Balancing Starcraft II: Are the Terran too good?

With the Intel Extreme Masters Starcraft II Tournament taking place a few days ago, many professional SC2 players around the world may be jumping ship from the Zerg to the arguably all-around better Terran


Sadly, however, because of these perceived balance problems, many professional Zerg players have decided that, until Blizzard releases any sort of patch, they have no choice but to change their main race to either Protoss or, as many more are doing, to Terran. Now, before you scoff, do realize that for some of these players, playing Starcraft II is a job, and it is their job to represent their sponsors by placing as high as possible in tournaments around the world. As such, these players often dedicate thousands of hours to perfecting their play, and making the decision to switch races is not one made easily, nor lightly. 

After the tournament the third place Zerg player, DIMAGA, who was voted "most impressive player of the tournament" with 36% of the votes (32% went to the tournament winner, MorroW) noted that he does, unfortunately, have a financial obligation to his sponsors to do whatever is necessary to win tournaments like these, and if there are no balancing announcements from Blizzard, he plans to switch to Terran for his next tournament. A few other sponsored tournament players have also come to this same conclusion.

In the end, however, what do you readers think when you hear news like this? With so many fans clamoring for changes to be made to give Zerg players a fighting chance, is it right for Blizzard to balance their game around the demands of high level players, or do you think this problem is more widespread, even at the lower levels of play? Blizzard just released their top 200 Starcraft II players list, and within the top 10 players in North America, there are five Terran players, four Protoss players and one Zerg player. Not only that, but as a Diamond level Protoss player myself, I know that with the 40 games I've played, only three of those matches have been against Zerg players, with a majority of my games being against Protoss or, occasionally, Terran, although I am certainly seeing more Terran players as I make my way up my Diamond league rankings. Ultimately, however, Blizzard may want to make a move soon, or in the next big Starcraft II tournament we see, there might be no Zerg to play.


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# Aug 31 2010 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
I suck regardless, so I don't notice much. However I do notice that too many players are going Terran or Protoss. I hardly ever see any Random or Zerg. This may be like the article said, balance issues, but I suck too much to notice late game.
# Aug 23 2010 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
Blizz has stated in their forums that, according to their "numbers", they see no reason for rebalancing at this time. Supposedly, the ladders in regions outside NA have more zerg players and more zerg representation in general, though I have not confirmed this personally since I do not care enough to check.

I feel that the races are relatively balanced unit-wise. It just takes more effort to play zerg well than it does to play terran well. By that I mean there are many more things to do (spawn larva, expand, scout) as zerg that are essential in most games whereas terran can accomplish the same tasks with much less effort (build extra production buildings, turtle in one base, scan from CC).

Also let's not limit the discussion to ZvT. PvT has problems of its own with marauders cleaning the floor with any low-tier gateway unit.

All that being said, I believe sc2 is very balanced for a game recently released. Sc1 took many years to balance perfectly and sc2 will be no different.
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