October 30, 2008

New Items: Mounted Scepter of FyrThe Heaume of Sergeant SlateExplorer's Greaves of BeastsThe Breathtaking Scepter of FyrBayle's Stained Amulet of BenedictionBayle's Amulet of Benedictiona void beasta cursed skeleton maskRadiant Amulet of GraceKnight's GreavesExalted Pouch of BattleExalted Symbol of DevotionClassless Paladin HelmExalted Mantle of MirrorsClassless Defiler WolfhoodClassless Monk HatExplorer's Greaves of the StoicBonedigger CostumeImperial Sleeves of DevotionRadiant Sabatons of the Iron-heartSparkling Ethernaut's Roundshield of Projectionancient relicExplorer's Handguards of FangsExplorer's Sandals of BeastsRadiant Sabatons of the NimbleRadiant Sandals of the SunExplorer's Chaps of GraceRadiant Sleeves of MirrorsRadiant Staff of ElementsExplorer's Slippers of BeastsRadiant Great-axe of the GamblerExalted Leggings of the OceansExplorer's Sandals of LightExalted Gloves of BeastsImperial Robe of SurvivalImperial Towershield of BattleExplorer's Vambraces of the NimbleExplorer's Hood of the OceansExalted Vest of Grace ;

Explorer's Robe of BeastsExplorer's Sabatons of the DeepExplorer's Mantle of StormsExalted Leggings of the Iron-heartExplorer's Great Spear of BattleExalted Tunic of the KnightExplorer's Cowl of the SunExplorer's Dagger of StormsExalted Bow of the Iron-heartRadiant Spaulders of VisionRadiant Gauntlets of LightExplorer's Shortsword of DevotionImperial Handguards of the StoicImperial Skullcap of the StoicImperial Chaps of ElementsExplorer's Great Spear of FangsRadiant Great-axe of CloudsImperial Band of the DeepExplorer's Towershield of CloudsExplorer's Ring of the KnightRadiant Great Staff of StormsRadiant Pouch of the GamblerRadiant Shoulder Pads of LightExalted Sandals of the GuardianRadiant Towershield of BattleExplorer's Robe of GraceImperial Roundshield of BeastsExplorer's Great Staff of the OceansExplorer's Roundshield of the TempestCuffs of the EnlighteningDarkened Trinket of the Venerated FanaticExplorer's Buckler of ConcentrationRadiant Shoulder Pads of GraceRadiant Greaves of SurvivalExplorer's Bracers of the SoldierExplorer's Pantaloons of BattleImperial Bow of GraceRadiant Great Spear of the SunRadiant Towershield of MirrorsExplorer's Vambraces of the KnightExplorer's Sleeves of the SoldierRadiant Gauntlets of the OceansRadiant Shoulder Pads of the GamblerExalted Gloves of the TempestRadiant Great-axe of the TempestRadiant Armguards of the NimbleRadiant Sleeves of VisionRadiant Armguards of MirrorsRadiant Tunic of FangsRadiant Vest of KnowledgeRadiant Great Spear of the TreeImperial Vambraces of LightRadiant Vest of the GamblerRadiant Earring of CloudsRadiant Handguards of the KnightExalted Gloves of the StoicExplorer's Shoulder Pads of ElementsRadiant Knuckles of the GamblerExalted Collar of GraceRadiant Breastplate of FangsRadiant Vambraces of ProphetsExalted Great Spear of ConcentrationRadiant Great Staff of the GuardianExplorer's Roundshield of the Iron-heartExalted Buckler of the TempestRadiant Bow of MirrorsImperial Buckler of the KnightRadiant Great Staff of the OceansImperial Great-axe of the KnightExplorer's Earring of GraceExplorer's Hood of the DeepImperial Leggings of MirrorsImperial Great Spear of the Iron-heartExplorer's Pantaloons of BeastsExplorer's Symbol of the StoicImperial Gloves of MirrorsExalted Helm of the KnightExalted Greaves of ConcentrationImperial Great Spear of FangsExplorer's Staff of ProphetsExplorer's Bow of MirrorsImperial Band of ProphetsImperial Earring of FangsImperial Great-axe of FangsExplorer's Collar of the TreeImperial Chaps of CloudsImperial Belt of the TreeRadiant Earring of VisionExplorer's Ring of KnowledgeExplorer's Robe of the GamblerRadiant Band of the KnightExplorer's Bow of BeastsExplorer's Skullcap of the GamblerImperial Buckler of CloudsRadiant Symbol of the Iron-heartThe Rusty Heaume of Sergeant SlateImperial Great Staff of the TempestExplorer's Vambraces of MirrorsExalted Breastplate of the TempestExalted Dagger of the KnightRadiant Gloves of VisionGloves of the EnlighteningImperial Amulet of SurvivalRadiant Shortsword of the SunImperial Armguards of SurvivalExplorer's Bracers of BattleExplorer's Staff of the OceansImperial Armguards of the OceansImperial Band of ConcentrationImperial Symbol of