PotBS Ends Stress Test

Pirates of the Burning Sea announced the end of their stress test!

We announced on Saturday that any stress tester who got to level 5 could stay in the beta after the stress test was over. Almost everyone who played hit that goal, so we just decided to let all the stress testers in the beta anyway. Come on in!

What this means is that if you have a Stress Test II key code from Fileplanet, and you’ve installed the game and entered your key code, you are now in the beta program. You don’t have to do anything to get into beta – it’s automatic.

We understand that some folks may have been unable to download the Pirates of the Burning Sea client from File Planet in time to apply their key, and in recognition of this, we will be working on a way to include those individuals as beta testers as well. We will share more information regarding those accounts as soon as we can.

Visit the 2nd stress test forum or the official news announcement for more info.



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