar and i can run smoothly in there every once in awhile. something must be up w/ your PC Leenyn
RE: oh great....
# Oct 07 2003 at 9:35 PM Rating: Default
wow thats prety bad . i have a p3 1.g , 512ram , a g4 mx 420 64mb , win-ME only . i have 4-6 models on depending on what im palyng emotes on , the one thing where it makes the world blend together( takes up more ram) with medium textures all the way .

in my exp having ur texture qualities to med is actuly better than low or high with my clip plane to farthest and 100%

only time i get lag is in some luclin zones . grimling , twiligh , dsp prety much thats it

try what i said bout texture qualities it might work

Doted Darklord<Fellowship of dragons>
55 necro
ayonea ro
RE: oh great....
# Oct 07 2003 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
Pretty extreme the way you put it. I've seen worst machines perform better then the way you describe yours does. I suggest that you sell your puter and go get an old Pentium III-700... might work better for you and earn some cash outta it since u only have EQ on it anywayz.

Edited, Tue Oct 7 21:59:12 2003
RE: oh great....
# Oct 07 2003 at 6:09 PM Rating: Default
im on a 1.3gig athlon with 768 pc133 and a gforce4ti4200 128 meg....only plae i lag like you talk about is bazaar....and i have all models on...including facial experssions...i run at 1024 x 768 res...i do have particles set to low..but thats personal much screen clutter :/

jedce ashkervon
54th shaman
RE: oh great....
# Oct 07 2003 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
I have no idea why you're having so much of a problem.
I have been in just about every zone (minus most planes zones and 50+ luclin zones) and I ONLY lag in the Bazaar and PoK. I am running on a AMD Duron 1.3GHz, 512DDR RAM, ATI Radeon 9100pro, Windows XP Pro.
Only things I could say (and you may not like it) is:
1) nVidia is getting OWNED by ATI. In both performance AND price. Go ATI.
2) Intel is overpriced and in my opinion only performs better for business applications (and marginally at that). Go AMD.
RE: oh great....
# Oct 07 2003 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm...I am not sure why your machine would lag like that, but I suspect your video card. I have the exact same system with two differences - I have 1GB of RAM, and a Radeon 9700pro vid card (128mb on card). I have all of the options that you have off turned on, and I have zero lag anywhere except the bazaar, and even there I can move with little trouble. Replacing my old video card did wonders (I had a 128mb GForce 3 card) and the RAM helped a lot too. Perhaps some small upgrades will be better than that Cray :)
RE: oh great....
# Oct 08 2003 at 10:29 AM Rating: Default
Same machine as you bro, but with a Radeon 9700Pro and I'm on dial-up!!! No lag cept the Zaar. Even that is minimal.

On second thought, check and make sure your Modem and graphics card are on seperate IRQ's. I ran into that problem once also.

Edited, Wed Oct 8 11:25:39 2003
Re: Another Expansion
# Oct 06 2003 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
Very cool..upgrade the graphics HELL YEA!
DO NOT make them more memory intensive!
Last expansion required upgrade to 512mb..
This time next year will EQ require 1G of RAM?

In that way you're paying twice for the upgraded graphics. Please no more memory intensive upgrades. At least for a while. A very long while.

Toqua Dreadkeeper
41 Dark Elf Necromancer
Solusek Ro
RE: Re: Another Expansion
# Oct 06 2003 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
I suppose any graphical updates Will to a certain extent be demanding on RAM... can't avoid that..

The thing is, a RAM upgrade will speed up your computer for other stuffs... not juet EQ.. unless of course all u ever do with your PC is EQ ;p...

all in all, just hope they continue doign a good job and make EQ live forever! :)
RE: Re: Another Expansion
# Oct 07 2003 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
I don't suppose anyone thought that a "new" engine, not new graphics or new textures slapped over the original graphics engine from 1999 but a new ENGINE might actually run better than this clunker that's been patched and polished over and over again for the last 4 years?

I know, I know.. this IS still SOE we're talking about. Here's hoping tho.

RE: Re: Another Expansion
# Oct 07 2003 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
Its a new engine... 's got nothing to do with past patches/updates... Think of it like your car. Patches and updates are like modifications, better plugs/oils, turbo timer.. etc... you make it perform better and look better etc..

A new engine.. well.. like it's name implies.. u refit it with a totally new engine giving new performances, totally different characteristics.. old car + new engine, old game.. new graphics engine... get the idea?