the SoldierExplorer's Sandals of StormsRadiant Buckler of KnowledgeImperial Belt of ProphetsRadiant Belt of KnowledgeSergeant Slate's Timeworn BootsThe Antique of Sergeant SlateRadiant Gauntlets of ConcentrationExplorer's Handguards of DevotionThe Dazzling Scepter of FyrRadiant Mantle of CloudsRadiant Band of the GamblerRadiant Gauntlets of the SoldierRadiant Earring of LightExplorer's Band of the KnightExplorer's Armguards of BeastsImperial Tunic of ConcentrationBayle's Blemished Amulet of BenedictionThe Fulgent Scepter of FyrExplorer's Hood of LightImperial Mantle of the OceansBayle's Diminished Amulet of BenedictionImperial Buckler of MirrorsSergeant Slate's Dirty BootsThe Repaired Heaume of Sergeant SlateExplorer's Staff of SurvivalImperial Roundshield of the DeepExplorer's Great Spear of the GuardianExplorer's Handguards of the OceansExplorer's Knuckles of the NimbleRadiant Collar of the SoldierVoleen's Delicious Cinnamon RollRadiant Greaves of StormsImperial Leggings of the SoldierExplorer's Mantle of BattleRadiant Vest of the DeepExplorer's Helm of the Iron-heartThe Dented Heaume of Sergeant SlateExplorer's Cowl of the NimbleImperial Sabatons of ElementsExplorer's Mitts of BeastsExplorer's Great-axe of the TreeExplorer's Buckler of KnowledgeExplorer's Mantle of ElementsImperial Bracers of the GuardianThe Intense Scepter of FyrBayle's Faded Amulet of BenedictionSergeant Slate's BootsThe Glowing Scepter of FyrBayle's Darkened Amulet of BenedictionThe Aged Heaume of Sergeant SlateSergeant Slate's Lasting BootsExplorer's Earring of the KnightExplorer's Shoulder Pads of SurvivalThe Timeworn Heaume of Sergeant SlateImperial Greaves of KnowledgeExplorer's Amulet of VisionExplorer's Mitts of StormsSergeant Slate's Patched BootsThe Brilliant Scepter of FyrSergeant Slate's Enduring BootsStone of ObscurationThe Resplendent Scepter of FyrBayle's Smudged Amulet of BenedictionThe Glorious Scepter of FyrVoleen's Tasty Cinnamon RollVoleen's Delectable Cinnamon RollNightbloom BerriesVoleen's Sweet Cinnamon Rollodd seedpodBayle's Mounted Amulet of BenedictionVoleen's Fresh-baked Cinnamon RollSergeant Slate's Durable BootsTreant SaplingTattered Springview Healer's RobeVoleen's Warm Cinnamon RollImperial Great-axe of the SoldierImperial Collar of the NimbleRadiant Ring of BeastsRadiant Knuckles of FangsUnsealed Note from the SeeressRadiant Bracers of the TreeExplorer's Great Staff of the Iron-heartVoleen's Sticky Cinnamon RollRadiant Chaps of CloudsBog Valorheart's Mysterious MapExalted Roundshield of the OceansExalted Gauntlets of the GamblerExplorer's Breastplate of the SoldierExplorer's Towershield of the TempestImperial Boots of ElementsRadiant Gauntlets of CloudsRadiant Buckler of the Iron-heartExplorer's Vambraces of the OceansImperial Greaves of StormsRadiant Sleeves of ElementsRadiant Gauntlets of GraceRadiant Chaps of LightRadiant Mitts of FangsExalted Gloves of KnowledgeRadiant Handguards of SurvivalRadiant Dagger of ConcentrationRadiant Chaps of StormsRadiant Vambraces of SurvivalExplorer's Ring of the SunExplorer's Earring of ConcentrationImperial Vambraces of BattleRadiant Band of the DeepExalted Knuckles of StormsExplorer's Band of BattleExplorer's Pouch of ConcentrationRadiant Bracers of the StoicRadiant Cowl of ProphetsImperial Ring of the GamblerRadiant Vest of the KnightRadiant Dagger of KnowledgeExalted Knuckles of VisionExalted Buckler of the KnightRadiant Robe of the TreeExplorer's Helm of the GamblerRadiant Towershield of DevotionRadiant Staff of StormsImperial Shoulder Pads of the DeepExalted Slippers of FangsRadiant Sabatons of FangsRadiant Leggings of FangsRadiant Leggings of the NimbleRadiant Earring of BattleRadiant Knuckles of GraceRadiant Bracers of BattleRadiant Earring of the StoicRadiant Mantle of ConcentrationRadiant Bracers of FangsRadiant Great Staff of ProphetsImperial Staff of ConcentrationExalted Hood of the Iron-heartRadiant Robe of the SunRadiant Dagger of DevotionRadiant Band of ProphetsExplorer's Mantle of the GamblerRadiant Staff of the NimbleExalted Helm of KnowledgeRadiant Amulet of BattleRadiant Belt of ProphetsRadiant Knuckles of the GuardianExplorer's Symbol of LightImperial Symbol of the GuardianExplorer's Helm of SurvivalRadiant Mantle of DevotionImperial Sandals