My Response to 48 Hours

Last Friday, the CBS News Magazine 48 Hours broadcast a story about Everquest as part of a show about addiction. This broadcast showed such a serious lack of journalistic integrity and left so many questions unanswered that I feel compelled to respond. Clearly, in this case true journalism was set aside, and CBS instead came up with what they thought was a juicy premise and then manufactured the facts to fit, purposefully ignoring the multitude of other facts that repudiated their predetermined storyline. In doing so, they insulted and belittled the hundreds of thousands of us who play and enjoy online games and have no difficulty integrating our hobby into our regular daily lives. (I’m including the DAoC site in this editorial because there is no doubt that had they focused on that game, their premise would have remained the same). The title of their show was “Addiction”, so let me start with the word itself. All too often our media adopts a viable scientific or medical term and warps it far beyond its original meaning to the point where the term loses all actual meaning. Addiction is one of those terms. I am sorry, but Everquest is not addictive. Neither is eating, working, having sex, or any of the myriad other activities our press loves to call addictive. To call Everquest addictive is an insult to the many people out there who are struggling to overcome the many serious and valid debilitating addictions in our world. An addictive substance is something you need, not want, and no matter how you look at it, nobody needs to play Everquest. Playing Everquest is definitely a lot of fun, and some may prefer playing it to doing any of the other activities life may offer, even to the point of ignoring things society deems important. This is not an addiction, but rather a lack of self control. A man sweating with the anguish of withdrawal from his normal dose of heroin is addicted and in need to help to kick his habit. His body needs that heroin. A man who plays Everquest to the point where he ignores his family, job and life is simply out of control. He may want to keep playing the game, but he does not need it. There is a difference. CBS’s premise that this is some sort of evil game that sucks the mind out of its players and causes them to lose control of their lives is simply ridiculous. If someone loses control of his life, it is likely that he would have found some other way to do it even if he did not find Everquest. It makes for a juicy headline, but really is tabloid journalism at its worst. Even more tabloid journalism was the presentation itself. Is there any doubt that 48 Hours interviewed hundreds of people and kept rejecting person after person for being too normal or because the game did not have any negative impact on their lives before picking their eventual subjects? Even the player they eventually did decide to film hardly supported their premise, although they used every trick in their book to make it seem that he did. It’s obvious they had no intention of presenting an unbiased article and routinely rejected anything that contradicted the story they wanted to make. They instead wanted to shock the viewer and make him believe that there are hundreds of thousands of mentally unstable gaming addicts playing this online video game who are probably just steps away from killing themselves and who knows how many others. Obviously the CBS motto is to never let the facts get in the way of a good story. The player they finally chose to interview was a doctor who played Everquest about 20 hours a week. He seemed to be a fairly normal person with a normal family life. They obviously chose him because his wife complained that she wished that he spent less time playing Everquest and more time with his family. The implication was clear that this was an otherwise good and normal man hopelessly corrupted by this evil game. Funny, but I saw something else. Here is a man who manages to hold down a high pressure job, is a loving husband, properly raises his children and provides for his family. Yet CBS wants to excoriate him for stealing 20 hours a week of private time for himself, because he does it playing a video game and, quite frankly, they think that’s weird. They showed him sitting there fighting something in the game and then zoomed in to the reporter so that she could arch her eyebrows and look properly horrified that anyone would be silly enough to waste his time on something like that. “Look”, she said, “he even has trouble looking away from the screen when I’m talking to him”. Oh if only he hadn’t met this evil game, he would surely be the perfect husband and father. Let me add something up here. CBS sports is a very profitable part of their network. Watching two Sunday NFL games takes a good 7 hours. A single college game on Saturday is another 3 ½ hours and there are games on all day long. Add in a couple baseball, basketball or hockey games during the week and you can easily add up to 20 hours watching sports on TV for just your average sports fan. A dedicated sports fan would of course go much higher than that. I’m guessing if that was his hobby, 48 Hours would have never come knocking at his door. “Man ignores family to watch football” does not make as tantalizing a headline as “Man becomes addicted to evil video game”. I don’t see CBS urging their sports division to put a warning label at the bottom of every football game warning that watching sports can be addictive and cause you to spend time away from your family. His wife should be glad he is not going out to the bars every night with his friends like many other men and women and that he instead found a way to blow off steam that keeps him at home and available when she needs him and that comes at a relatively small cost. She was never asked, but would any of us be surprised to find out that the wife who is complaining so much about her husband’s game playing spends far more than 20 hours a week watching television or shopping. I would think just about anyone spends at least 20 hours a week on personal projects and hobbies. Playing golf, sports, television, reading, and shopping are a few obvious examples of activities people spend long hours at, but there are plenty of others. Of course that wouldn’t fit into CBS’s concept for the show, so those facts simply got ignored. Besides, they want to make him look weird, not normal, and pointing that out would simply remind people that this isn’t really all that odd after all. He’s playing a video game, so there must be something wrong with him. This is after all a tabloid and not a real news show. 48 Hours also interviewed Ben Stein about his son’s Everquest playing. I guess this was to show that even pseudo-celebrities like him are not immune to this scourge. (If they wanted to interview a celebrity, why not a real one who actually plays Everquest like Curt Schilling? – Oh yeah, Curt would have told them they were full of it and blown a hole in their whole false and demeaning premise). Am I the only one struck by Mr. Stein’s method of stopping his son from playing EQ? He sent him off to a boarding school where, according to Mr. Stein, they did not allow games like that to be played. After a stint of time away from Everquest, and not coincidentally away from his parents, he was suddenly cured. (and I’m glad we were spared the manufactured scenes of his son lying in bed at the boarding house, body shaking and sweating profusely, and mewing pitifully about “just one more orc, please just one more”). Well, Ben, why didn’t you just not allow those games at your house? If your son is playing video games to what you consider an excess, maybe you should just put your foot down and pull the plug on his computer. If he instead spent his time downloading online porn, would you have let him do that for a while until you finally threw up your hands and sent him off to a porn-free school somewhere? Who is the problem here? The teenager who plays a game to excess, or for that matter does anything to excess, or the parent who allows it? Sorry Ben, but don’t blame the manufacturer of a game for your bad parenting. Finally, there is poor Mrs. Woolley. It must be terrible to lose a son, and we all feel sympathy for her. But eventually she is going to have to face up to the fact that Everquest did not have anything to do with it. Shawn was a troubled and mentally disturbed child and had been so for all of his life. Something was bound to set him off eventually. Maybe it was indeed something that happened to him in the game. Everquest is after all populated with real people, and the inability to interact with people seemed to be at the root of his mental illness. It really could have been just about anything that brought about his suicide. The unfortunate fact in life is that sometimes bad things happen and there’s not much we can do about it. Blaming Everquest for her son’s death probably makes Mrs. Woolley feel better and gives her an outlet for her grief, and you know what? I really have no problem with that. Let her deal with her grief in whatever manner she wishes. What is wrong is for a news outlet like CBS to exploit her grief for the sake of their ratings. And make no mistake that this is pure exploitation on their part. “Satanic Video game convinces man to commit suicide” was just too good a headline for them to resist. The tabloid journalists who make up the 48 Hours staff must have truly started salivating when they thought that one up. So they hauled their cameras into that poor woman’s living room and helped feed her delusion so that they could broadcast it to the rest of the world and sell a lot of commercials. Frankly, this part makes me sicker than any other part of their story. Manufacturing facts to make up a false story you hope will bring big ratings makes you a poor journalist, but exploiting a mother’s suffering and grief from the death of her son for those ratings makes you a poor human being. The journalists who made their trek to the Woolley residence to get their juicy video game murder story were simply parasites feeding on that poor woman’s grief and delusions. I’d like to think that Susan Spencer, the journalist who did this story, has a little more trouble sleeping a night because of her actions, but unfortunately I doubt it bothers her in the least. It is sad to see that the network of the great Walter Cronkite has sunk to such depths. I had always thought journalism was about facts first and story second. Yet CBS managed to do an entire story on the supposedly addictive and evil nature of this game without displaying a single fact to prove it and by ignoring the many facts that disprove it. In the end they made fun of something they know nothing about, exploited something that should be pitied instead, and succeeded in nothing more than insulting the hundreds of thousands of people who consider playing Everquest and other video games a normal, healthy and enjoyable part of their lives. For what it’s worth, they also lost my respect and viewer ship. If you wish to contact CBS about this show, here is the contact information: 48 Hours 524 West 57th St. New York, NY 10019 E-MAIL: PHONE: (212) 975-3247
Tags: General, News


