State of the Galaxy Posted

Rich Vogel posted a "State of the Galaxy" message on the official forums. I copied it below for your reading pleasure. Feel free to add your comments. ------------- State of the Galaxy We’re nearing the one month mark for Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided and I wanted to give you an update on where we are, how things have gone and what’s coming up. On June 26th we officially launched Star Wars Galaxies. That first day was quite rocky. Although the game servers were running well, a hardware failure caused the billing system to become clogged. That first day, virtually no one could play the game. Once the problem was fixed, we decided to call “do over” and not start the official billing process until June 27th. Other than that the launch was fairly good for us. I wouldn’t call it the smoothest launch ever unfortunately, but it certainly was far from the worst in my opinion. During this past month, we’ve seen some additional issues with servers, databases and some client crashes, but on the whole most of our customers have been able to log in and play the game. I’ve been pushing the team pretty hard to make sure we have maximum uptime and a good playing experience. I’d like to take a moment to thank them all for their hard work. Releasing the game was not the end of crunch mode for most of the team and I appreciate the dedication they have shown. We have also been doing hot fixes to the game. To reduce exploits and game breaking bugs, we’ve been bringing down the servers almost daily for quick fixes. In addition, the team has been adding tons of content and additional bug fixes, which you should see on the Test Center server by early next week. I encourage anyone who is interested to log onto Test Center and check them out. Our next step is to work with the Correspondents to start hitting the biggest profession issues. We will still have content designers working on adding more fun things to the game. Also we have three major post-launch features in the works. Player Cities has the technical design done and a designer is starting to do implementation. Artists are working on some new assets for the Mayor to place. Kevin is going to do a Friday Feature on Player Cities in the next couple of weeks so you’ll have a chance to give your feedback before it goes into testing. We also have a strike team working on player mounts. Next week I'm going to see an internal demo of a player riding a mount. When they are finished implementing mounts, they’ll move onto player vehicles. I’ve also been in some meetings talking about our future live plans as well as plans for the Space Expansion. I’m personally very excited to be on this project right now. By the way, so far no one has opened a Force Sensitive slot. We’ll probably let you know when the first one happens but I doubt it will be for a couple months yet. May the Force be with you! Rich Vogel Executive Producer


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Chill out guys.
# Aug 05 2003 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
For those of you who question the access to the FS slot, the following are comments the Devs made during Beta, mostly from Holo:

1) The FS slot should take a year or so of concerted effort.
2) Access is different for each account, and I believe for each character when created (don't quote me on the last part).
3) The casual player and the power-gamer will have to spend an equal amount of time, on average, to unlock the FS slot.
4) The slot has been in place throughout Beta, and nobody unlocked it then.
5) It was strongly indicated that roleplaying was required, and one would assume that there are those under the employ of either SOE or Lucas patroling the game under the guise of PCs searching for such people.

There is plenty more I could comment about reguarding the Force Sensitive slot, but those are what I remember ATM.
# Aug 01 2003 at 10:06 AM Rating: Default
if everyone wants to be a jedi, then just play jedi knight, or knights of the old republic....i want this game to be true to star wars, and not have 12 jedi in a cantina...yea itd be great to run around with a lightsaber, but when everyone else has one, what make that so special?!?!
FS Slot.
# Aug 01 2003 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
Um, i dont remember where i read this (it was back in beta in the beta forums... ) but the whole FS slot idea was for all the determining factors to be client side of the game, not server, so its your own dang computers not letting you be Jedi, not SoE :D

(last part was a joke, but the client side comment was real, i read that somewhere back in beta, but since Beta forum is gone now, i cant link it.... and it was a dev post O_O!)
just stuff
# Jul 31 2003 at 3:13 PM Rating: Default
So far, I've not seen any flying critters big enough to be mounts.. *shrug* but then, I've only been running around Dearic on Talus :)

As for bugs and the like, I'm a bit disappointed as well... but it's standard practice for SOE.. And, with 3 years in the making, I'm sure Lucas Arts was getting tired of waiting as well...if only they knew who they were dealing with up-front :)

As for FS being available or functional.. we can only go on what 'they' tell us.. personally (given SOE's past behaviours), I don't think the quests for FS are complete and working as needed.. Or, if they are, as one poster pointed out.. maybe you need to have an active account for X days, or X hours online time (meaning the casual player might have to play for 2 years to get an FS while the powergammer/macro-miners can get one in 3 months).. *shrug*

without having access to the code, we will never know :)
# Jul 31 2003 at 1:18 PM Rating: Default
This game is AO with worse servers and fewer character slots with Everquest style players and UO style crafters. I'm playing until anything better comes along myself.
What a Bunch of Whiners!
# Jul 31 2003 at 7:59 AM Rating: Default
Come on! Sure Houses dont look different! But look at Everquest! They have no houses! And sure everyone only has 1 slot per Server, but thats to account for Twinking of characters! how hard would it be for your friends to make characters on other servers!? My friends and I play on 2 servers right now, and Im working on a characters on a third one! As for the Force Sensitive slot! well Im darn happy its gona be nearly impossible to get, because I sure dont wana see tons and tons of Jedi running around! As for the skills, well ya it takes you along time to get skills up, but half way through getting those skills you should figuare you dont like them, AND you DONT have to drop all them to start other skills, you just have to slowly adjust as you gain exp in the new skill! This game has all the good graphics and traits of Everquest, with out all the stuff that made it bad, and all the good traits of Ultima Online with out its bad graphics and other bad Ideas! Man.. If your gona whine then go back to Everquest or Ultima Online or what ever rock you came out from under! and for God Sakes the game is only a Month old! Sure its buggy! They had to dump half of it just so they could rlease it!
RE: What a Bunch of Whiners!
# Aug 01 2003 at 3:51 AM Rating: Default
The main reason for only one character per server is a valid one. Sadly most of us don't run around with twinks and grief every player we see. So we "normal" players get punished for the twinks behaviors anyway. I'd like at least 2 characters per servers so I could play with my friends without changing servers when I wan't to play another proffession.

