Keith Parkinson

I'm sure that nearly everbody who has ever played an RPG or MMORPG knows the name Keith Parkinson. If you don't (ACK!), he is the artist who has done the artwork for the Everquest Covers and most of the artwork for D&D and AD&D since its inception, just to name a few. What some of you may not know is that you can view a lot of his art gallery, send him an email, buy his works, chat with him in a message board, and more, at his official website -! If you are a fan of his, stop by his site and have a look around. You won't be disappointed!
Tags: General, News


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Set the Look
# Jul 24 2002 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
Mr. Parkinson's art has set a very high standard. TSR, WoTC and the other gaming companies owe him a great debt. Half the battle in selling is getting the consumer to pick it up and look at it. Everytime I see a new Parkinson I have to stop and stare. He may not always get me to buy it, but he always look.
Cool artwork indeed
# Jul 24 2002 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
Cool site, just spent 2 hours looking at all that artwork, WOW, this guy is a gift to the world of painting, and fantasy artwork. Verant and sony should adopt this guy, and get him to do more artwork for EQ, this would sell big time.
All the artwork is work worth framing and hanging on a wall.
He gives an image to see for all the things you ever read in books.
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