WAR On G4!

G4 recently spent some time with the folks at Warhammer Online, and they've got quite a few different looks at what we'll be enjoying soon™.

The Feed says:
This new MMO promises to remove all the "boring stuff" from more traditional MMO's and will allow the player more freedom to do what everybody really wants to do, which is beat the crap out of other players in online.

On the more interesting aspects on Warhammer Online which really set it apart from MMO's that we've played was the example of the Public Quest. Unlike other MMO's where quests are given to you as a guild or as a sole player and then you enlist help, Public Quests will spring up to anyone and everyone in a certain region.
They also have a few videos with their coverage.

WAR was also on X-Play on Friday night, so keep an eye out for Jeff and Paul since they may appear in re-runs!


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