Just my 2cp ;p
# Oct 06 2003 at 12:49 AM Rating: Default
i dont care what they do with the graphics as long as they odnt kill teh game just for eq2 and they let us get more levels i love LDoN and hope to see 100 levels some day
# Oct 07 2003 at 9:27 PM Rating: Default
hahah 100lvls? are u serious ?
no . 60takes to long , 60-56breeze, but cmon 100lvls only time thatd work is in a game like AO where its more social than xp intensive where u can lvl fast and easy whereas eq is more about the experience of actuly leveling and having fun while doing that . now when you get 100 what do you expect to do ? youl be able to run jsut about anywhere(up to now xcluding some of the max lvl restrictions/ naggy and vox's lairs as an xample. ) and kill anythign you come across it would be pointless you could go around killing entire towns in minutes . but instead of lvl 100 how about lvl 70? 75even with alot more AA . then it would be better

jsut my 2cp
I'd Pay
# Oct 05 2003 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
Sheesh... after all that you I've paid for the game so far.. what's a little extra for better graphics.. sheesh... i'd let them cut it from my credit bill without a sneeze

I say DO IT SOE!
# Oct 05 2003 at 7:04 PM Rating: Default
Think Luclin. It says MAY and INCLUDE. It doesn't mean you have to buy it, have to enable the new graphics, or that it only has a new engine.

Pre-Order now! EverQuest: Polys of Engine.
# Oct 05 2003 at 2:34 PM Rating: Default
WE have to pay, just so we get new graphics!?
# Oct 06 2003 at 7:41 AM Rating: Good
Uh.. To those of you who forget the heyday of computer gaming, take it from an old one. Get over it. Yes, you have to pay for updated graphics. I remember playing Ultima 1-8 among countless others and wishing for updates... I remember writing code to update graphics for some of my own games just for the fun of it..

Furthermore, has everyone seriously forgotten that we are playing a GAME and "code don't write itself!" If you want updated graphics, pay for em. If not, I think you'll survive.

Keyword: GAME
# Oct 05 2003 at 2:57 PM Rating: Default
What, you think that all of the people at SOE work for free? No, sir. Money runs this world, and they're not gonna hand you their accomplishments for free.
# Oct 05 2003 at 6:10 PM Rating: Default
We all pay per month, play or not. SOE could send us the updated graphics as a patch and it would still not be free. The question is, why pay more for and increase in functionality?

A better question is when will SOE update everquest to DX9? You realize that going from 8 to 9 is (for most people) a one way trip and the next generation of games will all be DX9. God forbid a security problem be found in DX8 and the automatic cure from M$ is an automatic update to DX9. SOE's user base will go to near zero paying customers overnight. Out of business for no better reason than their own lazyness.
# Oct 06 2003 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
I've been running Everquest on top of DX9 for a number of months now, with zero problems.

Microsloth did announce a security problem with DX8 and their recommended patch was to upgrade to DX9. I think they (and I) are up to DX9.0b at this point.

And actually I think there was an annoucement recently on the EQLive tech board that DX9 is officially supported by SoE.
# Oct 06 2003 at 1:04 AM Rating: Default
Why pay more for increased funcionality. Maybe im wrong but isnt that how the software buisness has been since the beginning? XPhome or XPpro? $100 diff between the two and they are basicaly the same save for some networking. What about the upcoming media center edition. Same thing. You want new features, increased/revamped graphics, its gonna cost you. Next you will be whining about how printers dont come with printer cables or paper, or when you buy a stove or washing machine it doesnt come with a power cord...
# Oct 05 2003 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
quiet you and quiet you. We pay per month to keep servers up :P We pay one time fees for the software
Link doesnt work
# Oct 04 2003 at 10:42 AM Rating: Default
:( I really want to see some screens, hit me up on AIM at BLOODkane1
Apples and Oranges
# Oct 03 2003 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
LOL the top photo is KFC in SK, not Kelethin. The bottom may be Kelethin, but if so, looks moe like a EQ2 screen shot :)
# Oct 03 2003 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
Yes I submitted the article to alla. I put up a scan of it on a free site not sure how well ya can see it but here ya go.

Hope that helps.
# Oct 06 2003 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
Bah! Bandwidth limits are teh sux.

-65 cleric of Brell on Prexus with over 100 AAs and is still venerable.
# Oct 06 2003 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
Agreement, can someone email these screenshots to me at if so I will host them somewhere without a bandlimit and post links here.
# Oct 04 2003 at 7:50 PM Rating: Default
Those magazine people don't know what they are tlaking about, they better make sure the info id correct before exposing it to the public!!! lol. Yes, that is The Aviak Tower in South Karana in the Before picture, but I'm not too sure about the bottom, probably Kelethin like they say it is.
# Oct 04 2003 at 11:50 AM Rating: Default
Has anyone looked at what the "Old" graphic is? It's not Kelethin, it's the Avik Treehouse in South Karana.

