Three Global Agenda Maps Debut At PAX

For those of you who made it to PAX this year, Global Agenda will be on the show floor featuring three of their newest maps, Ice-Flow, Seaside and Climate Control. In addition, each of these maps features a different game mode, so they're not just three games of capture the flag in various settings.

The first map, Ice-Flow, is an escort map that's set outside a Siberian facility with the Aurora Borealis shimmering in the background.

The second map is Seaside, which is a 3-point Ticket map that's set upon a massive drilling platform, suspended above a stormy North Atlantic Ocean.

Finally, the third map is Climate Control, which is an attack/defend map that's set within the East Asian mountains and covered with trees.

All of these maps are part of Global Agenda's Closed Beta Test 1, and later this year, developer Hi-Rez Studios is planning to introduce the Campaign functionality, which will kick off a massive persistent conflict between 'player created Agency groups,' for territory, technology and resources. Executive Producer Todd Harris notes that the crowds at PAX are really enjoying Global Agenda, and he says that the dev team is "thrilled to see players enjoying MMO game-play for its own sake rather than simply to level-up a character. Our booth is a grind-free zone."

You can check out a picture of each of the maps here at ZAM, or you can go apply for the Closed Beta Test 2 for Global Agenda at their website here.


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