August 4, 2007

New Items: Band of the Eternal Defender

Updated Items: KingsfallStinger of AyamissCrystal Spire of KaraborSwift Brown RamOnslaught GreavesOnslaught Battle-HelmEnchanted Battlehammer ; Leggings of AbsolutionMalicious AxeStygian BucklerHammer of the Twisting NetherThe Eye of NerubLord Blackwood's BucklerEnergy CloakHewing Axe of the MarshLetter from Lor'themar TheronWild RootGlyphed LeggingsPrimal LeggingsSlayer's PantsBattleforge ShoulderguardsCeranium RodGryphon Mail PauldronsJourneyman's VestWelding ShieldStalking PantsHardened Iron ShortswordFine Loose HairFeral ShoesScouting BeltLambent Scale BootsBandit CinchJagged DaggerSentry's SurcoatEnamelled BroadswordGrunt's HandwrapsBristlebark GlovesBarbed ClubInscribed Leather SpauldersWrangler's CloakGreenweave CloakTorturing PokerPattern: Red Woolen BagHawkeye's GlovesGrimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 5)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 4)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 3)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 2)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 1)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 5)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 4)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 3)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 2)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 1)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 7)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 6)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 4)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 3)Myrmidon's SignetPadded BootsFirst Sergeant's Leather ArmguardsGreen Leather BracersGrimoire of Firebolt (Rank 8)Insignia BootsPatched Leather BracersHigh Warlord's Mail HelmFormula: Enchant Bracer - Minor StrengthThick Scale CrownOutrunner's PauldronsPlainsguard LeggingsForsaken DaggerFirst Sergeant's Leather ArmguardsArcher's BracersHunting BracersJacinth CircleWayfaring GlovesJazeraint PauldronsGrimoire of Firebolt (Rank 5)General's Wyrmhide BeltGrimoire of Firebolt (Rank 2)Sentinel BucklerLambent Scale LegguardsSmite's Mighty HammerGhostwalker BeltChunk of Boar MeatHigh Warlord's Mooncloth CowlSaber LeggingsGray Woolen RobeHigh Warlord's DecapitatorHawkeye's EpauletsGrimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 6)High Warlord's Wyrmhide GlovesGrimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 6)Pendant of DominanceHigh Warlord's Dreadweave LeggingsGemmed Copper GauntletsGrimoire of Phase ShiftBroad Bladed KnifePadded BracersMedallion of the HordeTribal BootsPolished Scale BeltGeneral's Kodohide BootsRaw Black TruffleSpiked ClubRunic StaveLeft-Handed Brass KnucklesSeer's Padded ArmorPatched Leather JerkinShort-handled Battle AxeBlunt ClaymoreStonescale OilMassive Battle AxeGiant ClubRaw Slitherskin MackerelStranglekelpPattern: Blue Linen VestClam MeatBloodwoven MittsBlood ShardRhahk'Zor's HammerPattern: Pink Mageweave ShirtPattern: Lavender Mageweave ShirtStringy Wolf MeatWise Man's BeltRecipe: Swiftness PotionRecipe: Free Action PotionMighty CloakVenomshroud CapeHedgecutterLey-Keeper's WandTalon of VultrosMedallion of the HordeSash of the WindreaverPagan BritchesDreamweave VestDreamweave GlovesBlack Mageweave VestBrigade BootsHuntsman's BeltSorcerer SlippersRenegade GauntletsConjurer's BracersBanded GauntletsBanded CloakBanded ArmorScaled Leather LeggingsFortified ChainFortified BeltIvycloth GlovesChelonian CuffsArchaic DefenderForest Stalker's BracersWindtalker's WristguardsEmbrace of the LycanSungrassEye of the Storm Mark of HonorWarbringer Battle-HelmInsignia of the HordeHigh Warlord's Plate ShouldersBattlefield DestroyerNightscape ShouldersDire WandPrecision BowGeneral's Plate BeltGeneral's Plate GreavesNightscape TunicSergeant's Heavy CloakPendant of TriumphGhostshard TalismanIronspine's EyeCabalist ChestpieceManaweave RobePhalanx GirdlePhalanx BracersDervish SpauldersInfiltrator PantsDusky Leather ArmorElder's HatLight Leather PantsHeart of FireRobe of PowerAzure Silk HoodBristlebark BeltProspector's CuffsWolf BracersAgile BootsSunwell OrbChief Brigadier CloakSilver-thread CloakBright BeltSeer's MantleBurnished CloakSevering AxeBloodwoven CloakVital ShouldersBuccaneer's BootsFine Leather TunicRough Blasting PowderAzure Silk VestSpidersilk BootsGloves of MeditationGem-studded Leather BeltElegant Silver RingGlyphed BracersToughened Leather GlovesHillman's ShouldersDark Leather BeltBelt of CorruptionPanther Hunter LeggingsTiger Hunter GlovesSilver-thread PantsBloodspattered LoinclothRune of PerfectionThe Essence FocuserTemplar GauntletsGlowing Magical BraceletsSeer's CuffsPlans: Hardened Iron ShortswordTin BarCopper Battle AxeSilvered Bronze GauntletsSilvered Bronze BootsSilvered Bronze ShouldersRough Bronze ShouldersRuned Copper PantsZombie Skin BootsFrostreaver CrownFeral LeggingsFlesh PiercerSword of the MagistrateCeremonial Leather BracersDreamsinger LegguardsRazor's EdgeRing of DefenseInscribed Leather BracersBlackforge CapeBright GlovesForest Leather GlovesWarsong Gulch Mark of HonorWhipwood Recurve BowHeavy ShortbowSage's BootsBurnished BootsInscribed Leather BreastplateSeer's PantsSeer's RobeWarsong BootsCopper BracersCopper Chain PantsGuillotine AxeWhite Swashbuckler's ShirtOiled BlunderbussFine Leather CloakMonkey RingAlgae FistsSimple Pearl RingCorpsemakerGreen Linen ShirtShimmering SashBlackfangSparkleshell CloakAugmented Chain BracersKhan's LegguardsLight Mail GlovesLight Mail BracersLight Mail BootsLight Mail LeggingsLight Mail BeltLight Mail ArmorDark Leather TunicSpellbinder OrbDemon BandVolcanic Rock RingArctic PendantMarsh ChainForest PendantTundra NecklaceMarble NecklaceThallium ChokerCerulean TalismanMarsh RingPrairie Ring


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