TERA's 2nd Big PAX 2010 Update

You thought it was over?

TERA booth @ PAX 2010


PAX 2010 has been over for a while, but the last bit of information has just been squeezed out of the toothpaste tube. Below you'll find links to all your heart desires! I'm trying yet another style to incorporate blurbs into these posts. Hope it works out for all the readers.

Impression: Destructoid Hands-On with TERA - This article contains the impression of TERA during the PAX show. The writer, Maurice Tan, wrote the impression purely around use on the controller. TERA has keyboard and mouse controls, so anyone who wants to know what it's like to play on an Xbox 360 game pad.

Impression: FileFront's Hands-On Impressions of TERA - Another impression, this one by Mark Burnham, that dives into his experiences as a human Lancer. He says he thinks he loved his experience. Come on, man, share the wealth. We want to experience and love the game, too!

Impression: Twenty Sided Shares TERA Experience - This impression meant the most to me personally, as it showed someone going from having a poor introduction to TERA by a representative that make a joke about how important it was to look up your character's skirt if you have one. I thought it was pretty funny myself, but to each their own. At its core, this is a heart warming story of TERA's redemption, so check it out.

Video: TERAblah Publishes Fan Video of TERA Booth - Might want to check your sound volume for this one before playing the video. Mainly a montage with a lot of attendee testamonials, this video shows excitement for the game, but ultimately, nothing new here. Consider this your soup dish while we wait for the main course.

Tags: News, TERA


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