A Buyer's Guide to League of Legends: Kog'maw

Do you need a powerful, long-ranged Champion that can deal massive amounts of damage? If you answered yes, then Kog'maw may very well be your team's next champion purchase!

In his current iteration (this may be changed later on), Kog'maw is the best champion for decimating enemy tanks. His Caustic Spittle gives him some amazing armor penetration so that he can easily chomp through tanks, like Rammus, who like to stack armor to be effective. As well, Kog'maw's Bio-Arcane Barrage deals a straight percentage of an enemy's max health as magic damage, so when Kog'maw hits really high attack speeds, he can literally snipe off enemy tanks within that six second buff timeframe of Bio-Arcane Barrage, regardless of their health. Finally, Kog'maw's last two abilities, Void Ooze and Living Artillery, deal respectable amounts of up-front magic damage, in addition to Void Ooze's helpful slowing mechanism, and Living Artillery's incredibly powerful chasing potential. All in all, this translates to a seriously dangerous bug-monster that dishes out huge damage in the early game with Void Ooze and Living Artillery, but he continues to be relevant all the way to late, late game with his Caustic Spittle / Bio-Arcane Barrage abilities.

Unfortunately, this leads to Kog'maw's true flaw: his absolute squishiness. Kog'maw really suffers if an enemy is in his face (or where his face would be), smacking his oversized mouth around. Granted, Kog'maw has a slow in Void Ooze, but often times, this really isn't enough to deter enemies, and Kog'maw players will find themselves just wishing for some kind of escape mechanism, time and time again. As well, since Kog'maw's slow doesn't have an incredible range, nor does it slow a huge amount, Kog'maw players may also find it difficult to gank continuously with Kog'maw, as it gets quite hard to catch your enemies after you've Oozed for the first time.

In the end, Kog'maw requires a great deal of team support (in the form of disables so that nobody goes straight for him) in order to flourish, but if he is able to get that support, he can potentially sweep team fights in a way that very few champions can. In this way, Kog'maw can easily replace your carry in teams that enjoy utilizing those defensively weak, but offensively strong champions, like Katarina, Ashe, Anne, Corki or Tristana. Surround Kog'maw with powerful support champions who can stun and/or snare on offense and defense, like Allistar, Poppy, Veigar, Anivia, Fiddlesticks or Kayle, and you'll realize very quickly how much power can be packed into one little monster-caterpillar… thing. If you should choose not to support your Kog'maw, however, you may find him getting picked on more and more by the opposing team and, at that point, you may be better off with carries that can take care of themselves a little bit better, like Morgana.

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HoN pwns
# Jun 30 2010 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
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