Origins Server Update

Origins release date pushed back :

The user feedback we've received regarding the Origins server has been phenomenal. It's apparent that Camelot fans have very strong and differing feelings regarding what core features would make Old Frontiers the best it could be for the widest variety of players and play styles. We agree with the players that it is important to get this right and that we only get one chance to do so.

Initially, we had an aggressive timetable we wanted to meet in order to get this into the players hands as soon as possible. Now, looking at all the feedback and re-examining our own internal goals and objectives for this server, we realize that it's better to take a step back and take our time with Origins. What this means in practical terms is that you won't be seeing Origins in the original Aug.-Sept. timeframe. When we are happier with the overall design and functionality, we will begin talking about a launch date. Until then, we thank everyone for participating during this phase of the Origins project.


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