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another idea
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:54 PM Rating: Default
maybe the rating of CBS is dropped, and they might find out that people turned away from TV to EQ so this may be just a fight back
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 21 2002 at 4:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 21 2002 at 4:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ive been ADDICTED to eq....i hate it now. i lost wife. job..etc.etc. i was a freak like all the rest of ya eq dorks. i look for mmorpgs now that i can play when ever not fight w/ someone for a camp or KS. eq dorks ***** off, i trash tralk the game ALL the time. its worthless to think that a video game persona can be worth loseing your house, car, are yall thinkin, when eq shuts off for good i bet my last dollar that suicide goes up 100% eq dorks are insane and need help.......get a grip ppl , rl is better
RE: eq sucks
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:55 PM Rating: Default
OK fellas..this is my example of one of the menatally ill. He lost his wife and job because he is psycho over a game. He didnt know when to just say no and hit the off button. So guy, I think your a moron for hating EQ so much yet you still post on the message boards :p All i have left to say to you is figure it out
RE: eq sucks
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
you must really be "addicted" if you keep coming back to eq boards to ***** about it. maybe you should just stick to real life and let us enjoy the game
RE: eq sucks
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
and this is an example of the mentally phucked... EVERQUEST IS EVIL!
No joke
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:49 PM Rating: Default
To the guy that just wrote "Addiction" i like to give him a shout out. Thats so true, for i could walk dowtown where i live right know and see that all the ******* time. Really man it a hobby gets you out of trouble **** it do it no kidding. If they say your an addict who cares what they think, each of us is unique and this is a free country i rather stand out in the crowd then be what everybody wants me to be. Thats being yourself, aight i said my peace.
Am I addicted?
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:46 PM Rating: Default
Ok here is my days schedule then i want you to call me addicted again:
wake up in the morning and go to school
sit in class
sit in class
sit in class
sit in class
come home and do my homework
go to my baseball game/practice (if i have one that day)
play a little EQ
go to bed

I also play football, have a girlfriend, go to after school activities such as Varsity games, have many friends who i party with on weekends. I only play EQ on my SPARE time. NOW call me addicted.

