Patcher Woes

Let me express what many of you are feeling right now: Arrrrrrrrrgh! Let me in! Let me in! I want my Kitty! *breathe* OK. According to Sony, they are aware of the problems and are working on them, including bringing on more patching servers. Why they didn't think of this before, since this is almost identical to what happened at the original release is beyond me, but I'm sure they want you to play their game as much as you want to play it. Feel free to use this forum to try to help each other get into the game or to just console each other while you wait.


Post Comment
what the hell
# Dec 14 2001 at 9:38 PM Rating: Default
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 14 2001 at 3:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) to the idiot leaving the petition online address, and pretty much every other loser who has posted on this site:
RE: all o ya
# Dec 14 2001 at 3:45 PM Rating: Default
yeah, i agree, everyone is so pissed off and hates verant, yet you pay them to feel that way. duh, here's my money1 i hate you, but, duh, here's my 10 dollars. god i hate you guys. hey you think i could pay MORE per month to play, duh?
LMFAO here guys!!
RE: all o ya
# Dec 15 2001 at 6:29 AM Rating: Default
hmmm when you pay 6 months at a time and a month into that 6 months they change the game and make it so unstable. hmm Would not have subscribed with EQ in the state its in now. They won't refund the unused time.. Well they won't steal another 6 months from me.

# Dec 13 2001 at 11:46 PM Rating: Default
This is Cavalos from the Zeb server, or I was on the Zeb server...hehe. I'm totally pissed off with EQ right now..I sent them a nasty e-mail showing my displeasment. I've been playing EQ for awhile 51 pally. (on and off for over a year)and I jsut found out through a friend NOT EQ that I have to buy a new video card ever since Luclin came out to play EQ....PERIOD! I was having problems logging on (installed DX8.1 and all) and got "no 3D devices found" I e-mail EQ before with systme stats and they said it was my driver and to go download a new driver, did they think I would never find out it was my card? I'm not the biggest comp wiz at all I can admit that, but for EQ to ***** me and many others is pure BS! I'm sure there is hundreds even thousands of EQ players who can't play unless they get a new Video card, be sure to send EQ a nasty e-mail showing your pissed off! I have the requirements to play EQ and I should be able to play EQ, I could CARE LESS ABOUT LUCLIN! Hell I've barely touched Kunark and Velious yet! Is anyone else pissed off like me? For all of you who are gonna reply saying "buy a new card ahole" that's great that you can play but we shouldn't have too! Ciao for now.
# Dec 14 2001 at 4:15 AM Rating: Default
Hey! Who turned off the lights!
# Dec 13 2001 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
My post-SoL problems are bearable except for one: when evening rolls around, it gets difficult to see. And forget about night time and it begins to rain! All my characters have nightvision of some sort, yet I'm paralyzed when its after dark.
I had to change graphic cards to make EQ run better and now use an ATI Rage w/128MB with 384MB RAM on the motherboard. Changing the Gamma Correction doesn't do any good and I'm running EQ at 800x600. Any suggestions would be welcome!
I can handle the lag. I can handle the load times. I can't handle the darkness!


PS. Updated video drivers, too.

