If You Have a Bug

... don't post it here. I pop in here for maybe a few minutes each day. The chances of me missing your comments are high. Instead, write an email to sibugs@mythicentertainment.com. That email address has several humans devoted to reading every report. Please include as much detail as possible. If you're reporting missing textures, be sure to give us a /loc and what direction you're facing, and tell us what kind of video card you have. If you're reporting a monster floating in midair, and he's not one of the new flying critters, then be sure to give us a /loc, the name of the monster, and a quick description of what it looks like. And so on. You get the idea. Thanks very much for the help testing! This is what Sanya has posted on the IGN boards. So don't post stuff there, just use the email!


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trade bug
# Nov 22 2002 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
Dear Mythic,
Almost every time I try to trade with someone it never works. I say almost because I once made a trade and it worked. Every time the trade window goes up and the other person accepts, I then accept but it says that I haven't so the trade is never completed. Every time I press the accept button it just turns blue and there is no transaction. please help me out cause I have been living with this for awhile and it's starting to really bug me, and some people I promise armor or other items!
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