Im also sure most of the people posting here go to work, school, and for those who are stay home moms/dads get there work done.

Now this guy was mentally insane if he killed himself over a game. Well you are mentally insane if you kill yourself anyway.

It is just a game!!! nothing to be addicted over!!! You like watching TV right? are you addicted to that. You like to eat right? are you addicted to that? I like to play i addicted???
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 21 2002 at 5:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) First, you are coerced into school so you arent addicted... Send, you may not be one of those poeple who paly 20 hours a phuckin day! half the bertoxx server palys at least 6 a day. Not many people even watch TV 6 hours a day... stupid Jew
My letter to 48 Hours
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:45 PM Rating: Excellent
76 posts
Basically this is what I wrote:

To the producers, writers, interviewers, and investigators of 48 Hours:

Last Friday, the CBS News Magazine 48 Hours broadcast a story about Everquest as part of a show about addiction. Contrary to it's show title, this was a broadcast was by no means an "investigation". But rather, it was a show that insulted a community for its choice of entertainment. It was a show that portrayed a community of people as social deviants with mental instabilities. It was a show that unjustly stereotyped and labeled a community with it's biased report of tragedy and demise to the rest of the nation. In short, the broadcast shown on 48 Hours last Friday night wasn't an investigative report - it was a witch-hunt filled with rhetorical warnings of impending doom.

Contrary to your bias beliefs, Everquest or other online games are NOT a form of addiction nor are they addictive in nature. In fact, these forms of entertainment are no more addicting than watching TV, eating, or playing a sport. However, in your report, you have only successfully shown the nation what you wanted to show. You have shown a story that was sprinkled with half-truths and sheer speculation. In short, you have shown a story that was only focused upon the negative aspects of the issue in an effort to satisfy your lust for ratings.

I play online games and I am proud to say that I am an online gamer for Everquest. But aside from being an online gamer, I am also a journalist, a federal contractor, a loving husband, and a friend. I am all this and more; yet your latest story would paint me as a social deviant because of my entertainment choices. And for that, I have been shamed and insulted.

I am ashamed to call myself a journalist because of a reporter's lust for ratings. A journalist's first and foremost duty is to report the complete truth. It doesn't matter if that truth is political, moral, material, or metaphysical; it is the responsibility for that journalist to find that truth and report it in its entirety. The story that Susan Spencer had showcased has shown that there are some reporters who would disregard ethical and moral truths as easily as they would discard their garbage.

Susan Spencer didn't show the other points of view of the issue, as a true reporter would have done. She neither showed nor interviewed the people that lived healthy and normal lives, even when they were dedicated online gamers. She didn't show the vast communities within Everquest that existed and how various people of differing race, color, and creed were able to co-exist in an almost seamless fashion. But most of all, she didn't show the friends and marriages Everquest had created outside of the game. And why not? It is because there would be no "sensationally tragic" story if she did.

Most of all, I felt that CBS and 48 Hours had insulted me and many others who had chose this form of entertainment. I felt that we are singled out and painted as social deviants just as other people has in the past that chose to live their lives differently. What is next? How will our community be insulted next? Will 48 Hours going to start a crusade within our government to curve this outbreak of social problem? Will our community be forever branded with unjust discriminations just as the gays and lesbians has in the past? Yes, our community has been gravely insulted and undeniably offended. But will CBS and 48 Hours issue an apology for their irresponsible journalism? I think not. But one can only hope that there is a responsible and ethical journalist within their network to do the honorable thing and issue an apology to the Everquest community.

Everquest is just another form of entertainment the public indulges. And like anything a person does in life, it must be tempered with moderation. Everyone must chose to accept the responsibilities of their actions regardless if it is business or pleasure. And just as a journalist must be responsible for the truth of the story, a person must be responsible for their decisions in their lives. Thus, when we choose to ignore these responsibilities, we ignore the dangers and consequences that are associated with our decisions. Everquest is a vast community with thousands of people from every corner of the world. It is not just a national phenomenon, but a global one. Moreover, just has each person in this community has a responsibility, they also have a voice. And if the producers and journalists of CBS and 48 Hours choose to ignore their journalistic responsibilities, they too will have to suffer the repercussions of their decisions.