Edited, Thu Dec 13 09:23:51 2001
RE: Hey! Who turned off the lights!
# Dec 13 2001 at 8:11 PM Rating: Default
one suggestion--DAOC
RE: Hey! Who turned off the lights!
# Dec 14 2001 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
Do people have nothing better to do than make anonymous Dark Ages of Camelot posts?
Take it to another board, or better yet, go play the game.
I want to read news, not a broken record or someone saying DAoC! all day.
I tried it. I let my month run out. I didn't like it all that much.
Went back to EQ.
To each there own man, just live and let live for chrissake.
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 12 2001 at 11:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ALL OF YOU SUCK DONKEY ****!!!! YES, EVEN YOU!!!!
# Dec 13 2001 at 10:59 AM Rating: Default
Ummmmm - Huh?
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 13 2001 at 8:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i said, YOU suck donkey ****--damn man!
Disconnect after Character select screen
# Dec 12 2001 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
Every time I select my character to get into Norath it looks to be loading the game, but the second it appears I get disconnected again. I have e-mailed the files to the tech e-mail that they asked for. I had heard in a chat room that if you delete the .OPT file for the character that it would solve the problem. This did not. It upsets me that I am paying for a service that I cannot get. GRRR... I would cancel my account until they fix the bugs but, unluckily, I got a new "game card" which was to be good for three months. It will not allow me to cancel the account. How much of those 3 months will I actually be able to play with the quality I have been use to for a long time? Hmmm. Well enough said. Happy that some people are able to play, ticked that I am not one of them.
RE: Disconnect after Character select screen
# Dec 14 2001 at 4:16 AM Rating: Default
RE: Disconnect after Character select screen
# Dec 14 2001 at 1:28 AM Rating: Good
Ok, I'm in =) Sound card wasn't up to par, cause disconnect with sign in. Made a text file called nosound.txt in Eq dirrectory to dissable sound card. Also turned data rate to 8.0 in DataRate.txt (DSL connection). Better playing than I have ever had before, minus sound that is. Will just have to upgrade sound card soon. Good luck everyone.
RE: Disconnect after Character select screen
# Dec 13 2001 at 11:51 PM Rating: Default
I feel your pain, send EQ a nasty e-mail like i did. If I didn't just upgrade my comp and got Kunark and Velious a month ago I would quit , als I prepaid for a year. I'm F'N pissed myself bud!
RE: Disconnect after Character select screen
# Dec 13 2001 at 2:14 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, might be a DirrectX issue. When I test the 3d acceleration, DX 7 dll works good, DX 8 dll brings up the blue screan of death. Hmm, I had heard DX 8 was very unstable (they even make uninstallers for it) Wonder why Verant went with it?
Phukin patcher
# Dec 12 2001 at 6:58 PM Rating: Default
Never mind I figured it out and it worked...can't thank you enough I finally got at least to the play screen. I just hope nothing else goes wrong. Again many thanks Mondara Lvl 26 Erudin cleric on Mathaniel Marr.
phukin pathcher
# Dec 12 2001 at 5:23 PM Rating: Default
Wait wait how do I get in to the everquest directory?
phukin patcher
# Dec 12 2001 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
Hey thanks man...My acount is gone in about4 more days so I hope this works.
more problems
# Dec 12 2001 at 5:06 PM Rating: Default
the damn no 3d devices found message came up again. I upgraded to 320mb of ram and have repeatedly downloaded dx8.1 i downloaded the newest drivers for my computer. i installed dx8.1 like it said on the eq site and installed the drivers after. still can't even get to the liscense agreement. this is pure ********* and if one more person says oh haha i've been playing with no problems for a week and offers no help, i'm gonna beat the hell out of them if i can find them when i finally get on.
RE: more problems
# Dec 14 2001 at 4:17 AM Rating: Default
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 13 2001 at 2:20 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) shut up ******, i'm playing awsomely, and you will get nooooo help, mwahahahahaha
RE: more problems
# Dec 13 2001 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
yo what the **** is your problem? you have to be a little ***** talking **** as anonymous. if you're gonna try to talk **** you better give me your name and server so i can beat your *** when i get in.
RE: more problems
# Dec 13 2001 at 8:08 PM Rating: Default
RE: more problems
# Dec 13 2001 at 8:06 PM Rating: Default
SHUT UP ******!!
Continual Loop
# Dec 12 2001 at 11:16 AM Rating: Default
Everytime I log on to EQ I can get to the Liscence agreement. Then I get an options menu. I then proceed by clicking ok and come upon 3 different languages to choose from. Then I get a Luclin options screen, but after I click ok on that screen it sends me back to the first options screen. Anyone have any clue what might be wrong.
Thanks for your time.
RE: Continual Loop
# Dec 14 2001 at 6:01 PM Rating: Default
you are caught in a time-warp continuum. a temporal rift has opened up and shifted all time-space, matter--anti-matter into a flux tangent, the center of which seems to be your computer. you need to excavort all remaining energy fluxes into the dilithium manifold, and switch your binary module to anticubetal flux regeneration mode. this should reverse the anti-matter vacuum and fold the temporal rift and collapse the time-warp continuum, allowing you, once again, to play everquest. data
# Dec 12 2001 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
Does anyone know if I could stick in two 256mb ram cards in my p3 533MHz that has SDRAM to get 512? I've previously upped it to 256 from the original 64mb.
P'aps then I could use this SOL I've bought.
Or am I just S.O.L. ?
RE: memory
# Dec 12 2001 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
You should be able to, as long as you've got the open memory slots. I've got 2 128 chips and a 256 chip in mine.
RE: memory
# Dec 12 2001 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
You should be able to, as long as you've got the open memory slots. I've got 2 128 chips and a 256 chip in mine.
# Dec 12 2001 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Wed Dec 12 06:11:17 2001
# Dec 11 2001 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
finnaly lag free! all the people that had the lag problem it is now gone!
# Dec 11 2001 at 8:39 PM Rating: Default
I've finally got past the patch and now have come up against yet another problem. After pressing I agree on the agreement, passing the Sony Interactive and Verant screens, selecting primary drive, and choosing the language, a window pops up and says, "surface_blit: Blit failed code 800004005 x,y = (0,0) src (0,0,300,235)". If someone could please help me I'd be very grateful. Thanks for your time!