#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 03 2003 at 9:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ok, later after EQ2 is out, EQ1 is leaving for those that DIDN'T know. This was a claimed fact by SoE themselves. Stop wasting valuable money on expansions you nerds.
RE: LmAo
# Oct 04 2003 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
104 posts
EQ1 will, in fact, not be going anywhere. SoE is hiring more technicians, programmers, and (finally) GMs to staff both games with the technical support and in-game support that games of this calibur need. This was stated by SoE a LONG time ago, back when EQ2 barely had graphic design art going.
Please do not excite the ogres.

80 Cleric
<Shenanigans> Tunare
RE: LmAo
# Oct 04 2003 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
I read somewhere that SOE will NOT end eq once eq2 comes out
# Oct 03 2003 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
we all know that we would spend our weekly paycheck on this game.
# Oct 03 2003 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
If anyone has the screenshots, described please.
Yes another expansion
# Oct 03 2003 at 12:25 PM Rating: Default
Shouldn't your V6 car get a free upgrade to the V8 when it becomes available? Its only fair, you bought a car that was made more than 4 years ago...

Just because there is a V8 model out now doesnt mean your old V6 wont run anymore.
RE: Yes another expansion
# Oct 05 2003 at 6:23 PM Rating: Default
This is a lame analogy. Your mistake is in comparing an item you own (the car, which is yours, not GM's anymore) with either the EQ software (which you do not technically own, SOE is allowing you to use it, read the licence agreement) or the online service which, like most services, is far closer to renting than owning.

A correct analogy would be the service (and misc equipment) a doctor provides. Just because your doctor graduated 40 years ago doesn't entitle you to modern health care? Just because there are newer medicines and techniques doesn't mean the old ones didn't work. Get real. I hope you would feel comfortable with the doctor with the 40 year old training, I sure wouldn't.
RE: Yes another expansion
# Oct 13 2003 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, in terms of "sales" you do own a copy of the software. The problem comes down to the fact that what you are buying is the software plus a license to use said product.
This came about as as the computer software industry was starting, "traditional" copyright/trademarks were seen as problematic to impose and enforce.
However, in some states and technically in the UK, these licenses should not be valid! Why?
Ok, in contract law there is an understanding over what is purchased (I give you "x" for "y"). What the license that we HAVE to agree to in order to run the software does, in effect, is to materially change what has been purchased. This should therefore be a breach of that contract.
There have been posts where such licenses as SOE use have been found to be illegal.
The whole system of copyright (to protect the individual work) and licensing etc needs a radical overhaul.
It is like buying a car, and then being told you don't own the engine and unless you agree to certain provisions in ANOTHER contract which you didn't agree to at the time you bought the car, they take the engine away!
RE: Yes another expansion
# Oct 03 2003 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
If a new graphics engine = new video card then H3LL YES! the expansion should be free!

RE: Yes another expansion
# Oct 10 2003 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
From what I understand, the new graphics are intended to be LESS memory/GPU intensive.
# Oct 03 2003 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
119 posts
WAAAY back when (like 5 years), they asked the player base, do you want to pay for better expansions, or get crappy one's for free (like AC did). the player base voted it was better to pay for a major expansion, we still get minor upgrades along the way tho (like the new UI).
Another Expansion?
# Oct 03 2003 at 9:45 AM Rating: Default
Shouldn't upgrades solely to the graphics engine be a free upgrade, not a pay to use expansion? IMHO

Pikn Fights 40 Warrior - Ogre
(Bog Brigade)
Doctorhp MD 32 Cleric - Froglok
(Anklebiters United)
Biblow Sagins 30 Druid - Halfling
(ABU also)
RE: Another Expansion?
# Oct 03 2003 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
Next expansion MAY INCLUDE new graphics engine...doesn't say that's all that will be in the expansion.


RE: Another Expansion?
# Oct 06 2003 at 4:37 PM Rating: Default
I think that point got lost on people. They did not say the next expansion is new graphics. Just that part of it MAY be a new graphics.

I wouldn't be surprised if they did something for the next expansion that added more variety and dungeons to ldon, maybe new themes etc. As well as the graphics update for the world.

Or even better, revamp the old world zone loots to bring up to newer expansions gear for the same level range zone. That combined with new graphics, maybe some additional instanced dungeons/zones would be worth it in my book.

Would be Great to get some of the over camped/crowded zones less crowded and some of the empty zones hunted again. More very rarely dropped special items off very common (junk) mobs, or randomly spawned mobs from death like in nadox would be cool. Make it less of camp mob x for item y, and more hunt the zone and get exp and possibly items x, y or z, or named a,b,c to spawn and drop items d, e, f.

Anyways, just rambling on now.
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