So what do you all think? Think we'll all get an apology? I think not.
i seem to be ok....
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:45 PM Rating: Default
i for one cannot say in anyway that everquest has effected my life in any other manner than making it more enjoyable. as for taking me away from my life and/or family? i think my 40+ hours a week at my job as well as my girlfriend of two years, who actually likes watching me play for some reason, and the the other members of the band i am in now(which the other guitarist plays EQ as well) would disagree that it has taken me away from life because of i am addicted to it. granted i like to play and towards the end of the work day look forward to going home and logging on, that is if i dont have band practice, but who doesnt like to go home and have time to themselves after work? EQ is just my way of having that fun when i get home from work.

i didint see the CBS special myself, but from what i have heard and read, i too would have been disappointed in its portrayal of the EQ "lifestyle". i am one of several people i know that play on a regular basis and still function normally in daily life.

but that is enough about that. i am starting to shake and sweat again, i have to go log on :P

jaxz 31 bard
darknesz 32 necro
RE: i seem to be ok....
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:12 PM Rating: Default
did you watch them interview that doctor? he didnt even look at them... tell me hes not addicted
RE: i seem to be ok....
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
He isn't addicted. He isn't going to go cold turkey when he doesn't get his fix. He isn't going to die by OD'ing playing a game. He holds down a good job and has a successful life outside of his work. I work with drug addicts and alcoholics and in my opinion the good Doctor is not addicted.

Think about this. How many of us have a hobby that takes up 10-20 hours a week? Are we addicts if we hunt or fish, if we build models, if we paint, play instruments, or heavens forbid play golf! It's a choice we all have as intelligent human beings as to how we spend our freetime.

RE: i seem to be ok....
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
OK before I get flamed here I am talking of physical addiction in the first paragraph of my post.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 21 2002 at 4:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Your editorial is bull... I'm one of those people who was so addicted to the game that i went through withdrawl when I finally quit. And to accuse CBS of lackin journalistic integrity is just a sad attempt at covering your a$$... you should be ashamed
CBS Blows
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
I have to say this one of the best posts that I have read. I agree wholeheartedly. CBS was way off base and is full of it. This is journalism at its worst. I only play EQ for a few hours at night and I only play about 4 days aweek. I play after my wife and kids go to bed, when they go to bed its daddy's time to relax and have fun. The rest of the time I spend it with my family and friends. Does this sound like someone who is addicted to the game I don't think so.

Now as far as addictions go my poor Barbarian Shaman of 19 winters is addected to Kei. Maybe thats what the show should be about is the addiction of the charachers themselfs.

/ic Hello my name is Kunderu and I am addicted to Kei, my friends told me about it and then on my way through The Nexus to Shadowhaven this elf was standing in a dark corner and as we walked by he said: pst I have something you want. and I said, oh ya like what and he said I have Kei. My friends said that I should try it and so I did and now I am addicted to Kei. And when its gone I just gotta get more I start going through withdrawls. I get all feverish and I break out in a sweat and I start shaking. Ohh wait a minute, hehe I accidently cast my new spell Affliction on myself. LAMO Oh well where is that spell, here it is. /target kunderu /cast cure disease.

Barbarian Shaman of 19 winters.
The Blackburrow Militia
Bristlebane Server
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
Darn...Everquest is an addiction?

Guess my 3 years of sobriety from drugs and alchohol were for nothing?

Take a look into the real world CBS. Walk down the street and take a peek at the real addicts on the streets. The kids needing help that you carelessly ignore on your limo ride to work everyday. Perhaps the kids sleeping in their bedrooms in your own home. Taunted by real addictions that you either deny, or will refuse to admit to.

Its easy to pass blame on others. To simplify issues, and ignore facts that may or may not disprove your theories. Unfortunately, these actions were taken by the people that many of us have trusted for many, many years.

I personally have tasted real addiction. 13 years of it, as a matter of fact. And you know what? If EQ can take the place of those addictions, we better start setting up PC's running everquest in every school, and on every street corner.

To CBS I say: When you can find solutions to some of the real problematic issues we face in life, please create a character on EQ, and send me a tell, because I wont be tuning to your stations on the television any time soon.

Untill then...LFG

Thelanselive Takish-Wizard 47 season-Errolisi Marr+Takish Alliance+
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 21 2002 at 4:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) And? So you replaced one addiction for another, though to your credit being clean and sober is a terrific accomplishment and yer better off playing EQ then drugs and booze.
RE: Addiction
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:56 PM Rating: Default
Thats not the point.

The point is, where are you focusing your attention?

Try making some move towards solving problems on issues where there are no grey areas.

I never said that EQ or any other activity for that matter, is not addictive. That wasnt the point. The point is where we choose to focus our attention, and furthermore how in depth we choose to go with those investigations.

If you want to feed me facts, feed them all to me. Not the facts that sell.

You play EQ too much, you're always working on the car, you play bridge, you spend hours at bingo. You go to church, shop, swim, eat, visit Disneyland. Watch movies, collect baseball cards, stamps or coins....etc, etc.

Sure if you want to term these things, as well as EQ an addiction...thats okay, but which one needs attention the most?

Same Thelanselive as above
Kudos to Allak
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
I pasted your article along with these thoughts...

