Bors United

At the end of Friday's Grab Bag Sanya mentioned an event being held on the Bors server yesterday, May 10th, for Healingdwarf who has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. The events focus was to get a multi-realm picture of folks showing their support for Healingdwarf in hopes to help raise the spirits. Keeblerdark, of Midgard Bors, sent us a quick note to let folks know the event was a success and sent along links to screen shots that captured the event. You can view the screen shots on Healingdwarf's guild web site the Pantheon and at The Undecided's website, if you wish to read more about this check out this thread over on the Vaults Bors Server forums. Thanks Keeblerdark for the note, and our best to Healingdwarf.


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