of the SunImperial Bracers of KnowledgeImperial Mitts of the KnightRadiant Staff of FangsRadiant Slippers of BattleRadiant Pouch of the SunRadiant Knuckles of SurvivalRadiant Mantle of KnowledgeRadiant Mitts of the GamblerRadiant Sandals of the StoicExplorer's Vambraces of LightRadiant Dagger of BeastsImperial Sabatons of the GuardianImperial Tunic of the KnightExplorer's Vest of BeastsRadiant Gloves of the KnightExalted Band of the StoicRadiant Sandals of FangsExalted Vest of the SunExplorer's Shoulder Pads of the GamblerRadiant Chaps of MirrorsRadiant Collar of BattleExplorer's Leggings of the GuardianExplorer's Bracers of CloudsImperial Great-axe of CloudsImperial Helm of KnowledgeExplorer's Tunic of the TreeExalted Symbol of VisionImperial Knuckles of KnowledgeImperial Boots of StormsExplorer's Belt of the DeepExplorer's Great Staff of the TempestExplorer's Cowl of StormsRadiant Sabatons of the TreeRadiant Pouch of the SoldierExplorer's Gauntlets of ElementsExplorer's Skullcap of VisionExplorer's Mitts of FangsExalted Cowl of MirrorsRadiant Sandals of KnowledgeExplorer's Bow of DevotionRadiant Towershield of the NimbleRadiant Mitts of the OceansExplorer's Sandals of MirrorsRadiant Chaps of GraceImperial Pouch of the GamblerRadiant Sandals of DevotionImperial Staff of ElementsExalted Robe of the TempestExalted Vest of the GamblerExplorer's Gauntlets of ProphetsExplorer's Great-axe of ProphetsExplorer's Spaulders of ProphetsRadiant Robe of the Iron-heartImperial Tunic of the TreeExplorer's Knuckles of the GamblerImperial Armguards of CloudsExplorer's Sandals of CloudsRadiant Skullcap of the NimbleExplorer's Sleeves of MirrorsRadiant Vambraces of ConcentrationExplorer's Sleeves of StormsImperial Pantaloons of DevotionExplorer's Chaps of the TempestRadiant Tunic of GraceExplorer's Gauntlets of the SunAle-stained Cloak of the GatheringAle-stained Tapestry of the GatheringPristine Feyiron Melodic GlovesPristine Feyiron Melodic MantlePristine Feyiron Melodic CoifPristine Tranquil Sackcloth PantaloonsPristine Feyiron Melodic BracersPristine Tranquil Threadbare RobePristine Tranquil Sackcloth ShawlPristine Feyiron Reverent GlovesPristine Carbonite Reverent CoifPristine Tranquil Sackcloth RobePristine Tranquil Cloth CapSeeress Ealaynya Ithis's Prophecies: Book ThreeTemple of LifePristine Feyiron Melodic BootsPristine Imbued Blackened Iron Reverent LeggingsPristine Imbued Blackened Iron Reverent CoatPristine Imbued Woven Tanned Leather PantsPristine Feysteel Melodic BootsPristine Feysteel Melodic GlovesPristine Imbued Tranquil Burlap PantaloonsPristine Feysteel Melodic BracersPristine Tranquil Roughspun PantaloonsPristine Tranquil Roughspun RobePristine Imbued Tranquil Roughspun PantaloonsPristine Tranquil Threadbare Pantaloonsa tiny octopus plushiea burn burn sticka stinking fish poisonPristine Tranquil Burlap Pantaloonsa koalindl scale keyPristine Tranquil Burlap RobekoalindlSquishie Crab EyeCracked Crab ClawPristine Tranquil Roughspun MittsPristine Carbonite Devout BarbutePristine Feyiron Devout GussetsPristine Feyiron Devout SabatonsPristine Feyiron Devout SpauldersPristine Feyiron Devout Gauntletsa crooked turtle taila severed handiofer stalkMottled Crab Shella tiny shark plushiePhinea's Notebooka tiny barracuda plushieExalted Sandals of StormsRadiant Pouch of the KnightExalted Buckler of the SunExalted Belt of the SoldierRadiant Slippers of the NimbleExalted Pantaloons of ConcentrationRadiant Shortsword of DevotionFang of IchorFang of IchorFang of IchorMana Cover [Adept III]an oil painting of a claymore

Updated Items: Defiler Helm of Prophetic RelianceFlowing Robe of ImmortalityEvdokia's Cheese CakeAnointed Altar Bowl of BertoxxulousGrand Dracomancer's CapRegimental Cloak of Devotiona fine painting of qeynos castleQeynos Catacombs Creature Catalog (Furniture)Pristine Imbued Cobalt Vanguard CuirassPenitent's AbsolutionPantaloons of Spectral Coercion

Updated Quests: Flocking to the Site

New and Updated Abilities: CountenanceMalisAncestral AvengerBane of WardingEmaciateTerror ChantHideous SealCure CurseDeathwardAncient ShroudAbominationFuliginous WhipWords of the AncestorsWild AccretionPanicPossess EssencePandemoniumCarrion WardingSpiritual Shrine


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