Below you will find an accurate dissection of your recent TV airing regarding Massive On-line Games. Your show misrepresented a wonderful on-line experience unlike anything the normal internet user has seen. These games show an enormous potential of the internet to allow interactive dialog, action and cooperation amongst people all over the globe. You never even attempted to capture the incredible realism of exploration, adventure, interaction and entertainment these games provide. Shame on you and the journalist for feeding off a dead kid and his mothers desperate attempt to blame someone. The problem is with the parents and not the games. I will never view 48 Hours with any respect towards the accuracy of its stories again…
Face it
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
We are all addicts. There is nothing in my life I wasted so much time on than EQ. You ever hit the /played command and looked and realized "dang, you know what other useful things I could have accomplished in that amount of time?" Add up the alts and everything that goes with it and you spell A.D.D.I.C.T.E.D.

Some people would rather not admit it of course, while others know all too well what it's like to be addicted to something. Out of all the things I've felt I may be addicted to, not one has had the drive EQ has and gone on for so long. I mean, 8+hour stints of playing. If people aren't addicted then what are they? Ever hear someone tell you you're addicted? The first step is Denial! Case settled.

Not to bash on Allakhazams because they have a great site that helps feed the addiction :O) but they do have a biased view on this.
RE: Face it
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:46 PM Rating: Default
have you ever
/played on dancing time in the night club?
/played on time you spent on window shopping?
/played on time you spent on smoking?
/played on time you ******** on the telephone?
/played on sitting in the park and doing nothing?
have you ever thought about other useful things back then?
RE: Face it
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:25 PM Rating: Default
I would not call something I enjoy with "wasting time" and I'm glad that I addict to EQ rather than something else which could have been worse!!!
RE: Face it
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:17 PM Rating: Default
OMG! someone who realized the truth! thank you! and im talking to the writer of the original post, nto you falmerz... you are all lame a$$es trying to defend the saddest thing in history
RE: Face it
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:07 PM Rating: Default
Dude TV is the same thing basically, do you know how mnay people sit in front of the tv all day long, ignoring everyting around them. If there was only a /played on the tv and u could realize how much time you sepend on watching these damn reporters. It would really add up, and youd be like damn ive spent 20x longer infront of this thing than eq, and by your deifinition, it is called A.D.D.I.C.T.E.D!!
RE: Face it
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
There is a difference between wasting time and addiction. Addiction is a compulsion that causes you to fall short on RL committments.

I agree that TV is a waste of time....but then again so is EQ. ;0p
RE: Face it
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:44 PM Rating: Default
Honest and well put!
RE: Face it
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:43 PM Rating: Default
Well said!!!

- Aly
husband and wife
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
My husband and I play everquest on the total average around 50 60 hours a week must of it happening on the weekend. My husband is in the military and i am a stay at home mom. we have two childern both under 4 and are expecting our 3 in May. Granted yes i get angry at him sometimes for spending the weekends on the computer but then i look around and realize he works all week long and often odd hours. This game is only addictive if you let it get addictive. Meaning if you quit your job and lock your self in your computer chair and put a urinal next to the chair so you never have to leave YES you are addicted but you are also perfectly capable of turning the computer off lord know the servers are down often enough.

The CBS show was not the first one I had seen on EQ. Headline News did a brief skit about it and mentioned the addictive nature of all roleplaying games be it online or not. I am concerned with how our society is looking at people who have imaginations(which most of us who play EQ have to have one. In school they are outcasted as daydreamers and put in special classes and now as adults our outlet to let our imaginations run wild and emmerse oursleves in a world not like this one is being called evil. I say the only evil in this world are the people who have forgotten to use their imaginations and are scared of those of us who do.

I will continue to play EQ and so will my husband our childern will be taken care of an our oldest even plays for us(well he pushes buttons lol). If i play more the 60 hours a week so what my kids are fed and my bills are paid and most important i can turn it off anytime i want.
Forgot to add
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:35 PM Rating: Excellent
I am publicly declaring here and now that I am addicted to my job. I mean, check out these "warning signs":

1. I feel I have no choice but to do it every day.
2. I go even when it's not fun anymore.
3. I don't stop working even when I get frustrated with it.
4. I am there more than 40+ hours per week.
5. I avoid association with my friends and family because I have to go to work.
6. I am fearful of the consequences of quitting.

RE: Forgot to add
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
A most accurate description of modern day slavery and addiction. I wonder if 48hrs will do a story on you when you jump out of your 1st story window trying to commit suicied because your stocks hit rock bottm....

Na thats just happens in RL not EQ....

Oh some peoples kids!
RE: Forgot to add
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
Heh, wish I had stocks to worry about :P I am a government employee(quickly raises shield to block the incoming flames).
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
The only thing that popped into my mind while reading this editorial was a comment a guy made at one of the Fan Faires during the interview...

"Im nobody in real life, but im somebody in EQ"


Sad, just sad
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:30 PM Rating: Default
I wonder if the dead guy has some phat lewt his mama could hand over to me.

RE: Hmmm
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
ok, thats just rude (wish i had thought of it)
U R Scaring me
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:30 PM Rating: Default
I dont doubt that most people who post to this board are not addicted to EQ. However the vehemance with which many of you deny the claims of addiction is very scary.

