July 3rd Update

We fixed many small errors throughout the site. I added links under discussions to Professions and Races, so that everyone knows there are forums there for you to use to discuss them. We also now have a full Command List for the game. I think it is pretty complete, but if we are missing any, please let me know.


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Crafting macros
# Jul 08 2003 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone know how the crafting macros work?

I noticed there is a /craft and /nextcraftstage macro. I assume these are used to craft items.

Any help would so appreciated.
# Jul 07 2003 at 3:07 PM Rating: Default
Has anyone tried "/s"
it says you don not have the required skill to initiate a saber throw.
guess thats a jedi command :)
Here's a new command.
# Jul 05 2003 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
You missed one command I know of, and that is /bandflourish. when /bandflourish is turned on, band members utilizing it will synchronize their flourishes to be more band-like.

However, you do not get any experience for this like you would for a normal flourish.

Edited, Sat Jul 5 23:52:25 2003
RE: Here's a new command.
# Jul 06 2003 at 10:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Added :)

Alias Commands
# Jul 05 2003 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
You can create your own custom commands in aliases.txt in your Star Wars Galaxies Directory.

When you create an alias it then becomes a / command.

For example, aliases.txt might contain:
ht /follow; /assist; /healdamage. Now when ever I have another player targeted and type /ht I follow them, assist them, and heal them.

This is also useful for cutting down the amount of typing in a macro, such as a sampling macro. For example, "sr /stand; /sample; /pause 500; /sit; /pause 250" is in aliases.txt(without the quotes). Then the macro would look like: /sr; /pause 750; /sr; /pause 750..... You have to do the /pause after calling /sr or else the game thinks you are using recursive calls. The pause is set to 750 because that is how long it takes /sr to run.

After setting up a command(s) in aliases.txt you have to type /load in the command line so SWG will recognize the new command. You type /alias to have SWG list your current aliases. And type /unalias <<alias name>> to remove an alias you have created from the game.

I believe there is a way to create an alias directly from the command line, without having to edit aliases.txt. But I am not sure. Maybe someone else knows.

Corrections to commands list
# Jul 04 2003 at 5:20 AM Rating: Default
The harvest command can be made more specific using the following commands instead:

/harvest bone
/harvest hide
/harvest meat

They're pretty self explanatory. ;)
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