ScOfFlAw ThE tWiNk
Master Griefer
RE: What a Bunch of Whiners!
# Jul 31 2003 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
I have to say I totally agree with you. One of the reasons I switched from EQ to SWG was the one char per server. I really disliked the twink factor of EQ. Don't get me wrong EQ changed gamming for me. But as a casual gamer I was never able to see the really great content. So I am hoping that SWG will allow me to do so. Abd in reality if it takes me a year or two to find out how much swg "SUCKS" then that was a year or two of game play where I had a blast finding out.

Wiin Wookie on Azahi( I think)
More BS while we pay for beta
# Jul 31 2003 at 1:43 AM Rating: Default
been playing since launch and it's buggy as all hell, plus this message says they'll be adding back some of the content pulled right before launch. Still they haven't brought back the promised Dark Jedi's. For my admitted guess, I say that the fact that the Jedi system is in place is purely a smokescreen. They can say whatever they want and work on it in the meantime. Unless of course having an SOE account for 3 months is one of the mystical KEYS to unlocking force sensitivity. What a shame that SOE was allowed to do a game that otherwise could have been the Best Ever
Char slots
# Jul 30 2003 at 8:22 PM Rating: Default
Honestly, that all sounds great. But it still won't get me to play this game.

I bought it, loaded it, and immediately was extremely dissappointed with one char per server - meaning 9 of the 10 slots are useless to me as I play on a server with friends. This is unacceptable to me at $15/month, I cancelled and resolved to play out my free time.

Now that its over, I understand that inactive accounts have their characters deleted after 5 days? If that is so, you can count on myself, and likely anyone else in a similar situation never returning to the game.

It means my time played thus far was wasted, and that is one of my chief objections with a single character slot (the force sensitive slot is a joke, its not definate, and 5 or more is industry norm). My one toon has certain skills, if I want to try something else, I have to lose all the effort getting those skills, if I don't like the new template, go thru it all to revert back? Not my style of play, I think in the long run its not so many other's style either. Playing a different race is out as its the same thing, having extra accounts, well, the game is too damned expensive for that. I'd run two possibly, but not when that only means I get two characters for that amount of money - same investment elsewhere gets me 15-24 characters.

Lot of good ideas in the game, too bad all you are doing is showing your competition those ideas to pick up the customers you drove away with your pricing and data policies regarding characters.
RE: Char slots
# Aug 02 2003 at 11:11 AM Rating: Default
Well it's good to hear we'll be weeding out whiney players like you. I'd hate to have group with people of your low character.
RE: Char slots
# Aug 01 2003 at 3:56 AM Rating: Default
Buy 2 or more SWG games. Get a SOE account and pay 22$ (or what is is) for all those accounts. Should work...
RE: Char slots
# Jul 30 2003 at 8:41 PM Rating: Default
with very little investigation you would have found that there would be only 1 char slot. If you didnt have all the info why did you spend over 50 dollars on it?
Housing Question
# Jul 30 2003 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
I am really curious about the ability to add my friends to the Administration list for my house but very disappointed in the fact that they can do nothing in the house except rotate furniture. Was the intent to allow them access to dropped packs and to drop packs as well. I want my friends to have full access so I am anxious to know. :) Also, I have a vendor house. It is public with no entry fee. I was excited about placing this but it looks the same as all the others and has no special highlight or look to it now that it is public. How on earth do I get customers? If you tell me I have to macro an add and run the city to drum up business I will be truly disappointed. I, for one, do not go all the way around a house to look at the sign to see if it is a public or vendor house. Could you give us something like a neon sign over our vendor house...jk...hehe I just thought it would be easier to find. Maybe a Vendor House Design?
I am elated with the game. I even sat outside my house watching the stars and had 5 gorgs come sit with me for over an hour one night. The intricacies of the game have astounded me. Thank you. Honor to thy house. Naritus Server, Droid Engineer wannabee, Leandorra
# Jul 30 2003 at 5:09 PM Rating: Default
Yeah I've heard alot of people complaining about bugs and what not. Yet at the same time, I see others using the exact same skills and they're doing just great so.... I just depends on how you look at everything. Yeah I've run into some bugs here and there, Mainly with the vendors around cities. but, it's not so bad, things could be much worse. All I'm saying is, I've had a blast since I started playing, you can do almost anything ya want at this point and games like this take a while to work the kinks out, plus with the new features, this game can only get better, and I love it already so... I can't wait to see more.
Data Pads
# Jul 30 2003 at 4:55 PM Rating: Default
Wish they would make data pads work for longer than about 2 minutes after login. Then worry about wiz-bang new stuff.
# Jul 30 2003 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
Agree, I think they work very hard on all the issues, Being on Lowca and some its down time's issues ,but there been improvement even there.

Do you think we will be able to ride flying creatures ? Will you ????

Thank you :-)
NO FS yet :)
# Jul 30 2003 at 10:31 AM Rating: Default
I'm glad to see theyre working hard... Lucasart is making money off this, no question ... 15$/month ... I Know it costs money to run servers like that, but they are making money off this, but I can't complain since my gaming experience has been almost perfect and theyre still working real hard on new features which is why we still pay don't we ? :)

I personally am thrilled toknow mounted creatures will soon be included in the game... running for miles to get a mission done is something boring :)

Do you think we will be able to ride flying creatures? :)))))
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