We have all heard of people who fail classes, lose jobs, are left by their SOs....these people ARE addicted. How can you claim otherwise??? Sure they may have other emotional issues, but the facts are that they feel compelled to play and cannot control their own actions. Thats addiction, baby. Here is a definition from for you all:

Addiction - 2. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something. An instance of this: had an addiction for fast cars.

Fact the facts people.

RE: U R Scaring me
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
"We have all heard of people who fail classes, lose jobs, are left by their SOs....these people ARE addicted. How can you claim otherwise??? Sure they may have other emotional issues, but the facts are that they feel compelled to play and cannot control their own actions"
Well,well. Those are the MINORITY.

a. The smaller in number of two groups forming a whole.
b. A group or party having fewer than a controlling number of votes.

Two definitions. There are thousands of people who have good jobs that they go to every day. People who have good relationships with their SOs. I for one hold straight A's in school. Have a group of friends i communicate with everyday, have a good relationship with my familiy. AND guess what? I play EQ. There may be people out there who are addicted. BUT many are not. Many are normal people you would pass on the street and not even think twice about. Most do not spend 2 days straight sitting at the computer. I can go without even thinking about EQ. I have spent about 3 months once, 2 months some other time. I can go on a vacation without thinking about EQ. Sure if i see something in a movie that is like something in EQ i might say 'hey,cool, that's like___________' (ie: in the movie 'The Scorpion King' when the king lights his sword on fire, I thought ' Cool, dual weilding soulfires!' but, does that mean i'm addicted to EQ. I think not! It is just like comparing a book to something that happened in RL. We do that in school all the time. Does that mean we are addicted to books?

Ranger of 12 seasons
Kane Bayle
RE: U R Scaring me
# Oct 21 2002 at 6:07 PM Rating: Default
Minority is the key word. A minority of people are addicted to:


However the fact that its only a minority of people doesnt elminate the fact that these activities are addictive.

gratz on the straight A's. Keep reading those books. When you can relate the Brothers Karamazov to RL instead of The Scorpion King to EQ, lets talk. :)
RE: U R Scaring me
# Oct 21 2002 at 6:34 PM Rating: Default
"When you can relate the Brothers Karamazov to RL instead of The Scorpion King to EQ, lets talk. :)"

It was a fast example. It was the first thing that came into my (prolly cause i just watched the movie:( ) sorry
RE: U R Scaring me
# Oct 21 2002 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default
Oh and probaly cause we are talking about EQ and RL, not the Brothers Karamazov and RL!
RE: U R Scaring me
# Oct 21 2002 at 9:30 PM Rating: Default
That comment probably came across sharper than I had planned. Apologies.

I am serious about the congrats on the grades though.
RE: U R Scaring me
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
Hmm if and adiction is being habitually or compulsively occupied or involved in something then we are all addicted to our families our jobs school activities and the list goes on and on. If you can log off of Eq you are not addicted the reason we defend our game is because it is an outlet for us. If you have never felt like after having a bad day of work or school all you want to do is come home say hi to the family and kill some orcs or slay a dragon there is something missing from your I know i rather have people killing orcs or slaying dragons in a computer game then killing people randomly because they have no outlet.
RE: U R Scaring me
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe you should check the definition of compulsive. Its not a good thing. Just FYI. ;p

Compulsive: Caused or conditioned by compulsion or obsession

Compulsion: An irresistible impulse to act, regardless of the rationality of the motivation

Obsession: Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety

RE: U R Scaring me
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:37 PM Rating: Default
Agreed "U R" !

Ever notice how everyone here says some people might be addicts... but it's not me. Too funny! Noooo... no you, other people have a problem, but you don't.... surrrrre you don't.

As you pointed out, the fact people are so willing to flame CBS and defend their gaming habits is proof enough for me ;-p
RE: U R Scaring me
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:48 PM Rating: Default
"As you pointed out, the fact people are so willing to flame CBS and defend their gaming habits is proof enough for me ;-p"

Hmmmmmm, defending gaming habits. You make it sound like a bad thing to defend something. What if someone was defending someone they loved? would they be addicted to that person and therefore would that person be evil? I think not. What if some of the people defending EQ are people who only play like 4or5 hours a week? Are they addicted and evil for defending something they like to play in their free time. What about when you were a kid? I am pretty sure you played games and had fun every chance you got. If someone tried to take away your right to play outside or play at all and you argued about it, would that be a bad thing?

