Season One launch announced for League of Legends

This will be the biggest update to League of Legends since their launch in October, 2009

You've been asking for it, and it looks like Riot Games has been listening! That's right, Season One is finally set to begin on July 13th, 2010, and with it will come a huge plethora of updates, changes and additions that will have everyone cheering. More specifically, with the commencement of Season One comes Ranked Games, where players can queue up in 3v3 and 5v5 premade, or even solo, and they will accumulate individual rating per queue. As well, there will be a public ladder for players to be able to check out their ranked ELO ratings and how they stack up against their peers and rivals.

In addition to this, League of Legends will also be introducing the long awaited Draft Mode, where players can ban two champions per team and then pick the remainder of their team by alternating with the other team (in a 1:2:2:2:2:1 draft format). As well, draft mode will be exclusive, so make sure you have more than one hero you want to play! Finally, with Season One will also come a new and improved interface, replete with new art, animations and graphics. I'll see you in the ranked games on July 13th!


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