Vendui to my friends on Veeshan!

Neriek Fizzlestab
40th Season Necromancer
Delharen D'Oloth
Finally In
# Dec 11 2001 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
Just thought I would say this again in case anyone misses it further down.
Been trying to get in for seven days now. Found out my graphics card is no longer supported by Diamond or Dell, so I did some playing around of my own. For those of you that can get to the options screen this is what I did:

Human Male and Female New Models: ON
All Others: OFF
Horses and Elementals: ON
Sound: ON
Mip Mapping: OFF
Social Animations: OFF
Dynamic Lighting: ON
Texture Compression: ON
Resolution: 640x480
Texture Quality: Medium

After setting those I was able to get in. Now, I guess I just have to try different settings to see how much my system can handle.

Hope this helps some peolpe out.

Errol Thunderrider
31st Paladin of Marr
Sound drivers
# Dec 11 2001 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
I see a lot of people talking about downloading video drivers. Get those sound drivers too!!! And if that doesn't work, disable your sound card and try that. I, and a lot of other people, have been having trouble because of sound card/driver issues. What do you have to lose?
# Dec 11 2001 at 9:56 AM Rating: Default
I cant believe the levels of hostility in some of these posts. Are people really that irritated just because of a stupid GAME? You gotta be the most miserable people I have ever had the misfortune of listening too. Lighten up, these already enuff nastiness in the world.

BTW - Im in and have been playing trouble free since the day after SOL's release. I hope all of U get in sometime soon too, then maybe everyone will start to be little kinder to each other. Geeesh

