Friday Patch Notes

A couple more changes today, feel free to comment :)
    Update Notes 9/19/03 Client Version 60210.0
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause items to dupe, and could cause minor individual character rollbacks.
  • Changed the surrender skill UI to be easier to use.
  • Changed patterns of one of the bodysuits so that players who have chosen a flesh-colored color for the clothing do not appear to be naked.


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Game Mag Reviews
# Sep 24 2003 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
I am actually enjoying the game. I am not sure it is too different from EQ (I played EQ pretty solid for about two years) in the since you have to do some serious grinding. I do agree with a lot of the comments here, but I am hoping it gets fixed.

As to game mag reviews, CGW only gave it 2 1/2 stars, which for them is close to an F.
Skin suit
# Sep 23 2003 at 5:48 AM Rating: Default
On the bright side. I'm having fun. To me this is still a game even though I play it like it's life. I'm not even a Master Musician yet and I'm still having a blast. I guess I like the game for it's roleplay quality. And I thinks it's hilarious that the Nude suit has been fixed. When I saw that I had to laugh. "No more Gaylord Mcmanloving grossing us out in the Cantinas on Starsider"! YES!!! HAHAHA! If anyone saw this wierdo you'd be glad they fixed this feature
SOE = Your pimp
# Sep 22 2003 at 12:29 AM Rating: Default
Well, Im glad Im finally seeing some people who aren't on SOE's leash. As for the "Waa waa boo hoo" anonymous guy....well Im sure he wishes he were a bit taller so he could be even further up SOE's ****.

SWG thrives off the Star Wars story line, but hardly develops it at all. They released a product that what Im told most of the beta tester AND developers didn't feel was ready. That alone spells out what SOE feels is important, and it isn't quality. As long as you allow them to continue, they will keep doing this to you.

Think of them as your pimp. You're pimp likes to beat you with a bat, slap you around, and take your money. In return your pimp gives you a little "service" and expects you to continue taking it.

I let my subscription drop, and about 10 days into my second month I regretted paying anything for this game. I spent 2 solid weeks hit by one bug after another. Lost items, crates not giving me items, having an inventory that was full at 43/60, being teleported all over the terrain...into hostile camps. Seeing that combat medics are a joke unless you want to spend hours on end trying to get the best of the best components then have a doctor make stuff for you to use on the final product.

Armor and weapon decay speeds are crazy, and since it's a player driven economy and probably a good 70% of the players use some sort of are pretty hard pressed to find a "good one" when yours finally breaks.

PVP is a joke...sure ATST is supposed to be like that....but blah. I'd like to see some numbers on these servers. Rebels are "supposed" to outnumber the imps.....I'd like to see that.

TEF flags are a joke, they are exploited more than anything else. Missions are a bore.

And I never was a crafter, but I dont see where crafters are going to go after they "max out". Hunting is boring, because you really don't need anything besides enough money to replace stuff that breaks...and maintain houses etc.

I just don't see anything to "go for" in that game. I mean aside from PVP faction based buildings, there's not a whole lot of things to strive for. And on top of that, the storyline (in my opinion) doesn't support a mass population of people trying to "get rich quick".

BTW, if you're going to be a fighting profession and can spare the points...pick up doctor. It makes you much better, don't bother with combat medic if you were considering it.

Bottom line here: SOE/Verant has pulled this with EQ and expansions (release something untested, then nerf the crap out of it for two months)..and now with SOE. They do it because no one (hopefully) is going to recommend a game where you spend your whole time struggling and WORKING (NOT playing) to get ahead and HOPEFULLY have fun later. So they get people in, then nerf now they have you with a money investment that they hope you aren't willing to chalk up as a loss. Until you let a nice expensive game like this flop, they will continue to do it. They need competition that is interested in qualty products instead of sopping up as much money as they can.

On a seperate note: Is there a review site out there that isn't backed by game companies indirectly? The reviews for SWG were by far complete BS for like 2 months, and they hardly cover all of the incompetence and problems of the game.

And, I say we need a "lemon law" for software. The games are such crap lately, at least they could charge less for the crap than the good games do. SWG comes in 40-50 and 70(?) dollar forms........blah.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 22 2003 at 4:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) shut up. im 6' 8'' ****.
# Sep 21 2003 at 8:11 AM Rating: Default
Well in the last 3 days my house disappeared and my factory disappeared. I turned in bug reports that will probably not be read and petitioned. I also have never seen any evedence of anyone reading those. They assured me the turn around time is quicker now.. that is good the petition was deleted after 3 weeks that discussed the run away probot and Heavy harvestor.

Did I expect the game to be perfect? What a lack of perspective.

What other business refuses to talk to their customers.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 21 2003 at 1:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) waah waaah... boo hoo.. everything isnt going my way.. sniff sniff.. why dont you just quit? please.. do us all a favor.
# Sep 19 2003 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
which is exactly the reason i'm rejoining much later on when most of the bugs are fixed, everythings relatively balanced out (in other words, they're done with the nerf bat so i don't start a char and get nerfed) and there's either city's or mounts :)
paid idiocy
# Sep 19 2003 at 6:53 PM Rating: Default
rants my butt. their support sucks, most of the time noone picks up during hotline hours, their support of dx 9 video cards is non existant, they wouldn't know how to even spell the word "balance", and they haven't fixed a SINGLE ONE of the big bugs in over 6 weeks now.

This has nothing to do with not-perfect, most people are used to flawed mmorpg starts, but THIS is the most expensive scam ever. And don't you worry about interns, their whole company consists of people qualified at intern level.

They simply believe they can run this like they run their music business, only that in this game they can't change laws to compensate for their own incompetence.

I one word, they belong either behind school desks, or behind bars. Pick one.
enough of the rants
# Sep 19 2003 at 5:55 PM Rating: Good
you realize that they have multiple teams going, these fixes are probably done by intern level programmers that are given the easy tasks, I don't think you want the ones who fix/work on the minor bugs to work on the major ones, that would ba a mess in my opinion. I wonder how many people were expecting perfection when they bought the game, I hope not too many. As the game starts to grow and get fixed, the new characters won't even know what we have gone through. If you are truelly pissed off about it, quit and come back in a few months, but I think it is about time for the rants to quit, it is getting boring listening to the same old stuff over and over again.
RE: enough of the rants
# Sep 20 2003 at 12:56 AM Rating: Good
One thing I've learned in over 10 years (and still not institutionalized yet!!!) of working in Customer Service in the IT doesn't matter what you're actually doing in the background, it's what the customer PERCIEVES is going on that matters! For them, THAT is the reality!
And in this case, SOE has done a poor job of communicating to the customer base. People see the results of the entry-level peons, making changes (not "fixes" since the body suit thing was never actually "broken" in the first place) that seem to be just for the sake of changing things, while some class abilities remain unuseable due to typoes in data tables, along with other majorly broken things...and the perception to the customer is that they're "wasting time" on this little junk while leaving the big problems untouched.
And the customer's PERCEPTION of reality BECOMES the reality...

Edited, Sat Sep 20 01:54:01 2003
wow what an awesome patch
# Sep 19 2003 at 1:45 PM Rating: Default
yeah I mean lets not work on anything of serious game importance, the toon appearing naked, now thats some serious ****!!!
# Sep 19 2003 at 11:39 AM Rating: Excellent
oohhh....we liked the skin colored body suits!!!!!! damnit....
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