Friday March 12, 2010

DAoC Update

New Midgard Spells: Group Cure AllCure AllCure NearsightGroup Cure DiseasePulsing Cure Disease IIPulsing Cure Poison II

Updated Midgard Spells: Cure DiseasePulsing Cure PoisonRemigration from ValhallaWelcome from ValhallaReception from ValhallaAncestor's BoonAncestor's FavorAncestor's GiftEir's Heavenly TouchEir's Magnificent TouchEir's Glorious TouchTribute from EirDispensation from EirBoon from EirFavor from EirTribute of BattleDispensation of BattleBoon of BattleFavor of BattleGreater EmendationGreater ReconstructionGreater RestorationGreater ReparationGreater RecoveryGreater PurificationGreater AmeliorationMajor EmendationMajor ReconstructionMajor RestorationMajor ReparationMajor RecoveryMajor PurificationMajor AmeliorationMajor ReconstitutionPure CelerityAmplified CelerityEnhanced CelerityCelerityGods' SpiritGods' WillGods' DriveLightning AffinityStorm AffinityThunder AffinityGods' PotencyGods' VigorGods' HealthExalted BlowBurgeoned BlowAmplified BlowIntensified BlowExaggerated BlowEnhanced BlowStrengthen BlowIncreased BlowAugmented BlowAsgard's MightAsgard's Lesser MightAsgard's PotenceAsgard's Lesser PotenceAsgard's StrengthAsgard's Lesser StrengthPurity of AggressionLesser Purity of AggressionPurity of OffenseLesser Purity of OffensePurity of AttackLesser Purity of AttackAsgard's Greater DeflectionAsgard's DeflectionAsgard's ProtectionAsgard's DefenseAsgard's Lesser DefenseEir's GuardEir's BarrierEir's Lesser BarrierEir's Lesser GuardEir's ShieldEir's Lesser Shield


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