RE: Hostility
# Dec 12 2001 at 3:34 AM Rating: Default
Ya gotta be kidding. First of all it prolly has little to do with the game itself; what about our expense with upgrades etc? ever think of that man? secondly, you have been having no problems (or so you allege) since luclin came out; so ya shouldnt even post here man, unless ya have something that can help people to get where you are so they can duels and kill you! Save the crap about miserable for those who wanna look at some smiling sniveling braggart. Glad ya got in so fast and have been having no problems; but also hope ya go ld while zoning and go ld evry time ya try to log that char back in (like me). I dont even have the dam expansion and i am having trouble worse than most. To put it bluntly : shut the FORK up mand and play; while ya can
RE: Hostility
# Dec 12 2001 at 11:39 AM Rating: Default
I'd offer to duel and utterly detroy you, but U cant even play the game (LOL) so why bother. I'll be laughing at you while I play EQ ALL night. Loser.
RE: Hostility
# Dec 13 2001 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
Your an F'n prick, F'off . We pay to play and all of the sudden EQ cuts us off because we have to now go buy a new video card? Your probably a 10 year old spoiled brat who has no idea what money is because rich Mommy and Daddy stuff it up your crack daily. Glad you can play, hope you get a virus and your spoon fed computer dies. Prick
RE: Hostility
# Dec 14 2001 at 11:14 AM Rating: Default
Man - I WISh I had money coming out of bodily orifices. SOrry to ruin your fantasy, but that unfortunatly isnt the case. As a matter of fact, Im still paying off this machine, but its worth it to play EQ all night and every night! Even though your obviously bitter about the fact that you cant play and many of us can, I hope that U get your problems fixed soon so U can finally get back to Norrath. See, even a "prick" can be gracious if the mood catches him right.
RE: Hostility
# Dec 14 2001 at 5:47 PM Rating: Default
you play all night and every night cuz YOU HAVE NO GIRLFRIEND!!!!! or even friends for that matter. try reading, studying, riding a bike, going to the mall, going to the movies, making friends, dating, talking with others, talking on the phone, sounding intellegent, etc, etc, etc. you get the idea (i hope)
RE: Hostility
# Dec 17 2001 at 10:22 AM Rating: Default
LOL - man U really have no idea about anything do you? Do U realize how incredibly stupid U sound? I hope U never get EQ to work cause little annoying twerps like U tend to ruin the game for mature people there to enjoy themselves. U little piece of sh*t.
RE: Hostility
# Dec 14 2001 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
LOL - I sure had fun playing EQ last night. What about you? Oh, yea - U cant get it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
RE: Hostility
# Dec 12 2001 at 11:34 AM Rating: Default
Your an A$$HOLe - man
DAoC Morons
# Dec 11 2001 at 2:07 AM Rating: Default
Ummm for the lot of you dumb@#%^s saying "Oh, since my comp wont run EQ now theres always Dark age of camelot etc etc" STFU you jerkoffs, have you LOOKED at the system reqs for DAoC? They are GREATER reqs than for EQ lol...what a buncha dip@#%^s...

What are the system specifications for Camelot?

The minimum system specs you'll need to play Camelot are:

If you have a Pentium II:

PII 450
256mb RAM
600mb free hard drive space
32mb 3D accelerated video card

If you have a Pentium III/IV:

PIII 450
128mb RAM
600mb free hard drive space
16mb 3D accelerated video card

(Please note that Voodoo 1/2/3/5 cards are not supported in Camelot, although Voodoo 3's and 5's may work).

The recommended system is:

PIII 1ghz
256mb RAM or higher
32mb 3D accelerated video

they are *similar* in reqs but daoc expects a bit more, and my current system is a PII 450, 128mb ram, 16mb nvidia tnt1 and i had no problems logging into EQ (with no new models, dynamic lighting off, texture compression ON, social animation off etc etc) and no problem playing with clip plane down low, zone times are horrendous though. to the people having problems, goodluck, give it time it'll all get the ppl who have money like me, my new system is on the way hahaha

p4 2.0 ghz, 1gb pc800 RDRAM, 64 mb DDR geforce 3, 120 GB hard drive ahhh the life later peeps :P
RE: DAoC Morons
# Dec 18 2001 at 8:21 AM Rating: Default