Sorry, i just think that what you said could be interrpeted as a bad thing and an extremly gener statement. ( By the By, i only play about 1-3 hrs a day. Sometimes much, no much of the time, less.)
RE: U R Scaring me
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
dunno about you but im not willing to spray my brains all over my wall over a game, call me addicted if you like, rather be addicted to eq than out smoking crack.
RE: U R Scaring me
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
Addicted to CBS?
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:30 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm lets see now. I watch about 20 hours of tv a week. More than half of those hours are watching NFL football and other CBS programs. So does this mean I'm addicted to CBS? OMG CBS is EVIL!!! Though I did not watch the program on Everquest, cause frankly, 48 hours is not my type of show, but now I see why it isn't!! Anyway I had better things to do like PLAY EQ! :)

Casina Silvershank
54 Druid of An Rach
CBS is stupid
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:29 PM Rating: Default
I used to be a drug addict, I had been in institutions and support groups and even threatened to commit suicide because of this. A friend of mine told me about EQ about 2.5 years years ago, after about the first year, I was able to go clean and have been for about 1.5 years BECAUSE of everquest and my friends in the game who were able to help me through it more than most ppl IRL. I know some people might consider this silly but EQ changed my life because it "DISTRACTED" me from drugs. Just wanted to share my story.
Silly CBS
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
I will be the first to say that I love the game, I've been playing for three years now. But lets take a look at what was going on before..
1. Nervous breakdown at work, unable to leave my home, answer my phone, interact with anyone, I wouldn't answer my own door.
I had worked at least 16 hours a day 6 days a week for 10 years I was burned out and about to loose my mind. So you would say well look she is already a nutcase.. Yeppers you are correct. But then my shrink suggested I play eq to help me get back into interacting with people in a non-threatening area. After 6 months and a lot of incouragement from my guild at the time. I left my house for the first time in 6 months and went to the grocery store.. I got a Congrats that felt better then any ding. You can call it anything you want for me it was therapy. It helped me more then any number of drugs or anything else could I play about 3-6 hours a day. It has upped my typeing speed and allowed me to go on to lead a (well kinda) normal life.I can't even count how many friends I've met thru the game. I can't count how many of them have shared so much with me as I have with them.. I don't know any other addiction that does that for ya in a safe cheap way.
Great Response
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
Its nice to read a well written and coherant response to this topicfor a change. Although many players feel the same way as you and I do, your method of delivery gives it credibility. Flames and rants are fun to read, but do litle to impact the people that are the source of the problem. Articles such as yours will help to show the people at CBS how egregously misinformed they were.
RE: addicts backing addicts
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
For the one who just posted addicts backing addicts..*smack*. True some people may be addicted to EQ but that is a mental problem. Not every EQ player is like that. I go weeks with out play or going on sites all the time. When i go on vacation i dont even THINK about EQ. Sometimes i dont get on cuz i dont feel like playing. Just cuz you were an ADDICT and have mental problems doesnt mean we all are too. Its ok that your parents yelled at you and constantly nagged you until you believed you were an addict and quit. Dont take your embarrassment out on us.
RE: addicts backing addicts
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent

He's a recovering EQholic. Praise God, Hallelujah! Smiley: bowdown

(They get really preachy.)
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
I think I speak for all of us EQ players when I say that your editorial put into words what we all were thinking. Thank you, and if I ever see anyone who was actually convinced by this crapfest of a broadcast CBS presented I will first slap them over the head with a dictionary or other large object, then suggest that they read your editorial. Again, Thanks
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 21 2002 at 4:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No, you don't speak for all EQ players. As someone who quit EverCrap to reclaim valuable time in my life, I think Allakhazam's response was a freakshow coming from an addict who makes money himself off the game. What a freakin rank that was. Thinking a guy who blows off his wife and kids is "normal" - maybe normal to someone who has the same problem.
A bunch of crap
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:18 PM Rating: Default
This story on EQ is a bunch of crap. I heard first of this guy committing suicide from my uncle. I didnt really believe it at first until i heard about the story coming on 48 hours. I didnt take the time to watch it cuz i knew it would be something stupid and they would blame EQ for a kids mental illness. I am DEFINATELY gonna email CBS and give them my opinion. It isnt right for them to call EQ "addictive" and they have never played it. I play EQ just about everyday, but when a friend wants to do something, or i have a baseball game, go to school, go to a party, i dont cut that for a game. If i did then it would be addictive. Real life is my first priority but i still have friends on EQ. Sometimes when i log on i dont even feel like playing i just wanna talk to some of my friends or see whats goin on in the guild. It isnt just an "addictive" game but also its own society of people who just wanna get away from the stresses of the real world. Things like smoking and alcoholism are REALLY addictive. Not some game that people play to have fun. Personally i think this story was just a bunch of bull sh*t and everyone on the cast of 48 Hours should me smacked one by one :).
Addicts backing addicts
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:17 PM Rating: Default
Blah, blah, blah. Many of you sound like a group of alcoholics consoling one another and telling each other you don't have a drinking problem.

Like the lady who was a shop-a-holic and is now an EQ addict. You just switched from one addiction to another - yipee! And you got your family into it as well, great. You know professsionals call it "enabling" - pulling people down with you so you feel normal and comfortable with your own addiction.

Most of you are saying - "I can quit anytime I want." Really? Then take 2 weeks off, and don't read any boards or visit any EQ sites.

The second I said that, you cringed you had 5 reasons ready why you wouldn't, and you know it. "Why should I - I don't have a problem", "I would but I have a Planes raid Friday", "My friends need me there..."

Yup, typical addict responses. You know it, you're just in denial.