I have top of the line equipment and could play just about anything they could possibly come out with, The only problem is what setting and equipment to use for what. I dont hold anything against the low quality system users, they have the right to be pissed off. Everytime that they get a game running microsoft and the different gaming sites just add something new for them to purchase "eq=sony included". Sony damn well knew that when they installed luclin there was bugs but did it anyways. Microsoft and there No OPEN GL on XP did also. Why did microsoft do it to make more money when they release the SE of it. Looks like Sony been watching microsoft and only out for the bucks. Decided never to buy another sony or microsoft item ever. I am happy going back to my outdated nintendo and playstation and atari,commodore, sega etc. games alot more fun with alot less hassels and no moron putting other peeps down because they can afford to sit home on there *** and upgrade of daddys money.
RE: DAoC Morons
# Dec 11 2001 at 10:29 AM Rating: Default
Here's hoping your new computer gets lost in the mail. and dont even think Im jealous cause my system is just as fast as that.
RE: DAoC Morons
# Dec 11 2001 at 10:27 AM Rating: Default
Geeez mister money man - U sure are impressive. Jerkweed.
RE: DAoC Morons
# Dec 11 2001 at 8:07 AM Rating: Default
ummmmm, you're the only dumbass gay **** ****** double posting brain dead idiot i see. sorry
RE: DAoC Morons
# Dec 13 2001 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
Your getting a Dell!!!
RE: DAoC Morons
# Dec 14 2001 at 11:21 AM Rating: Default
ARRGH - I HATE that commercial. Everytime I see it I wanna kick that kid in the face as hard as I can! Makes me glare at my dell angrily.
RE: DAoC Morons
# Dec 14 2001 at 11:20 AM Rating: Default
ARRGH - I HATE that commercial. Everytime I see it I wanna kick that kid in the face as hard as I can! Makes me glare at my dell angrily.
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 11 2001 at 1:54 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ummm for the lot of you ********* saying "Oh, since my comp wont run EQ now theres always Dark age of camelot etc etc" STFU you jerkoffs, have you LOOKED at the system reqs for DAoC? They are GREATER reqs than for EQ lol...what a buncha ***********
# Dec 10 2001 at 8:27 PM Rating: Default
Everyone as Pissed at SONY as I am, please go sign my petition at:
RE: Pissed
# Dec 11 2001 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
Somebody get this guy a pacifier.
Phukin patcher!
# Dec 10 2001 at 8:02 PM Rating: Default
Okay is anyone having the same problem I am having? I was able to play EQ one time since the auto upgrade thingy thing happend...I had to try anout twenty-two time to get on and now it does not work at all. This is what happens...I click on the EQ shortcut on my desktop, then it has a little box that says connecting then it says patching everquest.exe...or something like that. So I wait for it to finish patching and when it does nothing happens, the little box goes away and I am back at my desktop. I have the Direct X 8.1 and 128mb of ram. Anyone know what to do?
RE: Phukin patcher!
# Dec 12 2001 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
had same problem; try this it works: when that little box comes up after clicking the eq icon make note of the file being patched. then go inside eq directory and look for that file (will be .exe file and have same icon as all others in the directory so make sure ya pick right one). For me it became: _verquest.exe ; i guess the patcher makes a new file or some such computer geek crap. Anyway rt clck, drag and make shortcut on desktop or in taskbar; wherever your icon to run eq is. This is what i did and i have not had THAT problem since. Too many others to list here tho :( I hope this helps and wish ya ... and if ya happen to be on veeshan server ... look me up anytime ...

Bimlobicky Villainslayer
Human Warrior of the 39th Linkdeath
(trapped between nro and iceclad ocean)
Sarthiku Buffmeister
Iksar Shaman of the 23rd Booting
(trapped between LOIO and FM)

Safe hunt
ps:(to all those braggers who have had no problems ... pssst who the hell cares? Ya have any solutions? No? then go away ... heheh)
Fer God's sakes!
# Dec 10 2001 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
Well, before anyone starts taking offense...and writing some cruel responses....lemme say this: I just got off a 72 hour shift. Yes kitties and lizards, that would be 3 days. I get home, drop alice in chains in the stereo, pour my vodka and squirt, and start <Scroll> Everquest.....Of course my firewall acts up *Sigh*....too lazy, so unplug the cable *eeek* And double click me dial up :) Download a few patches, burn one, and start my buzz....25 minutes later, "Please try again"....Oh boy, won't it be nice when they are done with their problems?

By the way, was there a point to this post? Probably not, but hey, it killed a few minutes (Judging on the length of my ciggerete =p )

Grab the lucre and patch, patch, patch
# Dec 10 2001 at 5:17 AM Rating: Default
Must every damn one of this eternal blunder fixes start at 7pm my time? While the cosseted West Coast US cronies of the Verant wannabe programmers get to play every evening and sleep happily each night while a shiny new patch downloads, I spend every evening here in Asia trying to remember what my characters names are.

I say it's San Francisco's turn to grind their teeth for a night.

The irony is we've been here before. In another premature panic to get an undercooked expansion out in time for the Christmas payload, we had the same bloody mess last year. My poor then level 13.9 druid had to wait a week before he could get back and get SoW.

Finally, I send commiserations to the truly hard done-by in this whole sorry mess - those running Win 95. When it came to a choice between loyalty and lucre ... well, has Verant ever heard of loyalty?

Safe hunting.

Bollyx Stumblebee
Level 41 last week, level 41 this week, level 41 ...

RE: Grab the lucre and patch, patch, patch
# Dec 11 2001 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
I can understand the fustration. I run EQ on a windows 98 machine, and a windows ME machine.
I do not have SoL (yet).
However I prepared for it by adding a GForce 2 card and 256M of memory to one machine, and 256M to the other (that already had a Gforce 2 card).
I downloaded directX 8.1 on both machines. I updated the driver for Gforce 2 on both machines to the 2311 version. I even updated the drivers for the motherboard on one of the machines because I heard there may have been problems with that motherboard.
One machine is 1.2Ghz the other 800Mhz. So hardware wise and software wise I should be in perfect position right?
There have been few occasions that I have been able to attempt to log in because current patching policy means patching occurs at the few times I can actually play due to the time zone I live in.

When I have managed to find a time which was not a patch time (only on 3 occasions since 3 Dec btw) the history of the 98 box was:
1. Patcher would not work.
2. Then I was actually able to log in but the program was very laggy, but just useable.
3. Now after recent patch: no sound, floating mobs, crashes while in combat, the blue box problem seems to have just started for me, and no animations on mobs or pets to name but a few.

The other PC is worse off:
1. Immediately after the big 36 hour patch I could actually get on. No animations for pets but It was pretty much usuable.
2. Since the first patch after that however, I go LD immediately upon entering world.
3. And still LD on entering world.

To be honest I dont know if I should waste anymore money by buying the expansion when it eventually gets here. I have had next to no play time since 3 Dec. For me the situation is deteriorating with every patch. I have tried every fix I can find in all the forums. I have spent lots of cash on Hardware and days of downloading software to get this game to work and I dont even have the expansion!

I was torn between crying and hysterical laughter when I read the last patch message about haveing resolved most of the technical issues and concentrating on asthetic issues.
This is really unacceptable.

All the changes should be backed out until they can elimnate at least 95% of the current problems.

I am a systems programmer. I have NEVER worked at a site which allowed code which prevented some users from using the system to stay in production for more than 2 hours without backing out the changes. Generally if users still can't get on after 6 hours we would be thinking of going to disaster recovery procedures. If you still can't supply the service after 2 days you can be sure a VERY large number of heads will roll.

Its been a week for me now, so I am somewhat fustrated.

I dont want to leave EQ but I am beginning to wonder if I even have a choice about staying, this is just stressing me out too much.

Sorry for the rant but what else is there left for me to do?
RE: Grab the lucre and patch, patch, patch
# Dec 12 2001 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
I feel you . Same here about the cards, memory,cable ISP (vs dialup and wait 40 forevers)drivers etc...
sure would like to get into the game!
Naked people with new graphics
# Dec 09 2001 at 6:06 PM Rating: Default
i have 512 ram and i tried out the new graphics, and everyone is hald naked if not fully naked, anyone know how to solve this? And please don't post saying that it's a good thing i've heard it before, it isn't tofunny, and seeing your characters naked gets annoying.
RE: Naked people with new graphics
# Dec 09 2001 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
This problem stems from having your textures reduced too far. Try extending them a little more. The full article on this can be found on
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