Former EQ player

RE: Addicts backing addicts
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:13 PM Rating: Default
I am not gonna say that you are wrong about your addiction THEORY. This game is fun, If people enjoy it so much that the let their real lives get off track, then they are just WEAK. Dont blame the game for your Obsessive Compulsive Disorder you idiot. I play this game when I feel like it, I have taken months off from this game and dont even think about it for a long time, I come back to it because it is enjoyable and there are much worse hobbies I could take part in, this is harmless fun and anyone who says they are "addicted" to this game has weak mind. I am a college student, I work full-time( two different jobs) have a social-life. I Joke about addiction alot but it is all in jest. You say you are a former EQplayer, you probably let your (easily identified) bad attitude show when you played this game and got blackballed from the game. You are a moron, you probably quit the game so you could blame it for your troubles in life, only to later trade it for some other outlet that you will eventually consider addictive. This in turn will be what you will blame for the troubles you brew up later in your empty life. I hope you read this and take to heart that you choose to blame a video game for your lack of self control. For every person who plays this game because it is fun, keep having fun, for you weak minded individuals STOP go get your life in order and dont misplace the blame.
RE: Addicts backing addicts
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:16 PM Rating: Default
ummmm... there is a difference between an obsession and obsessive compulsive disorder.
RE: Addicts backing addicts
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, just to illustrate for those who can't see on their own how much of a DUMBASS this anonymous poster is...

In a period of about 4 days, I created and leveled a Human Monk to 35. To someone that doesn't play the game, sure, it looks like "Oh my god! He's addicted!" --BUT-- I CAN, and frequently DO take a week, two weeks, hell, even a month away from the game, at a WHIM. Over the summer, I put 14 REAL LIFE days (That's 14x24 REAL LIFE HOURS, folks) on a character. I'm among the council of Senior Officers in my guild, so I have in-game responisibilities as well...

--BUT-- I'm a senior in high school (maintaining a 3.8 grade point average; straight A's for those that GPA's mean nothing to), and I have a job at which I work up to 25 hours a week, spread over 3-5 days each and every week. I have a great relationship with my girlfriend of THREE YEARS. I'm an aspiring professional musician, and manage to find time to jam with my friends until the wee hours of the morning. You CANNOT back a claim that says I'm addicted. CANNOT. I could drop EQ for a month, and honestly not miss it.

DO NOT come into the forums of this respectable site and tarnish it with your foolery. Not only do you lend even more credibility to Allakhazam's response by doing it, but you show what an *** you are truly capable of being. Remember this foolishness (which this time I can forgive you for) the next time you feel tempted to repeat your greivous mistake here. If you must be a dumbass and belittle and insult the intelligence and capability of your fellow human beings, go to the Vex Thal zone discussion and talk about how you could solo Kerafyrm.

Knokkah Yersawksawf
35 Human Monk of the Silent Fist
Officer of Minerva's Resurrection
Innoruuk Server

Kuraan Shadowclaw
39 Vah Shir Beastlord of Shar Vahl
Officer of the Elder Council of Minerva's Resurrection
Innoruuk Server

Scott C.
Boyfriend to a great girl of 3 years
17 year old High School Senior
High Honors Student
Sam Goody Sales Associate
Bassist of 4 years
Guitarist of 2 years
RE: Addicts backing addicts
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
Excuse me Mr. Anonymous, but if you are soooo much better about your addiction, what are you doing reading an EQ site? I personally have stopped playing EQ for months at a time and have returned, not because of an addiction but because it is a game that I have fun playing and conversing with people on. I have done this as well in my life with fencing, acting, costume design, painting, reading, writing,etc. Does this mean that I as well as my counterparts in EQ are also addicts to the other activities in our lives? If that is the case then I suppose that would make every human being on this planet an addict of something. With the exception of those who refrain from enjoying life.
Athena Z Peters
3year (on and off) player of Everquest
and enjoying many relms of life
RE: Addicts backing addicts
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
You forgot to introduce yourself. Smiley: smile

So, does that make all of us recovering EQholics?

RE: Addicts backing addicts
# Oct 21 2002 at 4:29 PM Rating: Default
Shoot you're right!

Hi, my name's Stephen, and I'm a recovering EQ addict.

<crowd> Hi Stephen!

It all started about 3 years ago...
RE: Addicts backing addicts
# Oct 21 2002 at 5:47 PM Rating: Default
Huh! Who's recovering? The only recovering I'm doing is regenerating mana and hit points.
RE: Addicts backing addicts
# Oct 21 2002 at 6:26 PM Rating: Default
heh, please. You make quite a generalized statment with 'Addicts backing addicts'! Heh take two weeks off EQ without visiting a message borad or site? EASY. I have taken Months off! Sheesh, some people are totaly ignorrant, peh!
RE: Addicts backing addicts
# Oct 21 2002 at 8:43 PM Rating: Default
"heh, please. You make quite a generalized statment with 'Addicts backing addicts'! Heh take two weeks off EQ without visiting a message borad or site? EASY. I have taken Months off! Sheesh, some people are totaly ignorrant, peh!"

hehe, sry, that was to the first person.
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